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Animated Parallax

Started by modern algebra, September 27, 2008, 04:16:49 PM

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modern algebra

Animated Parallax
Version: 2.1
Author: modern algebra
Date: September 9, 2011

Version History

  • <Version 2.1> 2011.09.09 - Fixed an oversight where parallax bitmaps were disposed all the time and added an option to preload all the parallax panels, as well as an option to individually set for how long each panel is shown before switching to the next
  • <Version 2.0> 2011.09.06 - Rewrote the script so that it wasn't as embarrassingly terrible. Also no longer incompatible with Woratana's "File Missing Error" Preventer
  • <Version 1.0> 2008.09.27 - Original Release


This script allows you to set an animated parallax background by having multiple frames and switching between them at a user-defined speed. By default this script only supports .png, .jpg, and .bmp file formats for the animated parallax panels (as they are the only ones I know RMVX supports).


  • Allows you to animate your parallax background
  • Unlimited number of frames
  • Set the speed of animation for each individual map


See inside the header of the script.


If you are having trouble copying from SMF codeboxes, either switch to a different browser or else you can retrieve the script from Pastebin.

#    Animated Parallax
#    Version 2.1
#    Author: modern algebra (
#    Date: September 9, 2011
#  Description:
#    This script allows you to set an animated parallax background by having
#   multiple frames and switching between them at a user-defined speed. By
#   default, this script only supports .png, .jpg, and .bmp file formats for
#   the animated parallax panels (as they are the only ones I know RMVX
#   supports).
#  Instructions:
#    The script operates by having multiple parallax backgrounds and switching
#   between them at a speed set by you, unique for each map
#    Thus, if you want to use an animated parallax, you need to do a few things:
#      (a) Make or find the parallax backgrounds you want to use and import
#        them into your game. Then, label them all the same with the one
#        distinction that at the end of each should have a _1, _2, etc...
#          Example Naming:
#            BlueSky_1, BlueSky_2, BlueSky_3, etc...
#      (b) Set the parallax background to any given map that you want the
#        animated parallaxes for. Be sure to set it to the first one you want
#        in succession, so BlueSky_1, not BlueSky_2 or _3. If you do set it to
#        BlueSky_2, then it will only animate between images _2 and _3.
#      (c) Scroll down to the EDITABLE REGION at line 48 and follow the
#        instructions for setting the animation speed

$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported["MAAnimatedParallax"] = true
$imported["MAAnimatedParallax2.1"] = true

# ** Game_Map
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased methods - update_parallax; setup_parallax
#    new method - maap_check_extensions; setup_parallax_frames

