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RoLaS: Key of Fates

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Level 85
RoLaS: Key of Fates


There are five realms that are bound together by darkness and the True Power.  The Mortal Realm, Immortal Realm, Netherealm, Dream Realm, and Realm of the Dead.  All are connected by the Citadel at the heart of the Crossroads, which is protected by a Guardian chosen by the Gods.  The Mortal Realm is where many stories begin, and the home to the Five Races....

Five there were to create the balance, but only three remain to wander a fading world, and they have forgotten the Old Tongue, the ancient speech of power.

If there was but one who would lift his eyes and see the pale countenance of the realm, and seek to reignite the light of hope within those who would stand and fight against the creeping shadows. And then one would become two, become ten, and ten thousand. Perhaps then Three would become Five, reunited once more, and the old Songs would rise into the air, and all would be whole.
The end of ages is coming; you can sense it in the still air, and the silent ground. Where shall we look for salvation from the darkness? A way must be found, though the path will be treacherous and hidden. It is a final chance for salvation, to return to the Great Balance of the Five. All our hopes rest upon the Prophecy, and the one who will save the realms from destruction.

Where the story begins...

Before the War of Races, three kingdoms dwell in harmony. Three races, Juna, Raihu, and Humans, live in peace. But darkness encroaches upon this land, a looming shadow of evil. Stolen, is the Key of Fates, an artifact powerful enough to bind even the Gods. An urgent call brings the Realms to arms, a small band of unwary travelers dispatched to retrieve the missing Key and defeat the menace who threatens the realms.

Take up your sword, Quester. Enter the realms, and become part of the legend...

Spoiler for Main Characters:
Name: Shujin of Shaltea
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Juna
A Juna pirate of the legendary Shaltean line with a weakness for spices and adventure. Born to a noble house in Elden, influence from his grandfather steered him away from magic and into swordsmanship at a young age. He has since inherited his father's legendary ship, the Shaltea.

Name: Eris Hirutheine Kirruno
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human
An austere survivor of the Scyrian clan once feared for her fatal bladework. Called Hirutheine, the Assassin, Eris hails from Eardras, where she serves as the Head Healer of Landrih Sanctuary.

Name: Rhihu Kronthnas
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Raihu
An outcast orphan who made his living in Human districts as a pickpocket. Generally cheerful, if a little silly, the King of Rogues hails from the Court of Shadows in the underground or Har Drennis.

Name: Conall Verselord
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Juna
A quiet, brooding young mage of extraordinary magical talent and a dark past. He is the adoptive blood-brother of the pirate Shujin.

Note: Character images will come soon once the artist finishes it.

Spoiler for Facts of RoLaS:
The Races:






The Pantheon of the Realms:
There are three main deities, represented by the sun and the twin moons that brings light to the world.

The Gods:
Sun God: Thanas
God of Justice, Head Deity, Patron to all males
Moon Goddesses: Aelvir and Rianys
Aelvir - Goddess of the Hunt, of War and Matron to animals.
Rianys - Matron of females, Goddess of Wisdom
God of Dreams: Oranius
Ruler of the Dream Realm, God of guidance and meditation
God of Death: The Grey One (his name is unknown)
Ruler of the Realm of the Dead
God of Chaos: Scyros
God of discord, Ruler of the Netherealm
Goddess of Earth: Lorraina
Goddess of healing, the harvest, and Matron to Grandmothers
God of Fire: Faeros
God of tempests, God of the Hearth and Patron to blacksmiths
Goddess of Air: Tairie
Goddess of weather and weaving, goddess of enlightenment
God of Water: Obariun
God of music and art, god of storms
God of Trickery: Thakken
God of cunning and mischief, deity of thieves and rogues
God of War: Tauron
Patron to Fighters, God of combat and wisdom

Spoiler for Screenshots:

A village...

Thanks seita!

More coming soon...

Spoiler for About the Game:
The game is based on the epic Role-Playing forum called RoLaS. Key of Fates is one of many arcs in RoLaS: Realms of Light and Shadow. All RoLaS credits goes to SW Garney.

Spoiler for KoF Team:
Tezante - Organizer, semi-scripter, writer
ALKirru - Graphics, organizer, spriter, writer, and detailer
Tian - Concept Artist
NightSway - Mapper

Feel free to tell us what you think about RoLaS: Key of Fates!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 05:53:07 PM by tchild »

Level 87
"Dear diary, jack pot"
What can I say? This is pretty interesting and the story makes me curious to see what happens.
So good luck, and looking forward to it.
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Level 88
Looks nice. Mapping could be better though. It looks a bit blank. Good luck.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
I see great potential in this game, try not to be over-ambitious and work frequently alright?
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 85
Thanks everyone for your input ^^

Revo - Thanks for telling me! Updated the map. It was the old version that I put up so now is the latest one. *Heh*