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The UT3 Review/Rant

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I love Firerain
Level 97

I hope you know what it stands for because it belongs to the best FPS franchise (Unreal Pwns Quake in my opinion). Unreal Tournament 3 is one of the most hyped games of the year/last year and here's my review. First of all, if you're wondering why its UT3 not UT4 then it's because Epic made Ut99 the first, 2003-2004 into one and UT3 the third. Can't count, you see :V

Anyways, I was walking around and stopped by a my friends and saw he was playing this on his Xbox360.
Note: I don't have the game.
Note2: This is a true story.

Anyways, this was the first time I saw the game for real because I don't have it/Don't have the demo/have only seen trailers etc.
So I was all excited and all. Lets start:

Now, to start with the basics, by which I mean the menus and other stuff. You have Instant Action, Singleplayer, Multiplayer etc etc. One thing is that the menu's sometimes are way to complex. I mean, you click this then that then you gotta click this then about 2-3 more things and you get what you want. Now i don't know if this is only in Xbox and people complain about this but I think it's awesome. Instead of finding for stuff here and there, you can easily browse it through the many options.

Now the singleplayer offers a story in which you're this huge guy with a scar, never seen before in the games (Could have used Malcolm...). Anyways, the story is silly and all (as I hear from my friend) and I think it's just a way to get you in the basics cuz if you continue playing instant action, you get bored. You want to know how the story unfolds so you keep continuing. Anyways, people who compain about the story are lame cuz UT isn't about stories.

I was sad cuz when I tried instant action (which i found hard cause I rarely play on an Xbox...second time i played on one, I think) I realised three things : NO Bombing Run, NO Domination, NO Assault. Now, no assault is ok and all and some people may not like Double Domination (i think it's cool) but the absence of Bombing Run is lame. Luckily they have made a Bombing run Mod and are working on a DD one..,
Onslaught (the vehicle one) is replaced with warfare which is just the same only bigger and better with more vehicles.

Capture the flag, sadly has very few maps. So you gotta download some if you can. Luckily they released faceclassic (as FacingWorlds) in the bonus pack (looked it up on the net) but still including the bonus maps there are 8.
Not 18.

Vehicle CTF is awesome. You get this hoverboard (it's good but overly-hyped cuz you get hit once - you fall. If you fall then you take about 2 secs to get up during which your atoms are scattered all on the floor).

Speaking of vehicles, they're awesome. They have this alien tripod thingy and new stuff (they also have the old classic scorpions-which i think are suicide machines- but with changes. For example, instead of shooting green lines, the scorpion now shoots blue balls!) Anyways, the new vehicles are awesome.


My friend showed me all the weapons and all and I was disappointed. First of all, the classic Rocket Launcher (white and red) is replaced with just red. But thats ok, the bad thing is that you have 11 weapons and only 1 superweapon- redemeer (which looks really weird, it's double handed, looks like a machine). No ion painter (useless, but should've been there)

Anyways, the shield gun is the ol' impact hammer and the assault rifle is the enforcer (which looks cool). The rest are almost same (Except that the minigun shoots blue stuff called 'stingers) and the weapons look like they can do damage.

Graphics and Sound:

Graphics are top class. Sometimes, even though there are very few maps, you die cuz you keep starting and thinking, "How beautiful <3"
The graphics are awesome and I checked many system req. and realised you don't need a top-class PC to play this. So thats awesome.

Crysis makes me cry.

Sound is awesome, but 2004's music was better.


Ut2004 rules. It set such a high standard and there are so many multiplayer guys (I play face classic without redemeer lol demo server. Oh yeah, UT2004 doesn't lag, though ping sucks). UT3 has a lesser amount of players cuz people are like "This can't be better" or  "It's just a prettier ut2k4" but meh...
Anyways, i think they released this game to soon. They should've taken a year or two, added more maps, more weapons, more gametypes etc.

Anyways, 7-8/10~

Arlen is hot.

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
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Your review lacks credibility because it is an FPS and it was on a console.
bringing sexy back

I love Firerain
Level 97
Doesn't mean the remove bombing run.
Also, the console version came almost a year after the pc version~
Arlen is hot.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Doesn't mean the remove bombing run.
Also, the console version came almost a year after the pc version~
360 Version*
PS3/PC came out around the same time, I have it on the ps3 and you can still use mouse/keyboard and mods via a flashdrive

I love Firerain
Level 97
Yeah, that's the cool thing. But I don't think people would've minded if it all came out it 2009 with much more.

The game's not bad, but it could've been much better (in terms of quantity)
Arlen is hot.