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I Died Last Night.

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I drifted off to sleep on my stomach last night and had a really odd dream. I was going to wait until tomorrow to type it out, but I keep thinking about it, so I'll just do it now.

I dreamed that I was at this huge party at a big mansion with ice sculptures and stuff. Everyone was wearing formal clothes and it was pretty lavish. I don't really know how long I was there, but some people that were my friends (in the dream, as these people don't exist in real life,) said we were leaving, so I walked toward the street.

This is where things get really weird.

Once in the street, I noticed that it was a really shitty neighborhood. I remember seeing old storefronts and boarded windows. There was a group of 3 ghetto looking black dudes a little up the road, and when I started getting close, they ducked back into an entryway. As they were moving, I noticed that they were reaching for their belts, and assumed that they had guns. I stopped walking and said, "Hey, hey. It's all good guys. Everybody here is cool."

They didn't seem to care, because two of them stepped out with their guns drawn. In that oh-so-random dream fashion, somehow next I was lying on the sidewalk on my stomach, and I heard one of them say, "Yeah. Everyone here IS cool."

I knew that I was going to get shot, so I turned my head to the side. I can distinctly remember seeing the cracked pavement, complete with the yellow-painted curb. For some reason, I remember weeds growing from the cracks. I squeezed my eyes shut, and it seemed like a minute went by.

Not having any idea that this was a dream, I started coming to grips with the fact that my life was about to end. I thought about my family, and hoped that they would be ok. Next I wondered what dying would be like, and as I was thinking that, I heard the gunshot.

I've shot firearms before, and if you never have, the report is much louder than they make it seem on TV. The shot was so loud, and I can still hear it if I stop to think about it. Then I remember feeling like I couldn't think straight, but still realized that this was probably because I've just been shot in the head. I tried to say something, but all I could do was mouth the word, "Help."

After that, I woke up, in the exact position that I was in when I died in the dream.

This isn't the first time that I've died in dreams before. Actually, I've had dreams of dying in all sorts of ways. One that I can remember the most was that I was in a car with my friend Amanda driving, and the car flipped over and my head got dragged off. In all of these instances, I clearly can remember completely accepting death, only to find that after I had died, it was all a dream.

I guess when people say you can't die in dreams, I prove that they're full of shit.

Anyway, has anyone had anything like this happen? Where you actually died in a dream? What was your reaction to knowing you were going to die? Did you think about it a lot afterward? Do you think that something like this can have some sort of long-time psychological effect on a person?

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Dreams about death is one of the most intense and philosophical dreams, it sometimes repeats itself if there's something within you that is left unresolved. You should try to interpret it - especially the weeds growing from the cracks, since we won't remember minor details in dreams, therefore it must be important.

I've had a few experiences like this, the most intense was at the time i got a very high fever. (42C ._.) It was almost a few years back but I'll try to remember the important parts of the dream, it was pretty nerve-wrecking.

Laying in bed and sleeping, the dream started with a black void of nothingness with me in the center. Anywhere that you'd try to look at dissapears into the blackness, there's nothing in all directions. The dream continued on like this for quite some time and it was actually pretty relaxing since the me in the dream was in a laying down position.

Rather than a first person point-of-view, I started to see myself from above. Then there were blurry flashes of colors and shapes, and the Earth. I'm not really sure how to explain what happened next, but the whole "world" surrounded and charged the me in the dream and after some blinding flash I really felt my existence disappearing. Realizing that the me I saw was in some sort of danger, I started to try to grab my own attention and warn him - not sure what, but something was there.  Then saw the me in my dream along with the whole world disappeared, yet I'm still able to see the patch of black nothingness where I was in the dream before the me I saw disappeared.

I tried to shout in the dream and there was no answer, only echoes from my own voice. In my mind  I thought that there was nothing there for the third-person me after the first-person me disappeared. I felt that I had just died, but there are still remnants of my existence. I was sure that I died, but then again if you are thinking, then you should exist! The dream continued with blackness.

