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Element Force

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Rep: +0/-0Level 85
Hi I'm pepepalo and new here in this forum

so I want to put my next project here
I'ts a VX project:

History: This game have a simple-tipic-story....Your Character is Kyle, a little kid that want to be a Powerful Warrior! (jeje) because a GOD tell him to save the world. But there's a problem: your father don't want you to be a warrior because your are young....so at the begginig of the game you must do easy missions like buy a club, or food and that sort of things....
But the years pass...and your father teach you how to FIGHT!
but a mistery man kill him.... :(
So Kyle begin his adventure, killing all the Element sages....(fire, ice, sand, etc)

(I don't have an image sorry)
Age: 10 then 16
It's a Boy
A little warrior aprentice that must save the world
Its born in toshiba city

Its the cousin of Kyle, and king of Sunland

Secret Characters:
Mina: Its a girl from your city that loves you!
Gilles:Ultra Secret :P

Spoiler for:
In my game, in the maps I put that in the houses, you could see a little from OUT the house, So when you get out of the house is more realistic, because you see where you will "teletransport":

And This is a part of toshiba city:

Demo: emmm......Here it is: DEMO....Oh the link is broken sorry XDXDXD no there isn't a demo

I use the PR_AMS Crisaegrin from VZ4, it's a message modifier.
THE Quest System From Modern Algebra II from the forum: www.rmrk.net
About the quests: in my project there are primary and secondary objetives: so you could finish the primary objetive (kill the sages) or go by another story

The game Is totally in english

Modern Algebra II
THe one who do the PR_AMS
And this exelent Forum

That's all please post something