Animated Parallax
Version: 2.1
Author: modern algebra
Date: September 9, 2011
Version History
- <Version 2.1> 2011.09.09 - Fixed an oversight where parallax bitmaps were disposed all the time and added an option to preload all the parallax panels, as well as an option to individually set for how long each panel is shown before switching to the next
- <Version 2.0> 2011.09.06 - Rewrote the script so that it wasn't as embarrassingly terrible. Also no longer incompatible with Woratana's "File Missing Error" Preventer
- <Version 1.0> 2008.09.27 - Original Release
This script allows you to set an animated parallax background by having multiple frames and switching between them at a user-defined speed. By default this script only supports .png, .jpg, and .bmp file formats for the animated parallax panels (as they are the only ones I know RMVX supports).
- Allows you to animate your parallax background
- Unlimited number of frames
- Set the speed of animation for each individual map
See inside the header of the script.
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# Animated Parallax
# Version 2.1
# Author: modern algebra (
# Date: September 9, 2011
# Description:
# This script allows you to set an animated parallax background by having
# multiple frames and switching between them at a user-defined speed. By
# default, this script only supports .png, .jpg, and .bmp file formats for
# the animated parallax panels (as they are the only ones I know RMVX
# supports).
# Instructions:
# The script operates by having multiple parallax backgrounds and switching
# between them at a speed set by you, unique for each map
# Thus, if you want to use an animated parallax, you need to do a few things:
# (a) Make or find the parallax backgrounds you want to use and import
# them into your game. Then, label them all the same with the one
# distinction that at the end of each should have a _1, _2, etc...
# Example Naming:
# BlueSky_1, BlueSky_2, BlueSky_3, etc...
# (b) Set the parallax background to any given map that you want the
# animated parallaxes for. Be sure to set it to the first one you want
# in succession, so BlueSky_1, not BlueSky_2 or _3. If you do set it to
# BlueSky_2, then it will only animate between images _2 and _3.
# (c) Scroll down to the EDITABLE REGION at line 48 and follow the
# instructions for setting the animation speed
$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported["MAAnimatedParallax"] = true
$imported["MAAnimatedParallax2.1"] = true
# ** Game_Map
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - update_parallax; setup_parallax
# new method - maap_check_extensions; setup_parallax_frames
class Game_Map
# MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES - this constant allows you to set the
# speed at which the parallax switches to the next graphic in the animation
# series by individual maps. So if you want it to be every 20 frames in one
# map but every 35 in another map, this is where you do it. All you need to
# do is type in the following code:
# map_id => frames,
# where map_id is the ID of the Map you want to set it for and frames is
# either (a) an integer for how many frames you want to show each panel
# before switching to the next; or (b) an array of integers where each entry
# of the array is the number of frames to keep the corresponding frame up
# before switching to the next. This allows you to vary the time each of the
# frames is left on before switching. There are 60 frames in a second.
# 1 => 35, Map 1 will cycle through parallax panels every 35 frames
# 2 => 40, Map 2 will cycle through parallax panels every 40 frames
# 8 => [20, 5, 15], Map 8 will keep the first panel of the animated
# parralax on for 20 frames before switching to the second
# panel which will be on for 5 frames before switching to
# the third panel which is on 15 frames before switching
# back to the first panel.
# Note that the comma is necessary! For any maps where you use animated
# parallaxes but do not include the map ID in this hash, then it will default
# to the value at line 83.
2 => 40,
8 => 20,
} # <- Don't touch
# Changing the below value allows you to change the default speed of frame
# animation. Ie. the speed of frame animation in a map in which you have not
# directly set the speed via the above hash configuration.
# Depending on the size of the parallaxes and how many panels you use in a
# map, there can be some lag when you load new panels. The following option
# allows you to decide whether all the parallax frames are loaded at once
# when the map is first entered or individually the first time each panel
# shows up. Generally, if your panels are very large (1MB+) then you should
# set it to true; if smaller files, then you should set it to false.
MAAP_SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = ["png", "jpg", "bmp"]
# * Setup Parallax
alias ma_ap_stuppara_5tc1 setup_parallax
def setup_parallax (*args, &block)
ma_ap_stuppara_5tc1 (*args, &block) # Run Original Method
# * Update Parallax
alias mlg_ap_updparal_4fg2 update_parallax
def update_parallax (*args, &block)
mlg_ap_updparal_4fg2 (*args, &block) # Run Original Method
# Use the timer if the parallax has more than one frame
if @maap_parallax_frames && @maap_parallax_frames.size > 1
@maap_parallax_frame_timer += 1
if @maap_parallax_frame_timer % @maap_parallax_frame_limit == 0
@maap_parallax_index = (@maap_parallax_index + 1) % @maap_parallax_frames.size
@parallax_name = @maap_parallax_frames[@maap_parallax_index]
if MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id].is_a? (Array) && MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id].size > @maap_parallax_index
@maap_parallax_frame_limit = MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id][@maap_parallax_index]
# * Setup Parallax Frames
def setup_parallax_frames
# Dispose the cached bitmaps from the previous map
last_map_bmps = @maap_parallax_frames.nil? ? [] : @maap_parallax_frames
@maap_parallax_index = 0
@maap_parallax_frames = [@parallax_name]
@maap_parallax_frame_timer = 0
@maap_parallax_frame_limit = MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id][0]
@maap_parallax_frame_limit = MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id]
if @parallax_name[/_(\d+)$/] != nil
frame_id = $1.to_i + 1
base_name = @parallax_name.sub (/_\d+$/) { "" }
while maap_check_extensions ("Graphics/Parallaxes/#{base_name}_#{frame_id}")
@maap_parallax_frames.push ("#{base_name}_#{frame_id}")
frame_id += 1
(last_map_bmps - @maap_parallax_frames).each { |bmp| (Cache.parallax (bmp)).dispose }
# Preload all the parallax bitmaps so no lag is experienced on first load
(@maap_parallax_frames - last_map_bmps).each { |bmp| Cache.parallax (bmp) }
# * Check Extensions
def maap_check_extensions (filepath)
return true if FileTest.exist? ("#{filepath}.#{ext}") }
return false
# ** Spriteset Map
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - update_parallax
class Spriteset_Map
# * Update Parallax
alias malg_animparlx_upd_4rg1 update_parallax
def update_parallax (*args, &block)
# Don't ever dispose the cached parallax pictures.
@parallax.bitmap = nil if @parallax_name != $game_map.parallax_name
malg_animparlx_upd_4rg1 (*args, &block) # Run Original Method
Please post in this topic at for the swiftest support.
Known Compatibility Issues
This script will likely have problems with other scripts which allow a user to change the parallax of a particular map in-game. If you find such a script then post in this topic and I will create a patch for it quite easily.