class Game_Map
  #  MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES - this constant allows you to set the
  # speed at which the parallax switches to the next graphic in the animation
  # series by individual maps. So if you want it to be every 20 frames in one
  # map but every 35 in another map, this is where you do it. All you need to
  # do is type in the following code:
  #      map_id => frames,
  # where map_id is the ID of the Map you want to set it for and frames is
  # either (a) an integer for how many frames you want to show each panel
  # before switching to the next; or (b) an array of integers where each entry
  # of the array is the number of frames to keep the corresponding frame up
  # before switching to the next. This allows you to vary the time each of the
  # frames is left on before switching. There are 60 frames in a second.
  #    EXAMPLES:
  #      1 => 35,    Map 1 will cycle through parallax panels every 35 frames
  #      2 => 40,    Map 2 will cycle through parallax panels every 40 frames
  #      8 => [20, 5, 15],    Map 8 will keep the first panel of the animated
  #                  parralax on for 20 frames before switching to the second
  #                  panel which will be on for 5 frames before switching to
  #                  the third panel which is on 15 frames before switching
  #                  back to the first panel.
  #  Note that the comma is necessary! For any maps where you use animated
  # parallaxes but do not include the map ID in this hash, then it will default
  # to the value at line 83.
    2 => 40,
    8 => 20,
  } # <- Don't touch
  #  Changing the below value allows you to change the default speed of frame
  # animation. Ie. the speed of frame animation in a map in which you have not
  # directly set the speed via the above hash configuration.
  #  Depending on the size of the parallaxes and how many panels you use in a
  # map, there can be some lag when you load new panels. The following option
  # allows you to decide whether all the parallax frames are loaded at once
  # when the map is first entered or individually the first time each panel
  # shows up. Generally, if your panels are very large (1MB+) then you should
  # set it to true; if smaller files, then you should set it to false.
  MAAP_SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = ["png", "jpg", "bmp"]
  # * Setup Parallax
  alias ma_ap_stuppara_5tc1 setup_parallax
  def setup_parallax (*args, &block)
    ma_ap_stuppara_5tc1 (*args, &block) # Run Original Method
  # * Update Parallax
  alias mlg_ap_updparal_4fg2 update_parallax
  def update_parallax (*args, &block)
    mlg_ap_updparal_4fg2 (*args, &block) # Run Original Method
    # Use the timer if the parallax has more than one frame
    if @maap_parallax_frames && @maap_parallax_frames.size > 1
      @maap_parallax_frame_timer += 1
      if @maap_parallax_frame_timer % @maap_parallax_frame_limit == 0
        @maap_parallax_index = (@maap_parallax_index + 1) % @maap_parallax_frames.size
        @parallax_name = @maap_parallax_frames[@maap_parallax_index]
        if MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id].is_a? (Array) && MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id].size > @maap_parallax_index
          @maap_parallax_frame_limit = MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id][@maap_parallax_index]
  # * Setup Parallax Frames
  def setup_parallax_frames
    # Dispose the cached bitmaps from the previous map
    last_map_bmps = @maap_parallax_frames.nil? ? [] : @maap_parallax_frames
    @maap_parallax_index = 0
    @maap_parallax_frames = [@parallax_name]
    @maap_parallax_frame_timer = 0
    if MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id].is_a? (Array) && MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id].size > 0
      @maap_parallax_frame_limit = MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id][0]
      @maap_parallax_frame_limit = MAAP_PARALLAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES[@map_id]
    if @parallax_name[/_(\d+)$/] != nil
      frame_id = $1.to_i + 1
      base_name = @parallax_name.sub (/_\d+$/) { "" }
      while maap_check_extensions ("Graphics/Parallaxes/#{base_name}_#{frame_id}")
        @maap_parallax_frames.push ("#{base_name}_#{frame_id}")
        frame_id += 1
    (last_map_bmps - @maap_parallax_frames).each { |bmp| (Cache.parallax (bmp)).dispose }
    # Preload all the parallax bitmaps so no lag is experienced on first load
      (@maap_parallax_frames - last_map_bmps).each { |bmp| Cache.parallax (bmp) }
  # * Check Extensions
  def maap_check_extensions (filepath)
      return true if FileTest.exist? ("#{filepath}.#{ext}") }
    return false

# ** Spriteset Map
#  Summary of Changes:
#    aliased method - update_parallax

class Spriteset_Map
  # * Update Parallax
  alias malg_animparlx_upd_4rg1 update_parallax
  def update_parallax (*args, &block)
    # Don't ever dispose the cached parallax pictures.
    @parallax.bitmap = nil if @parallax_name != $game_map.parallax_name 
    malg_animparlx_upd_4rg1 (*args, &block) # Run Original Method


  • modern algebra


Please post in this topic at for the swiftest support.

Known Compatibility Issues

This script will likely have problems with other scripts which allow a user to change the parallax of a particular map in-game. If you find such a script then post in this topic and I will create a patch for it quite easily.


when I opened the menu and went back to the map, an error appeared at line 126

modern algebra

Thanks for the headsup. it's fixed now.



Whoa, this script would have a powerful graphical capability in-game. ;8

I've been looking for something quite like it for some time.
Thanks modern!

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Okay, here's a question : Would it be possible to have two "layers" of parallaxes active at the same time?
I'm trying to duplicate a starfield/space effect like in Star Control.

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Thank you very much, MA. I'm trying out Parallax mapping for the first time, so this will more then likely come in handy. :)
"If you see it, it is not truly there. If you dream it, it will never appear when you waken. If you love it, it will never leave you. Love him... Though he is not real and though you may never see him when you awaken tomorrow." ~ Sorceress of Gaida, Quote from: Eriscadia - The Fall of Nations


Just wanted to post to let you know that because of the way this script works, when used with Wora's "'FILE MISSING ERROR' PREVENTER" it produces an infinite "Missing File: Graphics/Parallax/Name_n" error, where "n" is infinity.

