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Project: Seige

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Level 88

I've been working on this project for a few months now. It's not very far along, since I am going for high-quality. (For once)

Playable Characters:
James- Main character. Newly drafted into the army, he was specially trained for behind enemy lines missions. He is an overall good fighter.
Spoiler for Don't click this, it will ruin the story.:
You clicked it. Well, basically, a lot of games have that part of the game where it turns out one of the party members is a traitor. In this game, the main character is the traitor. Partway through the game, you switch sides and get new allies. Why are you a traitor? Well, you'll have to wait to find that out.

Hugh- He's been in the army for about 7 years. He can be a bit rash, but he is very skilled in battle. He thinks anyone who is younger than him can't possible be better than him.

Reed- He's a veteran in the army with 30 years of service. He knows battles inside and out. He is an excellent strategist and a powerful fighter. He's serious but kind.

Jacob- He was a butler at an Inn in town during the siege. During a mass attack on the town, he fled and was cut off from the rest of the refugees. He was found by James' group and he helps them with his supporting magic and skills.

The castle town of Ridel was the capital of the Hailder Kingdom. When the invading army of Tiradell started the siege on Ridel, a group of 3 elite soldiers were called to strike strategic blows against the invading army. James, Hugh, and Reed were sent on their mission with only a few supplies, and the knowledge they had gained over the years. Messengers from the town send the three their targets and they skillfully execute them. For if they don't, they will be cut off from their kingdom as they will be working behind enemy lines and without backup...

Weapon, Armor, and item crafting
Blizz's ABS
No shops, you get your items in the field
Almost no RTP used
Unique mission system decides where you'll be fighting and what you'll fight against
Not just fighting, to make better items, you will need to mine, fish, and farm
Skill over leveling, you gain very little stat bonuses from leveling
Many different areas, from rolling plains, to ruined castles, to great mountains


Last map is still WIP.

The Inquisitor- Tilesets
Blizzard- Battle system
Assorted Artists- Spritesets (PM me if you know who made the spritesets so I can give proper credits)
Monster Hunter Series- Inspiration

Mapping: 30%
Eventing: 10%
Enemy Database: 20%
Skill Database: 50%
Item Database: 20%
Equipment Database: 5%
Scripting: 100% (Unless I get the stupid urge to add more)
Graphics: 90%
Music: 0%
Crafting Event System: 15%

Level 97
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It looks interesting. Good luck with this Final Knight / Revo.

Level 88
Thanks MA. Also, I have a request for this game. -> http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,29293.msg364120.html#new

I need Ambient Music. I'm trying to find some right now, but if anyone has some, I'd really appreciate it.

Level 87
"Dear diary, jack pot"
Looks really nice, Revo.
Good luck.
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Level 85
I am already there
Looks pretty good Revo i would love to play it some time ;D