oh.my.god zylos....
Your mother is a damn good Laura Mimsum impersonator and the adminvernium was all about tragollaw but my hippopautamus aint got nothin on Republican jawbreaking super robots and Daniel Radcliffe once decided to fuck whales with a bucket of KY jelly and toothpaste and a castle far away where no one can hear you, the whale pooped soup and handgrenades with a bucket of tar chips, while Mickey Mouse punched Minnie and a stick of dynamite fell from magical lands from above; ALAKAZAM!!!!!!!!!
.____________. dont judge me.
Once ____ ____ ____ in a _____ with _____ and _____, there were _____ who ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ AND ____ all of the village people, where the ____ used to ____ and ____ with 73 _____ using nothing but ____ and dick lube.