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Kingdom Quest

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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
This is my first serious project and I really hope to finish it. I have previously mapped a little and practiced my skills so it should not look too
noobish. My english is not great so you may see some grammar errors in the game. Thats the reason why I dont use as much dialog compared
to other big games here, but still, story is the main focus of the game and I think I can manage to tell a great tale without much talk.
Story starts in Village of Silk, a small fishing town in Tale region, usually empty little town but before winter its full of traders coming from desert
kingdom Cacos and heading to great cities of Tale. During that time people need more protection cause thieves like to get their hands on
needed goods. Usually quiet and sneaky criminals may even gather army and pillage towns to get enough food to get past winter. For protection
Royal Palace of Tale has set up an army to stand against them, recruiting only strong and brave, their army is strongest ever seen in Tale. But
something is different now, warlords travel trough land to find whoever they can to join their army, buying kids from their parents and promising
gold to every man or women who joins them.
Main character Umejan is son of Village of Silks major who is sold to Royal Palace Army by his father. Even a little glad to get out of Silk he sets out
hoping to find his old friend Vnaatus and continue journey with him. As time goes by he finds out darker and darker secrets about his past involving
Vnaatus and long dead Sarah, love of both boys.


Screens coming soon.

Criticism is welcome!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 03:39:36 PM by PakisPaks »

Level 85
If you have a demo present, then I'll try it out.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Yay, first reply! Anyway, my laptop where my game was is broken so I have to start from scratch. Fortunately I wasn't very far with development, so it should not take too long until I can post screens and demo.

Level 85
Ah. Take your time. Don't rush it.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Oop... wanted to add picture but quoted insted :P Ignore this post.