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The Gateway (DEMO I)

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pokeball Sx2OfflineMale
Level 85
The Gateway
By Sx2(UltimaKirby)

Spoiler for:
3000 years ago an unfathomable evil engulfed the land. Then 8 powerful sages created a doorway to trap the the evil in that they called "The Gateway".
The Sages plan had worked and the evil was gone forever.
But not all plans work for all of time....
20 years later 1 of the Sages took "The Gateway" for himself and became the Lord of Darkness for 1000 years...
Nobody still knows how he died cause "The Gateway's" power grants eternal life.

Now in present day one man will once and again capture The Gateway.
And only one man can stop him....

(I wish I could tell more but.... it would give away too much)


Spoiler for:
Name: Lance
Class: Dragoon
Reason for Fighting: Vengeance/Destiny
Biography: John's son, after his father became evil Lance had wanted nothing more than to destroy him.

Name: Alan
Class Archer
Reason for Fighting: Friendship
Biography: Alan has always been Lance's best friend and would fight with him till his last breath.

Name: Laura
Class: Angel
Reason for fighting: Duty
Biography: Being a angel it's Laura's duty to defeat the darkness engulfing the Earth (namely John)

Name: Sophia
Class: Mage
Reason for fighting: Love
Biography: Sophia has always hated seeing people being hurt so when she was 10 she started taking magic lessons because then she could save the citizens that she loves so much.

Name: Ryan
Class: General
Reason for fighting: Truth
Biography: Ryan is Lance's godfather and John's ex-best friend. He is now trying to find the truth behind John's turn to evil.

Name: Drake
Class: Blue Mage
Reason for fighting: Discovery
Biography: Drake has always been interested in powerful things want he wants to witness the power of the gateway for himself before he has to destroy it.(He's destroying is because John separated his family and now he doesn't want anyone else to feel the pain he did)

Name: Llyod
Class: Theif
Reason for fighting: Freedom
Biography: Before his grandfather died he said "Llyod one day The Gateway will be awakened when that happens I want you to destroy it....completely"  after this last mission Llyod will be able to live a life of freedom like he has always wanted instead of carrying the family's century old business.

Name: Luma
Class: Samurai
Reason for fighting: Redemption
Biography: In a big battle because of Luma's failure cost them 1000's of lives and she was banished until she can prove herself.

Download Link = Closed found an error that doesn't make sense... will repost tomorrow.

Hope you like it.

And on a small note I will be finishing this first and then working on my other project for mis amigos.
And the scene in the Cave with the bats... that dialogue was NOT written by me. I had to go to the bathroom and I said "Dude can you type up some dialogue I got  to go." so he did... so sorry if it offended any of you who have ever made a fan fic or (god forbid) a yaoi drawing. But I probably won't be taking that part out cause it's comic relief and I love me some comic relief.

And please tell me about any spelling/grammatical errors (I probably missed a couple....thousand)
and errors within the game.

And before you say anything yes I know my mapping sucks.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 02:26:00 AM by Sx2 »
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Kirby Player
Brawl Code - 1375-6864-5199
PM to Brawl me

pokeball Sx2OfflineMale
Level 85

So what do you guys think?
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Kirby Player
Brawl Code - 1375-6864-5199
PM to Brawl me

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
Don't bump daily. Next time I won't be so nice.

You expect people to download your game? You don't give us any incentive. At least post some screenshots. I'm not going to waste my time on something if it doesn't look good. Your story is very cliche also.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Spoiler for I was bored so I fixed all the grammar issues in your post:
The Gateway
By Sx2(UltimaKirby)

Spoiler for:
3000 years ago, an unfathomable evil engulfed the land. 8 powerful sages created a doorway to trap them in that they called "The Gateway".
The Sages plan had worked and the evil was gone forever.

But not all plans work all the time....

20 years later, one of the Sages took "The Gateway" for himself and became the Lord of Darkness for 1000 years...

Nobody still knows how he died because "The Gateway's" power grants eternal life.

Now, in present day, one man will once more capture "The Gateway."

And only one man can stop him....

(I wish I could tell more but.... it would give away too much)


Spoiler for:
Name: Lance
Class: Dragoon
Reason for Fighting: Vengeance/Destiny
Biography: John's son. After his father became evil, Lance had wanted nothing more than to destroy him.

Name: Alan
Class Archer
Reason for Fighting: Friendship
Biography: Alan has always been Lance's best friend and would fight with him until his last breath.

Name: Laura
Class: Angel
Reason for fighting: Duty
Biography: Being a angel, it's Laura's duty to defeat the darkness engulfing the Earth (namely John)

Name: Sophia
Class: Mage
Reason for fighting: Love
Biography: Sophia has always hated seeing people being hurt so when she was 10, she started taking magic lessons so she could save the citizens that she loves so much.

Name: Ryan
Class: General
Reason for fighting: Truth
Biography: Ryan is Lance's godfather and John's ex-best friend. He is now trying to find the truth behind John's turn to evil.

Name: Drake
Class: Blue Mage
Reason for fighting: Discovery
Biography: Drake has always been interested in powerful things so he wants to witness the power of the gateway for himself before he has to destroy it. (He's destroying it because John separated his family)

Name: Lloyd
Class: Thief
Reason for fighting: Freedom
Biography: Before his grandfather died, he said "Lloyd, one day 'The Gateway' will be awakened. When that happens, I want you to destroy it....completely. /So after this last mission Lloyd will be able to live a life of freedom like he has always wanted.

Name: Luma
Class: Samurai
Reason for fighting: Redemption
Biography: In a big battle because of Luma's failure cost them 1000's of lives and she was banished until she can prove herself.

Download Link =

Hope you like it.

And on a small note I will be finishing this first and then working on my other project for mis amigos.
And the scene in the Cave with the bats... that dialogue was NOT written by me. I had to go to the bathroom and I said "Dude can you type up some dialogue I got  to go." so he did... so sorry if it offended any of you who have ever made a fan fic or (god forbid) a yaoi drawing. But I probably won't be taking that part out cause it's comic relief and I love me some comic relief.

And please tell me about any spelling/grammatical errors (I probably missed a couple....thousand)
and errors within the game.

And before you say anything yes I know my mapping sucks.
You use the word "so" too much... The spacing the story is kinda weird. The evil was gone forever but then it comes back? Please, stay consistent.

pokeball Sx2OfflineMale
Level 85
wow I've never felt soooo stupid(expect when I got my report card last year 2.3 GPA)
yeah I'll fix that sooner or later.....
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Kirby Player
Brawl Code - 1375-6864-5199
PM to Brawl me