When I finally woke up, I was sweating like mad and acted like some sort of mentally troubled person and kept saying to myself that "I was dead", "Am I alive?" and "I'm not dead, right?" At that moment I started to think and believe that perhaps all of us are equal in death and the only place we go to after we die is a black nothingness, I also started to lose my faith. The next day the fever was over. The whole experience was frightening and I never dreamt of that nightmare ever since.  ;9

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
Have you ever been dreaming and realized that what was happening was in fact, a dream? I've had those before. Those are usually the best dreams.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Have you ever been dreaming and realized that what was happening was in fact, a dream? I've had those before. Those are usually the best dreams.
lol wet dreams
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I've had dreams in which I died in these over-the-top fantastic ways like nuclear explosions, alien laser beams, etc. These aren't the ones that bother me, because they're things that when I wake up, I can accept them as dreams. The ones that make me feel the strangest are the ones that are realistic situations that follow my dying in its entirety.

I've also had dreams that I realized I'm dreaming. They're called "Lucid" dreams. There's actually a couple ways to make yourself dream lucidly. A lot of people freak out when they realize they're dreaming, and wake up soon after.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I have had dreams.
Sometimes, I don't understand what happens in the dream untill months, years later.
I dream about events that seem so unessential at the time, yet are big deals.

I have died in my dreams, many times it's over the top.
But one time, I fell.

I was on this building looking out at the skyline, when suddenly, I felt a push.

I was pushed over the edge, I fell through the ground, and into my bed when I woke up.
Now I have a fear of looking over the edge.

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
I want pizza
I've had only one dream like that which was funny. :blizj:

It goes like this, I was fishing one day out in this lake, and suddenly I got a bite and pulled as hard as I could, no I wasnt trying to kill him but I did in the end by pulling to hard, well, I was just about to throw it back into the the water, then this big asshole of a fish, and when I mean big, I MEAN BIG fish jumped up out the water, say the size of a cruise boat jumped out, and as I stared in misbelief, it ate me. The fish ate me and all I could see was darkness also, I somehow started thinking about the small fish for about 2 minutes, I thought about how small it was compared to me, kinda feeling sorry for it when I killed it by accident, then bang, I fell out of bed...

Don't know it that counts as one, or any signs on my life, but my thoughts are that you can't be killed from dreams, but they can drive you to fear what you've dreamt or maybe signs that you have some unsolved, or perhaps, maybe just VERY bad nighmares.

Level 87
Hm... it's kinda odd, but in all my lucid dreams, I start to fly. I mean, I know I'm dreaming. I've got my own entire little universe to do with as I please. And it's completely possible, of course. So why, out of all things, do I decide to fly?

Maybe, sometime, I'll have a lucid dream and I'll think, "Well, okay, last time I was flying, this time I should do something else... like, I dunno, swim? Into the ocean?"

...Okay, never mind. I see why I fly in all of them.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Flying is fun, but sometimes I have odd variations where I just "moon jump" and float very softly to the ground. It's pretty awesome. But anyway, I'd like to hear more about people dying in dreams.

Level 87
I've never died in a dream. I think that all the people who say you can't die in a dream say that because they're jealous that others can and they can't. :/

Level 87
Might as well put one of my dreams down.

I was standing on a balcony of some hotel i guess and was looking over the ocean when i see a large explosion then i seem to just fall off the ledge, it was a oddly long fall but i landed in water and i think thats the end.

Its been awhile since the dream, i think i might have been looking over a city i cant really remember.

(tho i didn't really like this dream because i was going on vacation to Florida soon and it was at a beach house...)

Modified because Revo was complaining.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 01:16:21 AM by sinu siku »
Laugh untill we cry,
Dance untill we die.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
meh I hate dreams like this.
I was dreaming that I was working out and the bar dropped on me and I woke up like instantly and fell off my bed
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 87
My dreams are weird.

Once, I was dreaming (forgot what about), and then all of a sudden, I was lying on a bed in this abandoned, rundown house. I couldn't get up, and looking out the door in the room, I see a window looking out to a field with dark, cloudy skies. A little girl in a white dress appears floating over my legs. She holds out her hand, opens her mouth with a smile, and then singing comes out of her mouth (no words, just one continuous note). I start to hurt, and then I close my eyes like I'm going to die. Then I wake up.

