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Bypassing Internet Blocks?

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Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Page blocked
The page you've been trying to access was blocked.

Reason: Forbidden URL. URL Category is Streaming Media .
The ID of the transaction is 5FD8958F.
powered by Finjan's Vital Security
is the message I get when I open youtube. This happens to a lot of other sites, even though some of them are school-related.
Furthermore, my principal banned MSN (lolwut)even though most of us use it for groupwork.

I need to access to those sites. I tried www.unblocksitesnow.com (proxy) but it was also blocked.

Give me guidance  ;9

EDIT:Forgot to add, I live in a boarding school. So there.
EDIT2:I'm glad they didn't block rmrk.  ;8
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Walking Billboard
Level 87
at my school, we always use calculatepie.com, but with your schools elusive prowess, they probably blocked that too.

In any case, proxy browsing is absolute crap. We only ever use it for youtube, and that in itself is hard to navigate.

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
Not sure if this will work at where you are, but using google and clicking the "Catched" link will open the site and it usually isn't blocked. I've done this at my school all the time, and since they can't really ban google, it's much better than a proxy. However, clinking links within the website will still be blocked, so all sites should be accessed by google only =\
The good part tho, you can find almost any youtube video via google.

- -

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I would have suggested proxy, but another way to do it.

Go to google, in the image search box type "site:www.google.com logo"
Find a picture of one of the google logos and navigate to the main page.
Your done.
It will lead the ISP to believe your on Google, even though your viewing other pages, without the slowdown of a proxy.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Not sure if this will work at where you are, but using google and clicking the "Catched" link will open the site and it usually isn't blocked. I've done this at my school all the time, and since they can't really ban google, it's much better than a proxy. However, clinking links within the website will still be blocked, so all sites should be accessed by google only =\
The good part tho, you can find almost any youtube video via google.

I would have suggested proxy, but another way to do it.

Go to google, in the image search box type "site:www.google.com logo"
Find a picture of one of the google logos and navigate to the main page.
Your done.
It will lead the ISP to believe your on Google, even though your viewing other pages, without the slowdown of a proxy.
Can you repeat that? I don't get it. :-\
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant

aw crap, well, the thing is that you can browse the internet in the google image search.

Walking Billboard
Level 87
Is this high school or college because in high school the security company contract with the url recorder
from all terminals. They tend to actually read the web activity.
Considering so In my senior and junior year i typed.


Loaded various proxys from http://proxy.org/cgi_proxies.shtml preferably the newest and fastest then worked my way down until I got through with a bypass.

In responce they cracked my geocities account which i was using for file storage of documents and source codes at the time
they changed my password. :-(

I kinda got owned and I was sad.

High Schools can be pretty sadistic.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
use an NS lookup to find the sites ip address and type that in. usually works cept some schools will block ips...>.<


Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Spoiler for:

None of them works. Well, I guess I'll have to buy a router sometime soon.  :-\
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I thought my idea would be perfect  ;9

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Well, my school "hired" network pirates as the wireless security advisors so yeah - can't beat net pirates  ;9
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 87
If only life had HDR lighting... (sigh)
If you're still looking for help on this, you could use a proxy that runs through another persons ISP.
Peacefire.org is the homepage, and their latest circumventor is starclapper.com
It might still be blocked, because your school's security could just be blocking all https (yes, https, it sounds dumb, but it's real. Secure Http? my ass.) sites.
If that's the case, and you don't mind mind-blowingly slow internet, you could use torpark.
But I've seen a school block that too...
If worst comes to worst, try making friends with the Sysadmins.

They might have a connection outside of the hardware firewall, without the block on it.
Or, you could find that connection, depending on how they have it secured on the network, and run an ethernet cord from it.
But that would be really hard, and good for about 2 minutes. Just, never admit defeat, becuase then those traitors have won!   :lol:

Level 92
The Return of Mandy
Step 1:
Find old computer.
Step 2:
Install LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) Ubuntu Server on sed old computer. Teh links: http://www.ubuntu.com/
Step 3:
Don't forget to forward your ports on your router.
Step 4:
Buy router if you don't have one.
Step 5:
Install a PHP proxy. Teh links: http://sourceforge.net/projects/poxy/
Step 6:
Avoid the learning process and watch your tubeyous.

A triumphant return, or just a quick visit?

Where there are no gold stars, demerits, or infractions. <3

Level 98
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you awoke in a burning paperhouse
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Level 96
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pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95

I mean... hey there crankeye >_>
A triumphant return, or just a quick visit?

you tease, this is surely a return.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Walking Billboard
Level 87

Holy shit, i've only heard the legends ...o.o

i feel like a noob, i read the wiki :P.