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My Tutorial Package(Current Tutorials 8)

Started by the_game_guy, August 07, 2008, 06:45:49 AM

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I hope this gets stickied, I made these tutorials and I hope they help alot of people. There are some that are the same as others but I found these myself during my 2 month long no internet after I got the maker but anyways I made these and I hope they help!

Version History:
v1.0 4 tutorials added
v1.1 1 tutorial added
v1.2 2 tutorials added

Here are all my tutorials I have posted here  and one more to add to the collection, from now on I will post them here. I add tutorials frequently so I hope people like them
Jumping System Like In Mario
[spoiler]Ok so you'll need a few things, first have a chipset with at least 2 blank tiles that are the transparent color. And have 2 terrains. Number 1 Called Jump and 2 called Fall/move. When that is done. Make a map that is 20x15 and the bottom row has to be covered in the terrain 1 aka jump transparent color. Then make the rest of the map and make it terrain 2. Now go to Databse and Common Events and make 4 of them. One called
1 Jump Parallel Process Switch Jump
2 Fall Parallel Process Switch Fall
3 Fall Part 2 Parallel Process No Switch
4 Terrain Parallel Process No Switch
1 enter this stuff in.

Key Input Proc::[xxxx::Jump](For this tutorial set the button to Spacebar and make sure the Wait Until Key is Pressed is off)
Wait 0.1 Sec
Branch If Var[xxxx::Jump] is 5
  Key Input[xxxx::Left/Right](Make Sure Left and Right Arrows are on and everything else off including wait for key to be pressed)
  Branch If Var[xxxx::Left/Right] is 2
    Move Event Hero::Move Up/left Up/left Up/left
     Branch if Var[xxxx::Left/Right] is 3
       Move Event Hero::Move Up/right Up/right Up/right
       Branch if Var[xxxx::Left/right] is 0
          Move event hero::Move Up Move Up Move Up
End Loop

Oh and yes this will allow you to move in air while you fall. Now onto Fall Part 1

Branch if Var[xxxx::Hero Terrain] is 1
  Key Input Proc[xxxx::Left/Right](Make it the same as the other key input that has Left/right)
   Branch If Var[xxxx::Left/Right] is 2
    Move Event Hero::Move Down/left Down/left Down/left
     Branch if Var[xxxx::Left/Right] is 3
       Move Event Hero::Move Dwon/right Dwon/right Down/right
       Branch if Var[xxxx::Left/right] is 0
          Move event hero::Move Down Move Down Move Down

Ok hopefully you have everything so far. Now Fall part 2 is necessary in order to jump your highest. With out it you would only jump 1 square
Ok time for Fall Part 2. Its exactly the same except no switch to turn it on and it has a proceed with movement. so enter this now

Branch if Var[xxxx::Hero Terrain] is 1
  Proceed With Movement
  Key Input Proc[xxxx::Left/Right](Make it the same as the other key input that has Left/right)
   Branch If Var[xxxx::Left/Right] is 2
    Move Event Hero::Move Down/left Down/left Down/left
     Branch if Var[xxxx::Left/Right] is 3
       Move Event Hero::Move Dwon/right Dwon/right Down/right
       Branch if Var[xxxx::Left/right] is 0
          Move event hero::Move Down Move Down Move Down

Now for terrain because without this one, None of this would work at all

wait 0.1 Sec
Store Terrain ID in [xxxx::Hero X](For hero x slot)[xxxx::HeroY(For hero Y slot) and Store terrain in [xxxx::Hero Terrain]
End Loop

Now if you did exactly what I just typed. you'll be able to make your own mario game. Oh and this did take me awhile to make and from what I saw on the internet, no one has made a tutorial like this and I hope it put to good use. My party changing tutorial got delayed because my computer crashed so I had to repair it and now i am working on it now. So remember you need a chipset with 2 empty squares that are the transperent color, Make square 1 the terrain 1 which should be called Jump then square 2 should have terrain 2 called fall. Make sure you have all 4 common events that are parallel and the map's bottom row needs to be all covered with terrain 1 square. Make sure you input the following switch for the events. Jump Switch Jump Fall Switch Fall Fall pt 2 no switch and terrain no switch. Oh make an autorun event that turns on the jump switch. Like i said if you do exactly as instructed it should work. And enjoy this long and grewling coded tutorial that took me 2 hours to make because of slow lagging and not jumping the right height and other things that almost made me break my computer so enjoy
EDIT::Put it into a code box so its easier to read now.[/spoiler]

Easier Picture Showing
[spoiler]This helps me out in way for my platformer game called Platformer Nightmare. I need to show lives so it show the number above my characters head. Anyways Say if you want a number above a characters head, input this coding, oh and you'll need this picture. Just include the attachment in your game.

