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What's your opinion on gay people?

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A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
My personal View... I have no issue what so ever with them.

The only thing I do worry a little about is if other Sexual orientations become accepted.

You see, it wasn't too long ago that being Gay could get you spending a term in Jain, almost for as long as being a Pedo.

My worry is, that in a 10 years or so, people just see Pedo's as being normal or people that fancy animals or something... Don't get me wrong I am not likening Gays to Perverse and unatural people like animal shaggers and Pedo's... I am just saying soon nothing will be tabo and it could be that all sexual desires are seen as normal.

I think Laws are in place for a reason... Being Gay, must be very hard... But I guess for the Pedo's and Animal shaggers it is also... AH...

I dunno really... I don't think it is natural to fancy the same sex or take residence and kick start a relationship... But saying that, I am not Gay... So I am not faced with the hardship they have.

I think every one Desrves to be happy as long as they are not hurting anyone in the process.

But I think moving the Bar on what os socially acceptable is hurting people... On a small mental level.

Does that make sense...?

Nope.... But then what does in the world we are in today... LOL

Harsh to say but, your sorta getting on a point there. Obviouly, they won't allow something as pedophilia . . . The riots will be outrages & it has to be someoe who is pretty mess up on that.

:/ Animals maybe . . . but I'm sure Pedophilia will not be & if it is, most likely a age Limit, in a far future that we won't be there to see.

Besides, :/ A Kid's love is just Puppy Love . . . It's not funny for some old eese to take advantage of it. >__>;;

But then again, Children are learnig stuff off the Internet they aren't ready yet to know of. But that ha nothig to do with this.  :tpg:

So, most likely LOS, what's Taboo to us, it can be just Normal lifestyle to another country . . . . I  dunno where it was, but there's a place that peoppe actually marry when they're 12 from they're parent's permission.

Resource Maker
Level 91
In Parts of Europe I think you can Marry at the age of 12...

Jail time is becoming less and less in England for crimes of a sexual nature against kids under the age of 16... You get more time in Jail for not paying your TV licence here.

I saw a guy on TV the other night who married a Sheep.

I don't think same sex relationships should have weddings... I don't think people should be able to marry Sheep... WHY ?

The Christian faith is loosing members as people nolonger know what the word of God is... People are reading it and making a sense of it how they see fit... You change one rule people change others.

Perhaps declarations of love between an two ADULTS of the same sex, or an ADULT and an Animal are would be fine, but not Marriage. No other religion welcomes this move, so why does the Christian faith bend ?...

I think they see the religion falling... With all the different cultures coming into the Western world our children see many different religions at school, and other kids question the Faith... And sometimes attack Christianity as being Gay as it holds hands with Gay unions.

I don't think a Religion should have bent to accomodate a Sexual orientation... I know most Christian Priests are Gay and that played a BIG part in the change, but many of the preists are Pedo's also, so how long until they change the rules there... I mean there is no rule in the ten commandments about kids...  :o

I don't see Gay people in the same light as pedo's or Animal lovers, but it is very easy for others to draw the same line. And right now it seems the Bible changes on a day to day basiss... I don't think it will be long before the next generation have no faith in the Bible as it keeps changing it rules sending mixed messages, and I think this will cause damage physically.

It's not the Gay people doing this, but the changes made to give them happyness...

Some will arguee it's worth it...

But I say if people have no faith in the Bible they are in fact questioning their own faith in God or the after life it's self... It makes the Bible laughable. And in a sense makes peope question the real value of life. We are seeing an increase of young people killing one and another, young people with more faith in a film rather than the Bible, Kids wanting to be in the Matrix or become a Jedi in a religius sense. All this sort of started to happen around the time the church bent on politics to lower the law of concent from 18 to 16 for same sex couples.

Something fairly small can trigger bigger things.

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A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Ermmm . . .  a Sheep?

I heard of one who Married a Dog >___>;;;

& a Guy who was Living with 5 Women & they were his wives . . . had children too. But, point here is, well, The Marriage is something not to be touched . . . . so, I guess you have a point there.

& Secondly, Christians interpret things they're way, you won't see someone who is truly a saint, most of the changes in the bible is because people's ideals changes through the generations and start to learn of seen things in a new light, but true, that there are things that, really shouldn't be.

That pretty much I want to sum it up. & I think of marriage at such a young age is not good, since a 12 year old is still a child, they should live without the worries of an Adult, but lately, the world is going downhill . . . D: Since people are seen stuff differently.

I love Firerain
Level 97
I said this once:

It's not our  f-ing problem if those f-ing guys wanna f- weirdly

And i say it again:

It's not our  f-ing problem if those f-ing guys wanna f- weirdly
Arlen is hot.

Resource Maker
Level 91
I see all these varients of sexual perversion in the same light really...

Perverse by definition:-

Perversion (also called wrongheadedness) is a concept describing those types of human behavior that are perceived to be a serious deviation from what is considered to be orthodox or normal. Although it can refer to varying forms of deviation, it is most often used to describe sexual behaviors that are seen as abnormal or excessive. Perversion differs from deviant behavior, since the latter refers to a recognized violation of social rules or norms (although the two terms can apply to the same thing).

