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What we have so far...

Started by Arwym, June 28, 2008, 03:13:13 AM

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Okay!  Please remind me to update the blog, lol...

First of all, I am currently gathering a team to develop the game.  That's the first thing to do.  We are going to make a plan and organize the team by tasks.  Each of you will be sent a copy of the first version of the design document.  This will contain general information about the project.

But since I haven't finished this document, I'll inform you of a few things through this thread:

At this moment, the engine I have decided to use is XtremeWorlds.  This could change at any time.  There are more powerful engines, I know.  But due to my current plan, and to my disability to have VB6, an Open Source engine with less features that would need programming work from my part is a no no.  That is why I didn't choose VBGore, which is, to this date, the most powerful 2D ORPG engine (and the only one of its type that currently uses MySQL to handle data; the others use flat files).

We have decided to use RM2k3 (RPG Maker 2003) RTP (Runtime Package) --styled-- graphics.  They are easier to find, easier to mimic, and of the perfect size for this type of engine.  They are also smaller in file size, if I am not wrong.  The more accessible this game is to players, the better.

Please start studying this engine.  If you are interested in spriting, then learn about graphics in XW and try using the Graphics Converter.  If you're interested in mapping, then practice mapping with XW.  If you want to be a scripter, then learn about the scripting feature and try to understand how Sadscript works, especially for XW (study what each sub and command is for).  And so on.  This will help us save time in the future.  The sooner we start learning, the sooner we can get started with the fun part!  :)

Well, that's all for now!  I'll post more information later, okay?

Leave your comments and questions, please.


Awesome, will we be using visual equipment?


I downloaded it, but I don't know how to open the map editor ;-;

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


>.>  Did you check the documentation/instructions at the website?  Check

Never mind, some instructions in the website are outdated.  Read below.

QuoteOkay.  First, you need an account and character in your game.  Run the server from the Server folder.  Once the server is running, go to the Client folder and run the client.  In the client's menu, go to New Account (if you haven't already) and create an account. Log In to the account, and create a new character (then again, if you haven't already).  Finally, Log In to the account again (it logs you out after creating the character), select the character you just created, and join the game with it.  You'll appear in an empty map and your character on the screen.  You can see the game menu, the chat log, etc.  :)

Now, go into your Server folder again.  There is a small program named AcctMngr (Account Manager).  Run it, select your account from the Accounts list, and your character from the Characters list.  Then click on the Stats tab, and into the Admin field, type "9".  You have set your character's access level to 9, which is the maximum.  Now that character has all the privileges.  This will give the player access to the admin commands. Once you switch back to the client, you can view a list of administrator commands by typing /help.  For the admin control panel, press F1.

If you ever want to give another character access to all the admin commands, you can now do it from the game (if you are using an Admin character) with the following command: /setaccess 9 playername
The same command works if you want remove the access.  Change the number to 0.  Mappers, I think only need access level 4 for the map editor.

Now check the link from earlier.  It takes you to a page that explains how the map editor works.  :)


As for visual equipment, that's what I hope for.  The feature's not implemented yet.  For the next version of XW, however, I think it'll be ready.


... Just a question for Leventhan...

When did I send you a PM with the address and password to the board?  I can't recall...  >.<


Quote from: Starfish on June 28, 2008, 01:57:29 PM
QuoteOkay.  First, you need an account and character in your game.  Run the server from the Server folder.  Once the server is running, go to the Client folder and run the client.  In the client's menu, go to New Account (if you haven't already) and create an account. Log In to the account, and create a new character (then again, if you haven't already).  Finally, Log In to the account again (it logs you out after creating the character), select the character you just created, and join the game with it.  You'll appear in an empty map and your character on the screen.  You can see the game menu, the chat log, etc.  :)

Now, go into your Server folder again.  There is a small program named AcctMngr (Account Manager).  Run it, select your account from the Accounts list, and your character from the Characters list.  Then click on the Stats tab, and into the Admin field, type "9".  You have set your character's access level to 9, which is the maximum.  Now that character has all the privileges.  This will give the player access to the admin commands. Once you switch back to the client, you can view a list of administrator commands by typing /help.  For the admin control panel, press F1.

If you ever want to give another character access to all the admin commands, you can now do it from the game (if you are using an Admin character) with the following command: /setaccess 9 playername
The same command works if you want remove the access.  Change the number to 0.  Mappers, I think only need access level 4 for the map editor.

... Just a question for Leventhan...

When did I send you a PM with the address and password to the board?  I can't recall...  >.<
Ah, thanks Arwym.
I needed that instructions =D

I got to this board like I got to all the other boards >_>

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


That, I don't understand.  This is supposed to be only accessible through password, Leventhan.  My question is, how did you get the password?  Was it me who gave it to you?


cool cool, I like the window, could use some sprucing up, but it looks to be a good engine.

I'll dl sometime today and see how it runs for me.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon


We should start designing classes and character development.
Also, can we have special looking characters?  ;8


all GM/Staff should be allowed to have an epic-looking custom character sprite

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon


Quote from: Starfish on June 28, 2008, 02:49:10 PM
That, I don't understand.  This is supposed to be only accessible through password, Leventhan.  My question is, how did you get the password?  Was it me who gave it to you?
Me remembers so. ;8

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Then that's good!

Anyway, yeah!  I have many, many ideas I'd like to discuss with you guys.

I even have a possible story.  (It's an MMO, but we'll have something of a background, in order to make things more interesting.)

The GM's/Staff members will have special characters with special sprites, that's one of the things I have in mind.

I was suggested vehicles, but...  This one's not possible with the engine.  At least not for riding/driving.

I have yet to know how the paperdoll feature works (it was implemented in the last upgrade).  But I can't tell until the developer posts instructions.  He hasn't done that yet.  When we figure out how paperdolling works in this engine, we can start planning that part: player appearances.  But I can tell you from now that some parts of the sprite (such as hair) can't be changed as easily.  We'd have to use the "change sprite" option instead.  One different sprite for every hair style and color possible.  But I'll get more into that later, okay?

Anyway, I'll work on that design document this week for sure!  :)


for now, all we can do is offer a sprite for each class.
I dont' know how to mess with paperdoll and I don't want to screw it up if I do it wrong

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon


Some IMPORTANT news, guys!

NAMKCOR told me that he knows enough VB6, and he has Visual Studio 6, so we CAN use another engine!  One that is more powerful, that is.  And I know the perfect one.  :) - not only it's more optimized and more powerful!  It's open source and it uses MySQL~!  That's perfect.  I am going to look at the MySQL part, and if there's no problem, we're moving to this engine.

Sorry for making you download XW!  I didn't know about NAMKCOR's experience with VB6.  :o

Note that not all features will be implemented at this time, but the most important, like the PvP and character advancement systems, and other things, will!
And if we can use MySQL, maybe I can make Roph add something to our forum profiles that shows our in-game character data.  :o  It's a possibility.

So if you pray, then please pray for this to come true!

Now, one more thing: we need to discuss a story and background for the game.  A game without story is kind of... meh.  I have some ideas, so I'll organize them and post them soon.