A simple fix I imagine would be having a way to specify the number of frames so that it will only go up to that file name instead of checking the number at the end of the file name and going up infinitely. I'm far too inexperienced to be able to script this myself though.

for reference, here is Wora's script
# * Game won't quit because file missing error anymore~ *
# ? by Woratana []
# ? Thaiware RPG Maker Community
# ? Released on: 05/10/2008
# ? Version: 1.0
# * Put this script over everything in your game!
# (Default scripts in Script Editor are not an exception!)

module Wora_FMEP
  Print_Missing_File = true
  # Print Missing File when error occured
  Record_Missing_File = true
  # Record missing file to missing file log?
  Missing_Log_File_Name = 'missing_log.txt'
  # Name of file to store missing file names list
  Use_Audio_Replacement = false
  # Use replacement audio file for missing audio?
  Audio_Replacement_File = 'Audio/SE/015-Jump01'
  # Audio file that will play for missing audio
  Use_Bitmap_Replacement = false
  # Use replacement image file for missing image?
  Bitmap_Replacement_File = 'Graphics/Fogs/001-Fog01'
  # Image file that will use for missing image
  def self.print(type, name)
    if Print_Missing_File
      p 'Missed File: ' + name.to_s
    if Record_Missing_File
      file =, "a+")
      type = type == 0 ? 'Bitmap' : 'Audio'
      text = '*' + type.to_s + '* :' + name.to_s + "\n"
      file.write(text) unless file.readlines.include?(text)

class << Audio
  AUDME = [:bgm_play, :bgs_play, :me_play, :se_play]
  AUDME.each do |method|
    new_method = 'wora_fmep_aud_' + method.to_s
    alias_method(new_method, method) unless $@
new_def = <<_ALIAS_
def #{method}(*args)
    Wora_FMEP.print(1, args[0])
    #{new_method}(Wora_FMEP::Audio_Replacement_File, args[1], args[2]) if

class Bitmap
  unless $@
    alias wora_fmep_bmp_ini initialize
    def initialize(*args)
        Wora_FMEP.print(0, args[0])
        if Wora_FMEP::Use_Bitmap_Replacement
          wora_fmep_bmp_ini(32, 32)

modern algebra

Well, my script technically doesn't check up to infinity; it was designed to stop the first time creating the bitmap didn't work (which, by default, would be when the picture doesn't exist) but Wora's script effectively makes it so that creating the bitmap always works. Anyway, it wasn't a good design choice on my part; the whole script is pretty sloppy.

Anyway, here is a really ugly fix. Just paste it below both scripts:

class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :wora_fmep_switch

class Bitmap
  def initialize(*args)
    if $game_temp && $game_temp.wora_fmep_switch
        Wora_FMEP.print(0, args[0])
        if Wora_FMEP::Use_Bitmap_Replacement
          wora_fmep_bmp_ini(32, 32)

class Spriteset_Map
  alias maap_worafmep_comp_uparlx_6yh2 update_parallax
  def update_parallax (*args)
    $game_temp.wora_fmep_switch = true
    maap_worafmep_comp_uparlx_6yh2 (*args)
    $game_temp.wora_fmep_switch = false

If I had any time at all I would make a fix that isn't so sloppy.


No worries. Glad that got sorted out. Would you mind explaining how that particular fix works? It's hard to understand purely just by reading the script, unlike the other scripts I've worked with. I would really like to be able to understand it better.

modern algebra

Well, basically, it creates an instance variable in Game_Temp and redefines the initialize method of Bitmap from Wora's script so that if the value of that variable is true (really, nonnil and not false), then it will just run the method as if wora's script wasn't interfering. Then I aliased the update_parallax method from the Animated Parallax script (which was the one causing the error) and turned that boolean to true, effectively telling Wora's script to not operate for any missing graphic errors that occur within that method. It then turns the boolean to false so that Wora's script will operate everywhere else.

But it's a lazy fix for my sloppy script. It should have just been a file check from the beginning and then no errors would have occurred. I can't imagine it would be a useful script to learn from since it's pretty terrible. If I had the time, I'd rewrite the whole script.


Rewrote the script into v. 2.0


Just tried the new version. It seems to cause lag when it cycles. I thought it might have been an argument with another script I was running, but when I put it in a new project, the same lag was happening. This only occurred with large parallaxes. I reduced the size of the parallax and it seemed to help. I didn't experience this when using the 1.0 script. I plan on using large parallaxes and I do not wish to sacrifice the quality of the images.