Start of with a loop like this
repeat loop

Now enter this for the rest of the code
Wait 0.1 sec
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] = Hero X Coordinate
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero Y] = Hero Y Coordinate
ShowPicture 1[whatever you named the attachment] [xxxxHero X] [xxxxHero Y

Now this won't work because the map tiles are 16x16 so we must multiply the hero x and y by 16.

So enter this instead
Wait 0.1 sec
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] = Hero X Coordinate
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero Y] = Hero Y Coordinate
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] * 16
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero Y] * 16
ShowPicture 1[whatever you named the attachment] [xxxxHero X] [xxxxHero Y]

Now test it out and you'll see its on the hero, well kind of off to the side because of the picture, so we want it directly on the hero so enter this

So enter this
Wait 0.1 sec
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] = Hero X Coordinate
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero Y] = Hero Y Coordinate
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] * 16
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero Y] * 16
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] + 8
ShowPicture 1[whatever you named the attachment] [xxxxHero X] [xxxxHero Y]

Now it should be directly on the player. Now lets position it above his head. Do take note that this will only work for this picture to put it over his head. With other pictures you'll have to experiment a little but enter this now.

So enter this
Wait 0.1 sec
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] = Hero X Coordinate
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero Y] = Hero Y Coordinate
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] * 16
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero Y] * 16
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero X] + 8
VarOper::[xxxx::Hero Y] - 16
ShowPicture 1[whatever you named the attachment] [xxxxHero X] [xxxxHero Y]

Now make sure the event is a parellel process and now the picture should be above his head even when you walk. Ok but for a simple pictures display say you want
a picture show X=10 and Y=10 so now take a variable [xxxx::X] * 16 and [xxxx::Y] * 16 and show the picture on these variables. This tutorial was made by me I am not sure if there are any ones like it and I wanted like I said earlier life amount display so this way you don't need to keep entering random numbers to show a picture. I found online that rpg maker 2003 tiles are 16x16 so I made a little algorithm equasion that does the work for you. You may need to subtract 8-16 from Y or X. If you want the picture to go directly into the center of the square multiply it by 8 instead of 16. I did make this tutorial and if you want to post this tutorial for your site please post made by the_game_guy. Same with my jumping system I made thank you!! Remember this enters the numbers for pictures so you don't have to.


Rm2k's Battle System in Rm2k3
[spoiler]First erase all Animations 2 except 1. Name it Character and go to animation type and click on Idle Stance and click on battle animations and set to the default one that says this ----------- Now go to battle Layout and turn off automatic and set each character near the bottom and set the battle style with the showing faces. Now make enemies that look like thier facing down. This way you can make games with cool sprites and faces with out the battlecharas. I made this and tested it myself.[/spoiler]

Shooting System I Found Myself During My No Internet Period. This is the new one.(I was bored one night and made it)
[spoiler]Make an animation facing all directions Up down left and right. Use the attachment and make the animations. Now on the map make an event calle dmonster 1 and set it to follow hero. And collision with hero play sound damage and flash sprite orange. The Hp system is up to you.
Enter this on another event parallel

KeyInput[xxxx:Shooting] (Uncheck everything except action key including teh wait for key to be pressed
Branch if Hero Face Up
Show Animation Shoot North
Branch if Var [xxxx:Hero X] = [xxxx:Monster 1 X]
Branch if [xxxx:Hero Y] greater than [xxxx: Monster 1 y]
  Flash Sprite Monster 1 Orange
  Play Sound Damage

Do the same thing for facing down except make y less than this time and show animation shoot down

Branch if Hero Face Right
Show animation shoot right
Branch if Var [xxxx:Hero Y] = [xxxx:Monster 1 Y]
Branch if Var [xxxx:Hero X] less than [xxxx:Monster 1 Y]
   Flash Sprite Orange Monster 1
   Play Sound Damage

do the same for left except make x greater than and shoot left and face left

I made this tutorial fast so sorry for spelling mistakes and wierd coding placement.[/spoiler]

