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E3 2008 lol

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Level 88
E3 was shit.

No new good games. Nintendo talked about shitty casual titles nobody cares about or SHOULD care about, Sony just talked about old shit, PS2 and more old shit before talking about a game or two. Microsoft announced a port and jabbered on about shit that's already been announced for months.

E3 was shit.
Care to explain why you think these games are shit?
Because they are.

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Grafikal....posted... =O <33333

Lol, so how about Campcom porting Dead Rising to the Wii?
City Folk is going to be out on November 16th, new Mario and Zelda games on on their ways. (^_^)
Again, WiiMusic looks cool.  ;8
There is no way in hell that the Wii can handle Dead Rising if the havok engine lags sometimes in Brawl.

It's going to be hell on wheels because the wii will cut out so much stuff.

Anything on Mirrors Edge yet?

Mirrors Edge looks amazing, but onf of the kotaku bloggers said it gave him motion sickness... =O
Dead Rising Wii was in Famitsu preview...

Level 98
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Oh thanks SJR, because I already know it looks amazing, but why don't you tell me what they announced about it like I implied?
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Oh thanks SJR, because I already know it looks amazing, but why don't you tell me what they announced about it like I implied?

I haven't read anything recent. Was just saying it looked sweet...  :=: