Hey, I'm making some dungeons, and I've got it all made and everything, I'm all set to go with it, Except for one, slight problem.
Making the monsters. :'(
I'm curious if there's a way to give a monster a "Level" and for that Level, have a set amount of stats, It's Health, Mana, Attack, Defense, Intelliegence, and Agility.
Hypothetical situation:
A level 50 dungeon, Floor One has a Monster of level 50, To start you off. How do I know what stats to give it, so that it mesaures up to a level 50?
I don't know how much of anything to give it.
Is there some sort of scale for all of this that I'm missing? or need to look for?
Or is it just guess n' check? I can't imagine that it would be that irritating.
I'm using RPG Maker 2003
Help appreciated.