EDIT: I was comparing the two scripts to see if I can come up with a fix for myself. I noticed that you don't have a dispose method in your 2.0 script. Could this be what is causing the problem? I'm experimenting for myself, and I'll post if I find any results.

EDIT2: I basically copied the dispose method from the original version of the script, but that didn't seem to help. I know it's a problem with the draw method. I experimented with the number of times the parallax is switch on the map, and the more often it switches, the more lag is caused. In the frames between parallax switches, I can move, but while it is switching, I'm completely frozen. This even effects the map fading in when first entering it.

modern algebra

Well, no. I suppose it would cause more lag as, in the original version, the planes were all created at once and all that happened was it would make one visible and the rest invisible, then switch frames like that. This way relies on the original update_parallax method for better compatibility, which disposes each parallax bitmap when it is switched and creates a new one. The latter way is definitely more time-consuming but I didn't think the difference would be large, but I suppose it must be if the lag is that bad. I will fix it tonight, but if I do so it will likely make the script less compatible with other parallax-related scripts (though it would still be compatible with Wora's script).

Less clear is why the default script disposes the bitmap anyway; it kind of defeats the purpose of the Cache. I suppose they just figure it is not that helpful to cache it since it is a large file and, as far as they were concerned, it would only ever be created a maximum of once every map. You could try going into Spriteset_Map at line 198 and replacing:

      if @parallax.bitmap != nil
        @parallax.bitmap = nil


      @parallax.bitmap = nil

See if that fixes the lag issue.


That seemed to help a bit. I noticed it caused a bit of lag when first loading the different parallaxes, but after that it didn't lag at all. It might be troublesome on a map that uses a lot of frames though.

Also, I'd like to suggest a feature: the ability to add a delay for specified frames when animating the parallax. For example, have frame_1 play for 20 frames, frame_2 play for 300 frames, and then the rest play for 20 frames. It would be much more efficient resource-wise than copying frame_2 a dozen times to get it to delay

Infinate X

This script is awesome so I added it to my favourites list just in case I need any paralaxes in my game ^_^

modern algebra

How big are the parallax files you're loading Jon? Are they bmps or something?


They're all high quality jpgs. My test-map dimensions are 50x70 squares, and the parallax is over 3mb each frame

modern algebra

3mb eh? That must be why you're experiencing lag the first time each frame is loaded. On the other hand, it explains why the default scripts are designed to dispose parallax bitmaps (I am dumb). There's not really a lot I can do about that, unfortunately. The only thing I can change is whether they are loaded all at once when the map first loads or whether it is done individually the first time they are loaded (how it currently is).

Anyway, I'll go ahead and update this script to v. 2.1. This change incorporates the fix to not dispose the bitmap every time as well as adds: (a) an option to specify the number of frames to keep each panel of the animation up (by using an array for that map instead of an integer); and (b) an option to preload all the panels of the parallax when you first enter the map. That will make it so that the only lag will be experienced once when the map is first loaded. If you only have smaller parallax files, the option should be turned off since it makes it take longer to load the map and it won't cause noticable lag if they are only loaded once when they first appear.


Just tested it out. The small lag when loading is not a problem, a small thing that can be easily overlooked. The script works great. I have yet to try the delaying frames thing, but I don't doubt that it works. Great work as always MA

modern algebra

Thanks for your patience with me; your contributions have definitely improved the script :)


I'm getting a syntax error on line 100 (unexpected tSTAR) and have absolutely no idea what any of those words mean.  I didn't change anything, even within the edtable region (as I wanted to see what the animation speed would look like first before reducing/increasing it) but can't even load up to the title screen.  Was there something essential I was supposed to change but didn't?


modern algebra

This is an RMVX script. My guess is that you tried to put it in an RMVXA project.

Use the VXA version of the script instead:,44635.0.html


Ah, dunno how I managed to switch boards into VX.  Cheers :)


Very nice script, ModernAlgebra, you are a genius.
I have a request for you. Can you make the sequence of images begins with a call script and stop with another call script? Is that possible? If that were possible, would be more than great.


Can't just said "yes" or "no, I would not, I can not do now"
thanks :)