I agree with what Holk said about Song of Battle, but another thing that kills the mood a bit are the soundfonts/patches you're using. The strings and woodwinds swell a lot, and don't have much attack, and it takes away from the UMPH of the piece.
Untrod ground was good, but I felt like it should have been part of song of Battle. Really, it sounded a LOT like Song of Battle.
Again, though, your choice of patches/soundfonts (or maybe you're stuck with them) sweeten the theme a little too much at times.
It's not really your fault, in terms of writing.
Battle(2) was better. Had much more atmosphere, but again it sounded pretty much exactly like the other two.
By the end of it, after listening to all 3 of them in succession, I was BEGGING for a change up, or a key change, or SOMETHING different.
So, try branching out and trying out some techniques like changing keys or using non-standard chords. It really spices the music up, and lessens the monotony.
pre-edit: The calm piece is very nice, but my "criticisms" remain the same. What you have is very nice, but very simple. You're very good with melody and expression, but your choice of chord progressions leaves me wanting more.