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Lottery System [VX]

Started by Grafikal, August 13, 2008, 04:25:11 AM

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The Lottery
Version: 1.1
Author: Grafikal007
Date: 8 - 13 - 2008 EXCLUSIVE Event System: Feel free to link to it  ^-^

Version History

  • 1.0 [8/12/08] - Initial Release
  • 1.1 [8/13/08] - Added new feature


Like a little mini-game. As it suggests, it IS the lottery. Win money!


  • I made this as Plug-n-Play as I possibly could
  • Different periods of the lottery or "Seasons"
  • Easy customization of the length of a season, how much money to win, and the difficulty of winning
  • Can buy more tickets before a new season begins
  • Alerts you when the current season has ended so that you may go and return your tickets
  • FULLY COMPATIBLE with my other event systems and more to come...
  • NEW:(since 1.1) Now keeps track of how many times you've won the lottery and how much your last winning ticket was worth

Planned Additional Features

  • None at the moment, Please suggest!


Not really applicable.


To implement this event system, copy/paste my reserved Variables, Switches, Common Events, Items, and Animations into your game. Copy/paste the event guy that you talk to as well. Place him where ever you plan to have a lottery. Copy/paste the event for fireworks! Customization of the season length is explained in the common event. Customization of how much gold you can win is explained on the SECOND PAGE of the event guy. Customization of the difficulty of winning is explained on the SECOND PAGE of the event guy. To have the animation appear as though it does in the demo which I consider "properly executed", you must place the event to shoot the fireworks 8 spaces above where the fireworks will exit from. New:(since 1.1) Also copy/paste the event over the Sign in the sand of the demo. It keeps track of how many times you've won and your last amount won.


  • Grafikal007
  • Arkbennet (for his basic structure that I took further then converted to VX)


Support can be dealt with here in this topic or you may PM me.

Author's Notes

In the demo I've won once...  ;9

Have fun winning money! ;8

RMRK+ Format

This script is RMRK+ Format.

Variables Used

This is the reserved list of Variables I used:

  • Variables: 590 ~ 595
  • 590 ~ 594: Does what they're name says
  • 595: Keeps track of how many times you won the lottery

Switches Used

This is the reserved list of Switches I used:

  • Switches: 848 ~ 850
  • 848: Allows you to talk to the event guy after the season ends.
  • 849: Checks to make sure you have tickets.
  • 850: Shoots fireworks!!!!

Common Events Used

This is the reserved list of Common Events I used:

  • Common Events: 101
  • 101: When activated it starts the timer and is the core of the length of a season. Easily customizable.

Items Used
This is the reserved list of Items I used:

  • Item ID[250]: It's a lottery ticket.

Animations Used
This is the reserved list of Animations I used:

  • Animation ID[300]: They're fireworks!!!


Demo is attached


This seems like a cool event system. I couldn't win, but I like the fireworks. =o

modern algebra

This is pretty cool. I'll add it to RMRK+ list. It doesn't reserve animations or items though, so I'll have to leave them out.

Anyway, when you want them added, it's easier for me if you post in the topics themselves with links and to declare your reserves. I'll see them sooner  ;)


Oh, I should probably reword a lot of things then, because when I mention "reserved" I just mean that those are the ID slots I'm using in the demo so that it'll just be easy to swap over to another person's game with minimal overlapping of ID's of stuff. There's not much that is reserved by something else in the demo except maybe the switches.  :)


 :blizj: :blizj: YEAH!! I WIN THE LOTTERY!! I WIN 16030 GOLDS!! THIS SCRIPT IS GOOD!! PRETTY GOOD!!  :blizj: :blizj:



