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Fading Backwards (Improved Demo!)

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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Fading Backwards

In this game, there are two main characters. One girl, named Kyela, has returned to Elpherpha Beach in hopes of restoring its peace and glow.
There she finds a girl named Mira passed out on the beach with no memory. As Kyela sets out to investigate the decline of the area, it seems that Mira may have a deeper connection to it than anyone realizes.

Demo: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V7BDGN9L


Spoiler for:
Kyela: Kyela has wavy, strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. She is gentle towards those that are kind, and harsh towards anyone that brews up trouble. She is a dreamer and often talks in ways no one can quite grasp. She is somewhat of a loner and will try her hardest to overcome any obstacle that comes in her direction.

Mira: Mira has straight brown hair and green eyes. She has amnesia and thus acts childish and ditzy at times. However, it soon becomes apparent that it is not that she can't remember, but that she does not want to.

Max: Max has brown hair and brown eyes. Although he is not a big part of the game, he is one of the uncorrupted residents at the beach. Kyela and Mira are temporarily staying at his house.

Joey: Joey is a character that Kyela battles for no apparent reason. He seems fishy and seems to know more than he is saying. However, there is no true evidence of this or who he really is.

Spoiler for:


Sites: First Seed Material, Hot Toke, Loose Leaf, School RPG Maker, Strawberry Quartz, RPG Maker Resource Kit, Teamanti, Phanxgames, Whitecat, RPG Palace

Music: Jet- Shine on (I lay no claim to any of the music)

Mira & Kyela battlers and editing: Sandy
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 07:45:54 PM by sandypup123 »

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Ugh. You really need to work on your mapping, sandypup123.
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Ugh. You really need to work on your mapping, sandypup123.
Sorry, we're not experts, we're actually kinda new. If you could tell me which maps were bad and maybe some suggestions that would be helpful. I'm open to any constructive criticism! :P

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
1 To 7 Have errors, Empty & somewhat the Same Repetition.

The Caves looks too big, Empty the Ice Cave, while the Water Cave feels as if those stones where just putten there to cover space.

The Beach, Empty, There could be more Rocks, more stuff in it, as it is, above the others, empty, need to be filled up.

The Port Town, It's at least good but, The bridge is sorta not use right.

The Grey Castle where it has the screenshot of 2 Miras, sorta, is, dull for some reason, I dunno why, I feel it's dull, probably since I thik it could use a bit of details =X

Heave Interior Like it, thou there's a Mapping error, why is the Floor like that at the bottom? Other than that, Like it.

& the Last Ice Cave shot, The Tile set is used wrongly.


Ennough with Mapping,
The Story makes me plonder in curiosity :V But I am scared what might I see may kill me eyes. (lol) But I like the story & the fact there's two girls as Main characters >__>;;

That's my feedback on it =X

 ~ Caro Ru Lushe

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
It's rare to find a story like that, but I can only say that becuase of the all girls thing, the rest is pretty much cliche but still, I always say that cliche is not a problem, just learn to twist them.

Anyways, you need to really work on fleshing out your story description, it's not captivating at all right now, and it's barely understandable, lol.

The mapping is pretty bare, you should look up some mapping tutorials or look up some pro maps on DA and try to learn from them, don't give up.

If this is your first game, and it should be, then your doing much better than most nublets really, for one, you've actaully bothered with giving credit with an nice credits list, and You've devoted at least some custom work.

For now, you should work on reading up on some mapping tutorials and think of how to improve your story description.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
1 To 7 Have errors, Empty & somewhat the Same Repetition.

The Caves looks too big, Empty the Ice Cave, while the Water Cave feels as if those stones where just putten there to cover space.

The Beach, Empty, There could be more Rocks, more stuff in it, as it is, above the others, empty, need to be filled up.

The Port Town, It's at least good but, The bridge is sorta not use right.