Location Name Display
[spoiler]A Monkey could probably do this but hey it might help. Ok make a picture say for example 100x50 that says Feren Town. Now in Town make an auto start that shows picture Feren Town now wait 5.0 seconds and erase picture erase event. So enter this

Show Picture 1 Feren Town 160x120
wait 5.0 seconds
erase picture
erase event

erase event this way when you leave town and enter again it will show the picutre again. Don't know if anybody has posted this yet, didn't want to waste time searching through tutorials page, oh and save pictures as 256 bitmap, or it will say invalid png picture or something.[/spoiler]\

Limit Break/Trance
[spoiler]Ok I am going to show you how to make a limit break/trance. First make a cool animation for your limit break, and now go to battle layout and click edit commands, make one called limit break and have it linked to an event. Now go to Monster Groups and you'll have to copy this page into every monster group. Anyways First page make it turn on when character 1 hp 25% or lower. Now go to common events and enter this into a call event, Change Battle Commands Character 1 Add Limit. Now back to the Monster Groups
enter this in under the 25% or lower,
Complete Healing Character 1
Call Event Limit Break

Then enter this in on a new page, turns on if character one uses limit break command.

Show animation Limit Break Animation on All Enemies,
VariableOper::[xxxx:damage] random 1...9999
Change Monster HP Decrease [xxxx:damage]
Call Event Remove Limit Break

Now Make another common event where it is called and remove the limit break from character 1. Copy the 2 pages into every monster group and you'll have to make more animations for more people. Have fun with this one.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Make an event with any character graphic and make it a parellel process. Now make it a loop and a wait 0.1 sec like this
wait 0.1 sec
repeat loop

now lets start keeping track of coordinates shall we, so enter this now

wait 0.1 sec
varoper:[xxxx:hero x] = Hero X Coordinate
VarOper:[xxxx:Hero Y] = Hero Y Coordinate
VarOper:[xxxx:Character 2 X] =Character 2 X Coordinate
VarOper:[Character 2 Y] = Character 2 Coordinate
repeat loop

Now lets add the branches and make sure the frequency is at normal for the event character 2. Now enter this

wait 0.1 sec
varoper:[xxxx:hero x] = Hero X Coordinate
VarOper:[xxxx:Hero Y] = Hero Y Coordinate
VarOper:[xxxx:Character 2 X] =Character 2 X Coordinate
VarOper:[Character 2 Y] = Character 2 Coordinate
Branch if [xxxx:character 2 X] greater than [xxxx:hero x]
MoveEvent[character 2]Move Left Ignore Impossible Moves
Branch if [xxxx:character x] less than [xxxx:hero x]
MoveEvent[character 2] Move Right Ignore Impossible Moves
Branch if [xxxx:character 2 y] greater than [xxxx:hero y]
MoveEvent[character 2] Move Up
Branch if [xxxx:character 2 y] less than [xxxx:hero y]
MoveEvent[character 2] Move Down
repeat loop

There you go, a caterpiller where your character follows you.

Bank System
[spoiler]Ok I discovered this and I'm sure there are ones like this. So here ite is, you need some variables so make these. Current Money, Bank Money Input Money

Label 1
VarOper[xxxx:Current Money] = Money
Show Choices
Deposit Handler
Input Number 6 Digits[xxxx:Input Money]
Branch if Var[xxxx:Input Money] Greater than [xxxx:Current Money]
You dont have that much money!
Jump to Label 1
VarOper[xxxx:bank money] = [xxxx:Input Money]
Change Money Decrease [xxxx:Input Money]
jump to label 1
Withdraw Handler
Input Number 6 digits[xxxx:Input Money]
Branch if Var[xxxx:Input Money] greater than [xxxx:Bank Money]
Show Text:You dont have that much money in the bank
Jump to label 1
VarOper[xxxx:Bank Money] - [xxxx:Input Money]
Change Money Increase[xxxx:Input Money]
Nothing Handler

There you go I hope it works for you. This is my 8th tutorial posted here. Hope I'm helping alot of people.[/spoiler]

I am adding tutorials to this very often so please check here often

Deadly Alince

wait on the jumping script, where do i enter that stuff i mean do i need to write it like a script or do key input then varible call it jump then select the loop thing and wait and on and on?