People blame the internet, people blame the media, people blame video games, etc. But don't forget one thing, people: who is behind all of that? Well, more people, that's for sure.
What I am trying to say is that, the root of all of this, is ourselves.
And here I come with my least favorite word: ignorance. Ignorance is the root of many evils; if not all.
Children become parents nowadays; the difference between now and the old times when the same thing happened, is that today's children don't possess the life experience they need in order to take care of themselves; least take care of other children. In other times, those children worked and helped their parents every day; life was very different. But in a world where we expect that others will give us everything we need and want, the same can't happen. We depend too much on our parents, siblings, friends, etc. When a 13-year-old gives birth to a child, she may not know how to cook; she may be doing terribly at school, she can't have a job (legally), she can't expect to give her child what the any child needs. And she may become angry, feeling that her life has been ruined with that baby. And it's that child who will have to bear with that, not her. He will grow up with that, and probably make the same mistakes, and the new generation he creates might repeat the same pattern; or in many cases: it will get worse. And so, society keeps degrading. For lack of knowledge, for lack of experience. For lack of wisdom. For carrying the burdens of previous generations.
So I am not saying it's directly OUR fault, or our parents' fault. It's fault of the circumstances in which we live, in which we grow up. Or it could be the cause of something else. But in most cases, in the end, everything comes down to that. Maybe you have a wonderful family, with parents who love you and give you everything, including love. But just one mistake, and it could ruin everything. You could have a friend whose life is the opposite of yours. And he might influence the way you think and act if you are not strong enough. All it takes is to have a low self-esteem.
And there is much more I could say about this, but I am tired of typing, heheh...
Sorry for this mess of a post. I hope you don't get confused. I gotta go now, so I'll revise it later.