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Level 85
« Last Edit: April 30, 2013, 11:43:48 PM by maxliam »

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
I fixed your image tags.

Also you broke three rules, buddy.
You posted this in projects when it should've gone in New Projects, common mistake as its hard to find this board.
You advertised a website outside of the poster board.
You double posted.

This is your first strike, try not to do these things again

Resident Cloud
Level 91
Evil has destroyed the land, and made it terrible

it looks quite nice

There are many diffrent powers!
<a href="http://s211.photobucket.com/albums/bb49/maxliam/?action=view&current=clip0031.flv">Darkness power 2</a>
your the only one who can save this planet, and destroy all evil!

why can i do the above ability then i want one where i can summon daisies :D

your spelling is also a little off but you can always hire a tester to help you find those mistakes :D

Maxliam Copyrite© 2008

i think the correct way of writing this is © Maxliam(youll have to put your real name here) 2008 all rights reserved


where exactly do i find your game. i see lots of people using a game maker to make games that are exactly the same as each other.

Level 85
Destiny's Corpse
My first suggestion:

New main character Sprite! I try to avoid using all of the RMXP default sprites. They aren't very origional, you know? Anyways, I g2g, so I will post more later!

Level 86
This part of me, I choose not to see.
Your grammar is bad, your planning is over excessive.

Grammar -> Excitement does not mean you need to put an exclamation mark at the end of every sentance. I get a headache when I read it.

Planning -> Do you know how to event these mini-games? Are there going to be more characters? Do you have the scripts already? Hundreds of weapons for one character isn't exactly smart; it takes a long time to learn how to use a weapon. I personally am resonably good with a bow (year camps) and long sticks =P but like hell can I use double daggers.
If there are other characters, why aren't they explained?
Why are you "born" into a world at the start? If you are "born" I think your doing a simulation rather than an RPG. There are better ways to explain this.

Does your hero actually have a REASON to start this quest? Unless your making a generic, boring RPG with a paladin light hero who's brain dead and kills evil for no reason, it's not a good idea. Does the hero have a grudge against evil? Does some divine entity come and proclaim his doom UNLESS he does this? I mean, do you go out and fight evil everyday for no particular reason?

I didn't think so.

If evil has made the land terrible, like ahref pointed out, you should use a different tileset. I don't associate evil with bunnies, birds and sunlight, unless of course the good side has dark traits.
That'd be interesting.
Or is the land terrible because its easy to get lost? Or because there are a lot of birds?

I also could not find your topic at Sploder.com. Maybe you could provide a direct link or your screenname on the site...
However your mapping isn't bad (like I know...but it's better than mine).

In summary, go over everything, maybe consider putting everything ON HERE, make sure the story has a proper plot, and try to make some orginal things, like Blulightning said. Heck, even the Character Maker is better than the default, you know :).

Level 85
Destiny's Corpse
Ringo, I think you're being a little harsh. First off, the game ISN'T finished, he is still working on it. Second, it seems to me like a rough draft. Of course his grammar is going to be off! Have you ever written something perfectly the first time? Third, what makes you assume he won't be able to event his minigames? He seems pretty competent to me! Maybe you should just bug off.

Level 86
This part of me, I choose not to see.
A rough draft doesn't mean you have to put an exclamation mark at the end of each sentance. A full stop is easier to put than an exclamation in the first place since it only needs one key.
And if it was a rough draft, he posted it over a week ago; he could have easily changed it since, just press the "edit" button.
And don't ask me about writing things perfectly, because I have since I practice a lot. I'm a writer by trade so I think I know what I'm doing.
And I didn't ASSUME, I asked. Eventing may seem simple, but it is a powerful tool and it can be hard to event some mini-games.

I don't mean to sound cold, cruel or harsh, but that's how I am.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
I have to agree with what Ringo said. It was honest and constructive criticism and I think the maker of this game can benefit from it. In any case, the reason to post a rough draft is to get C&C before posting the main product so that the main product is as good as it can be. Harsher may be better in that regard.

That being said, it does look better than a lot of the games that come through, and so I wish you luck.

Level 85
Destiny's Corpse
I think it will be a great game, just make sure you update this a lot, otherwise we can't help you!