The Grey Castle where it has the screenshot of 2 Miras, sorta, is, dull for some reason, I dunno why, I feel it's dull, probably since I thik it could use a bit of details =X

Heave Interior Like it, thou there's a Mapping error, why is the Floor like that at the bottom? Other than that, Like it.

& the Last Ice Cave shot, The Tile set is used wrongly.


Ennough with Mapping,
The Story makes me plonder in curiosity :V But I am scared what might I see may kill me eyes. (lol) But I like the story & the fact there's two girls as Main characters >__>;;

That's my feedback on it =X

 ~ Caro Ru Lushe

The stones were supposed to be a mini maze... not too complicated kind of just for fun.

Why do the beaches need to be so cluttered? The idea behind it was supposed to be a simple quiet beach... plus normally you don't find many big rocks or debris on clean, quiet beaches.

How is the bridge in the port town used incorrectly? How is it supposed to be used? We used it as a dock... :P
Likewise, in the ice caves we tried to make it look interesting even though we know that is not how it is usually used...

What do you mean by details in the shot with two Miras? Do you mean more detail in the picture or a description of the picture itself?

Thank you for the comments, sorry for not replying sooner: I was waiting for my friend to be with me so we could reply together.
We hope to improve enough that we will not kill your eyes.  :lol:

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
It's rare to find a story like that, but I can only say that becuase of the all girls thing, the rest is pretty much cliche but still, I always say that cliche is not a problem, just learn to twist them.

Anyways, you need to really work on fleshing out your story description, it's not captivating at all right now, and it's barely understandable, lol.

The mapping is pretty bare, you should look up some mapping tutorials or look up some pro maps on DA and try to learn from them, don't give up.

If this is your first game, and it should be, then your doing much better than most nublets really, for one, you've actaully bothered with giving credit with an nice credits list, and You've devoted at least some custom work.

For now, you should work on reading up on some mapping tutorials and think of how to improve your story description.

The idea behind the plot is cliche... but the way we plan to use it is very different from most things. We're just still at the beginning and haven't gotten deep into it  yet.

We admit the description is bad... It's hard to make a good one without giving anything away... We're working on it... :P

We've started looking at the tutorials, I think that the mapping will get better as we get used to using it, I think the mountains we have not connected yet are better...

More custom work is being put in, I just have to reupload the game. ;)

Thank you for the comments, sorry for not replying sooner: I was waiting for my friend to be with me so we could reply together. :D

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Ermm, Try not to double post . . .

Here it goes:

The stones were supposed to be a mini maze... not too complicated kind of just for fun.
I see what you mean by mini maze, But Caves have Walls, Where is it holding the ceiling from exactly? Those stones aren't made to look like they keep the ceiling, otherwise it will come falling down.

Why do the beaches need to be so cluttered? The idea behind it was supposed to be a simple quiet beach... plus normally you don't find many big rocks or debris on clean, quiet beaches.
Yeah, but there would be sort of Land around it. Rock formations & coral. & by unfortunately, it makes it look, plain, Unless you add an effect with the sand, it will still give the empty feeling.

How is the bridge in the port town used incorrectly? How is it supposed to be used? We used it as a dock...
Likewise, in the ice caves we tried to make it look interesting even though we know that is not how it is usually used...
You use them for boats, not for ports. Simple as that. & Nature is random to which the Ice Cave, makes it look like someone build it.

What do you mean by details in the shot with two Miras? Do you mean more detail in the picture or a description of the picture itself?
Trees, Windows, Tall Grass . . . It feels empty. That' what I meant. .___.

I am sorry to say so, but, The mapping needs working.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Caro maybe you should take a quick screenie for the young newbie.
Not me though, I'm lazy. ;8
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
This is how a Port Town Tileset is use;

Spoiler for:

I'll get the others once my conection stops bugging for like, the past 3 hours.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
We just updated the demo: ;D
  • Most maps have been improved
  • Added emotions + blinking (have a look and you'll understand what I'm talking about)
  • Ice puzzle added
  • Monsters improved

The new demo does not go further in the plot but it was improved visually. ;8