And I don't think being perverse is something that should be seen as wrong... just different...

I mean laws have been set time and time again based on someone elses idea of what is right or wrong... I know it's been mentioned some place on here here before, and that is... "What is right, and What is wrong"... They are opinions, nothing more...

To a Canibal living in the Jungles seperate to modern man, eating another human is as innocent as us opening a can of beans.

And on that Note, even if I don't agree with someones activities and they repulse me, I have the option to look the other way or ignore it, for their opinion and their business is theirs... Nobody owns us... And no Laws should really apply... Why does the Government have the right to change laws as they see fit...?

They are our Government, we employee them... Us the people pay their wage...

I am in two minds about the whole thing... I am sitting on the fence... I don't mind Gay people, but I feel the change in laws just opens a bigger loop whole for others.

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Level 85
I'm afflicted, you're addicted~
Gay people are exactly that, people.

I don't treat them any differently because of their life choices. Hell, it doesn't even bother me, nor is it any of my business. I have a few friends who are attracted to the opposite sex, but I am still great friends with them.

It bothers me when people resent gays because they believe they will hit on any male(or female) that moves.

My opinion~
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 07:04:37 AM by dismal. »
Today is what happened to yesterday.
"God bless catastrophe.."

Level 96
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Level 85
This is MORTRED. the phantom assassin
Here i will post some bullets about the anti-gay and pro-gay relationship.
This was discussed on our Psychology/Theology class when i was studying nursing.

YOU DECIDE what side are you on

1.An illustration of the division can be seen by what either side might say about the friendship in the Old Testament between David and Jonathan. One verse reads:  "I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; dear and delightful you were to me; your love for me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women."


A pro-gay position might be that this is a clear indication that King David had a gay relationship, and to pretend otherwise is naive.


An anti-gay opinion might be that the friendship between the two men was exactly that - a very close and loyal allegiance.

2.  Similarly, the tale of Sodom is often debated. In it, Lot has two angels staying in his house. The men of Sodom surrounded the house. "They called to Lot and asked him where the men were who had entered his house that night. 'Bring them out,' they shouted, 'so that we might have intercourse with them.'"

To protect his visitors from an act which Lot describes as "wicked", he offers the crowd his two virgin daughters instead. The crowd are not satisfied and break the door down - the angels then make the intruders blind and Sodom is eventually destroyed by "fire and brimstone".

An anti-gay argument might say this story demonstrates the immorality of homosexuality, as has been accepted for generations, hence the term sodomy. Elsewhere in Genesis, God says of the men: "Their sin is very grave." It's an example of behaviour degenerating.

Of course the men's behaviour was wicked, but it was wicked because it's a tale of sexual assault and rape. When Jesus mentions Sodom, hundreds of years later, it appears to be in a context of a discussion of hospitality, rather than one of sexual morality.

3.  There are several verses in the Bible which are similarly contested - there are however a much smaller number of seemingly clear statements. The most famous of them is probably from Leviticus:  "You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination."

An anti-gay position would be that this line is unambiguous. It is also repeated elsewhere in the book. The speaker of the words is God, so this is an explicit indication that homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes. It was one of the sins that justified God in giving the land of Canaan to the Israelites

A pro-gay argument might say that other verses in the same book forbid a wide range of sexual activities, including having sex with a woman who is having her period. This is an indication that the passage embodies specific cultural values rather than God's law.

4.  There is some debate about how relevant rules in the Old Testament are to Christians. Some would say they are binding, since Jesus said he did not come to abolish the old laws. Others would say that Jesus set Christians free from the old laws, highlighting instead that people should love God and their neighbour.

Jesus himself says nothing explicitly about homosexuality. There are though two statements by him which have been interpreted as having a bearing on the subject.

"[A] man shall leave his father and mother, and be made one with his wife; and the two shall become one flesh."



This indicates Jesus saw heterosexual relations as the proper way of behaving.

Jesus is actually talking about the sanctity of heterosexual marriage

Hmmmm.. Interesting..


Level 96
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Level 85
This is MORTRED. the phantom assassin
"Prof. John Boswell, the late Chairman of Yale University’s history department, discovered that in addition to heterosexual marriage ceremonies in ancient Christian church liturgical documents, there were also ceremonies called the "Office of Same-Sex Union" (10th and 11th century), and the "Order for Uniting Two Men" (11th and 12th century)."

i found this on the link that you posted Namckor.. Interesting.

The picture is shocking at first glance too. Geez..

 I really believe that there are many secrets on Christianity that was not yet revealed..

Level 96
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It was a widely accepted rite.

Simply put, in my opinion, Love between two appropriate aged humans isn't 'wrong'.
some of it is creeeeeeeeepy as all hell.
but love isn't wrong.

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Level 85
This is MORTRED. the phantom assassin
The question is, WILL SOCIETY ACCEPT IT? thats the hardest part that they will face.

Amen though namckor.

