Heyo everyone! I just wanted to share my first song ever composed, it's 1 minute and 24 seconds long, and this couldn't be possible without the help of Arrow! <3
The song may not be much, but hopefully you'll understand it better once I explain the meaning of it's parts.
1st Piano Part:
The first piano part symbolizes the start of the character's life on their own, and when it gets to the part at 8 seconds where it seems to get all "Uh Oh, Uh Oh" is a foreshadow to a argument or bad point or sad event in the character's life.
1st Guitar Part:
The first guitar part basically just symbolizes a mid-life crisis that gets worse through the character's years.
2nd Piano Part:
The second piano part symbolizes the point in the character's life where every thing's getting better, the crisis is dealt with, everything is good, at least for a while, until...
2nd Guitar Part:
The second guitar part shows the point in the character's life where the character finds them self to be in a very dangerous moment or discussion with a dearly loved one, and life is hell and the character's roller coaster suddenly flies off the tracks.
3rd Piano Part:
The third piano part is where the character is barely hanging on to life, the character is wounded or deeply depressed and is barely hanging on, but at the end they are killed by someone else, themselves, or the wound.
3rd Guitar Part:
This part symbolizes the death of the character, a sad moment which ends with their final note/breath.
Final Words:
I hope you all understand this song better, it's only my first, but I wanted to get a sort of feeling across. The reason I say Character above is that it could pertain to any certain person, not just one.
Thanks again for your teachings, Arrow!