First, know I'm explaining what these do AND how to set them up so they do not glitch. Do not cut corners by just putting blank events over things that you want to help. Okay? Good.
First off, be sure you know how to use common events and events. Be familiar with variables, as well. I won't tell you where the events are placed in the window, I'll just declare what goes where and what it helps to do.
Second. When you're eventing in a HOUSE up to the wall. Do NOT shove the items into the wall, hide the floor under the items. (the wall magically camos)
Yeah. Back to basics, anyone?
Anywai. It's my first event system thing, so it's sorta breakable.
First, figure out the skill you want. If it's cooking, like I'll show you (it's my first skill made with this... in a hour or so with the maker and then running back over through playtesting to find and fix small bugs.) Now, first, make a item, such as cabbage.
Second, add three variables: "Skill Name Level", "Skill Name Experience", "Skill Name Experience Requirement". You can change the names as you see fit. They will be called (0001:Skill Name Level),(0002:Skill Name Experience), and (0003:Skill Name Experience Requirement).
3rd! Make a common event for the skill Level Up. Name it anything. I'll be calling it the "Level Up Event". Same goes for the cooking skills. For now, I'll only use the knife board as a example. It's the Knife Event.
4th. I am NOT using screenshots at the moment. Do it by hand and PM me with a screenie of the troubles, if they arise. (this is sorta a PS. 8D)
Fifth! Make a area for it to be used. (such as a stove, knifeboard, or sink!) Designate the area, then put the part in as a event. Make it call your "Knife Event" to activate! This is to simplify "okay, I want 200 kitchens!" and copy/pasting the actions for kitchens! You can even simplify THIS if you want leveled kitchens instead of leveled cooking dishes -- make common events for all kitchens. Anyway.
Sixth! Go to the common event Knife Event. We'll be making "chopped cabbage" with cabbage. I will now guide you through what events should go in what order.
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: :Would you like to cook?
@>Show Choices: Yes!, No,thanks.
: When [Yes!]
@>Text: -,-, Normal, Bottom
: :What would you like to cook?
@> Show Choices: Cut Cabbage, I can't cook any of these!
: When [Cut Cabbage]
@>Conditional Branch: [Cabbage] in Inventory
@>Conditional Branch: Variable [0001:Skill Name Level]
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: :You successfully cut the cabbage!
@>Change Items: [Cabbage], - 1
@>Change Items: [Cut Cabbage], + 1
@>Control Variables: [0002: Skill Level Experience] += 2
@>Call Common Event: Level Up Event
: Else
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: :You don't have a high enough cooking level
: :cook that!
Branch End
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Bottom
: :You don't have the required ingredients!
Branch End
When [I can't cook any of these!]
@>Exit Event Processing
Branch End
When [No, thanks.]
@>Exit Event Processing
Branch End
7th! Take the Level Up Event and add the sensor to sense if it's level up time!
@> Conditional Branch: Variable [0002: Skill Name Experience] == Variable [0003:Skill Name Experience Requirements]
@>Text: -, -, Normal, Middle
: : Skill Name level up!
@> Control Variables: [0001:Skill Name Level] +=1
@> Control Variables: [0003:Skill Name Experience Requirement] *= 2
@> Control Variables: [0002:Skill Name Experience] = 0
@>Exit Event Processing
Branch End
Done! Be sure you have Cabbage and Cut Cabbage as items in your inventory, otherwise there ish fail.