Level 96
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Society has always segregated, oppressed, and feared things they did not understand.  Sexual attraction between two men or two women is not understood by heterosexual people, and therefore, is (usually) feared or automatically listed as 'bad'

So, I honestly don't see society accepting gay people any time soon.

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Ok, this topic is old, but I just had to say:

Gay people are already accepted, it just depends on where you go.

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
Ok, this topic is old, but I just had to say:

Gay people are already accepted, it just depends on where you go.

yeah, in liberal states
I meant like...worldwide, really.

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pokeball GAXOfflineMale
Level 88
The Laughing Man
In all reality, it's not likely in the near future that homosexuality will be accepted world wide.  Religious groups such as the catholic church and other religions based around the judeo-christian belief structure (this includes Islam) have a very negative outlook on homosexuality as a whole.  In my life, I've seen tons of posters saying "God Hates Fags" and other defamatory remarks.  Here's where you ask yourself though:  how do you know that?

I have no problems with homosexuals, no matter what their persuation is.  I have no problems with transgender or bisexual people either, even hermaphrodites cause me no problems.  My problem lies in the intollerance the general poppulus has with these groups because they embrace something that most do not understand.

Seriously, a lot of these groups who look down on homosexuality, and even persecute those who either support it or practice it are fairly idiotic.  Look at the Baptists and Catholics.  It's honestly amazing how patheticly stupid these groups are with their view on birth control, especially in when they claim that condoms cause more pregnancies and spread STDs more.  In all seriousness, the day we people start thinking as individuals rather than hive minds linked to these megalith organizations that precede the dark ages, that is the day when we may finally be able to lessen intollerance to the degree that maybe homosexuality may not be seen as a condemned act.
Stand alone from mainstream society, be the different voice in a world where all speak the same.  Beat not to the rythm of the same drum, make your own rythm and follow it.  Individuality is the method by which we people live, the factor which keeps us from a hive mind, a singularity.  Instrumentality is not key, the key is accepting the difference of people and allowing their differences to flourish, not to suppress these differences and make everyone equal, for in pure equality, we lose what makes us who we are, our humanity.

Level 96
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In all seriousness, the day we people start thinking as individuals rather than hive minds linked to these megalith organizations that precede the dark ages, that is the day when we may finally be able to lessen intollerance to the degree that maybe homosexuality may not be seen as a condemned act.

Unfortunately the human mind searches for something to belong to, so as to feel secure in a community of like minds and viewpoints, so this probably won't happen on a wide scale anytime soon.

But that's another topic for another time.

edit: I guess my opinion on this topic is skewed and biased, considering that I am a gay people (mostly)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 01:11:24 PM by NAMKCOR »

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Level 97
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Just a historical note, the days preceding the dark ages were actually better than the dark ages. A lot of major literature produced then is still studied today, so that's not a very compelling point. Further, a lot of religions in their present form do not precede the dark ages. And I also find it ironic that you are complaining about people's ignorance while simultaneously demonstrating how ignorant you are about the belief systems of several major religions.

Level 96
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Just a historical note, the days preceding the dark ages were actually better than the dark ages. A lot of major literature produced then is still studied today, so that's not a very compelling point. Further, a lot of religions in their present form do not precede the dark ages. And I also find it ironic that you are complaining about people's ignorance while simultaneously demonstrating how ignorant you are about the belief systems of several major religions.

I was?

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Level 97
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No, GuardianAngel was. I didn't really address your post as I agree with it. Except for the I am a gay people part. I'm not a gay people.

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
No, GuardianAngel was. I didn't really address your post as I agree with it. Except for the I am a gay people part. I'm not a gay people.

oh, lol, I got confused cuz you posted right after me and I thought you meant me cuz you didn't quote GAX n_n;;

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pokeball GAXOfflineMale
Level 88
The Laughing Man
<Temp Off Topic>
I agree that the years preceeding the Dark Ages were actually not only much more productive, but much more enlightened.  If I remember correctly (may not be, haven't taken a history class in two years), many of the current churches of the current day formed as a result of problems in the dark ages, and some have formed from more recent events in the past 200 years.
</Temp Off Topic>

Also, agreeing with NAMKCOR, it is unlikely that people can think in a more individual sense, atleast in the present time because of the human nature of needing, or at the least wanting to belong to a group as to have some form of fulfillment, rather than feeling ostrasized for being a loner because you are different.

I think it'd just be good if people would at the least try to understand how homosexuals are, instead of making them feel bad any time they get the chance just because either they're different from what's "normal" (Quotes because truly being normal is undefinable because of the constantly changing social norm)  or they go against someone's beliefs.
Stand alone from mainstream society, be the different voice in a world where all speak the same.  Beat not to the rythm of the same drum, make your own rythm and follow it.  Individuality is the method by which we people live, the factor which keeps us from a hive mind, a singularity.  Instrumentality is not key, the key is accepting the difference of people and allowing their differences to flourish, not to suppress these differences and make everyone equal, for in pure equality, we lose what makes us who we are, our humanity.