As it stands, I only know how to use them to advance pages.
A while back I was trying to make a night and day system. I spent months on it, so I came here... And somone showed me how to do it with variables. Easy I thought! So I did it.... Then... day would turn into night... And night would turn into morning, but noon would neve come for the variable wouldnt go back to the first page (out of like... 100). I tried to divide the variable and subtract it, but it didnt seem to do anything... all I could do was add it.
So, Id like to know a few things about variables:
-In the example above, I used variables to advance 100 pages in a continous script. My most important question is: when I reach the last page, how do I make the variable go back to the first page.
-Later on, Im planning to make a pac-man themed mini game. Players will have to talk to a guy and collect 100 dots within a time limit. If they do so in record time, they'll be rewarded. First, players will have to talk to this guy who will start the switch. The switch will trigger the time limit and the dots. So, each dot collected will advance the variable by one. If the pages advance 100 times before the time limit runs out, then the event will be compleated successfully. The player wont see the timer.
I am wondering... Is it possible to make a variable stop working with a timer? And if not, how would I get around this?
I am also wondering, when the event is failed, will my variable start where it left off? Say... the player collected 50 dots out of 100... And he failed, so the switch turns off, ending the event. Then he'll talk to the NPC again and start again... Will RM3K start him at page one, or page 50?
Random events: I would love to incoperate them. I think variables do this but I dont know. I want to put in a lottery system... or maybe a fishing system.
Please note, I dont have access to RM3K now. I was working on this game, and it was turning out great, but then I moved out... So I didnt have a computer. I just got this puppy so Im eager to start.