Another one is, I was in this building that reminded me of my high school. There were a few people who looked like they were hiding (like something was attacking the building). My eyes drift to a nearby staircase, where I see... another little girl? This one had brown hair, and was wearing regular clothing. I knew there was something wrong with her, something evil. I went to her, and tried to punch her (which is weird, I'd never do something like that). She stopped it with her hands, dug her nails into my wrist, and said "Your hand would make a nice paperweight" and then the pain in my wrist got worse, and worse, and then I woke up.

Walking Billboard
Level 87
I've only died in a dream once, and it wasn't particularly intense. i was a little shaken up afterwords, but that's only to be expected.

I'm running around school (oddly enough, not the school that i go to, and i don't actually know most of the people that were there o.O;) and i'm in some kind of weird rebellious gang war type thing, and in the end, some teacher shoots me. and i wake up at that exact moment. i told my friends and the ones that weren't like "okayyy....."  chalked it up to a extreme hate of school, which i don't have o.O.

I have dreams where i realize i'm dreaming (sort of subconsciously) and i wait it out because most of my dreams are like stories and i want to see how it ends.

I usually wake up before that happens. it makes me sad.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 04:00:14 PM by kitkatkan »

Level 86
I drove a van out of a hotel room like 15 stories up and went vertical and hit the pavement. Then I woke up. :x

Level 91
Um, you can die in a dream. I've experienced this many times but, after i die (in my dream) as i remember, all turned to black then i wake up..blank blank blank..

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Um, you can die in a dream. I've experienced this many times but, after i die (in my dream) as i remember, all turned to black then i wake up..blank blank blank..

Yeah, that's sort of what happened, (as I wrote initially) except I could still hear what was going on. Also, you'd be surprised at how many people deny the ability to die in dreams.

Level 91
After that, I woke up, in the exact position that I was in when I died in the dream.

Some people talk, move while they are sleeping. Saying what they are dreaming of, doing what they are doing in their dreams. I think you moved, you are acting it in the real world the things you do in your dream. Maybe that's what happen.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I've also had dreams that I realized I'm dreaming. They're called "Lucid" dreams. There's actually a couple ways to make yourself dream lucidly. A lot of people freak out when they realize they're dreaming, and wake up soon after.

This happened to me once. When I realized it I had to fight my way out of unconsciousness, and when I woke up the first thing I did was shake my fists and say YESSSSSS! Probably would have looked weird to anyone else who would have been in the room, lol.

I love Firerain
Level 97
Yeah, I've got that feeling too.

Also, a death dream maybe something unsolved in your life but pictured in a way that that it looks like death.

I dunno, I never had a death dream unless you count really long, turning, firey and painful slides.
Arlen is hot.

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
I've also had dreams that I realized I'm dreaming. They're called "Lucid" dreams. There's actually a couple ways to make yourself dream lucidly. A lot of people freak out when they realize they're dreaming, and wake up soon after.

This happened to me once. When I realized it I had to fight my way out of unconsciousness, and when I woke up the first thing I did was shake my fists and say YESSSSSS! Probably would have looked weird to anyone else who would have been in the room, lol.

Lucid dreaming has happened to me aswell. Although, not as often then "Sleep Paralyze". That's a state when your brain wakes up faster then your body. Basicly, you can't move or anything during this time, because the body is still sleeping. And most of the times, you may fall in panic. In June this year, it happened to me 4 times during 1 month, and it was scary as hell. Last time it happen to me was this morning.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Sleep Paralysis is fairly common. I've had it happen a few times. It's more rare to occur while falling asleep than while waking, but I've had it happen both ways. One time, while falling into sleep paralysis, I thought I was having an aneurysm.

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Ouch. Glad it wasn't aneurysm >_<.

Most of the time it happens is when Im falling asleep, but it has happen while waking aswell. Everytime it happens, I think "What the....Not again", but the funny thing is that I always fall in panic, no matter how many times it happens to me.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
A funny thing about sleep paralysis is that it has been traced back through many different cultures, and they all had a similar superstition about an old woman or demon sitting on the victim's chest, keeping them from moving. Some cultures even called it "Old Hag Syndrome".

Communication begins with understanding
Level 89
Project of the Month winner for October 2007
Yeah, I read about that in an article. I was afraid that regular sleep paralyze was dangerous, because I got it so often before. So I made an research, and found an article about it. Luckily, it wasn't dangerous.

Yeah, Im a bit paranoid when it comes to the human body <_<