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Rep: +0/-0Level 85
Just looking for thoughts on the story and gameplay. No demo yet.

Think Castlevania RPG. I know there are a lot of unoriginal games out there, but I'd like to think the fact that this isn't necessarily about a fantasy hero slaying the dragon and saving the world, I will get points in that area.

Basically, you're a 4 person party, going through the castle to kill Dracula. There's a town at the base of the castle, a forest to the east and a graveyard to the west. That is the extent of the map. But hey, if Castlevania can do it entirely in the castle, that's not half bad. I'm looking for a play time around 10-15 hours or so. Fast and tough. Keep the intensity flowing.

There are also some major plot twists I have in mind, most of which I don't want to devulge, driven nearly entirely by a graphic content never before scene in a video game (least of all a 24-bit one). Definitely for mature audiences.

I'm quite handy with Photoshop, and not only will I be doing most if not all of the graphics (see my Cthulhu monster in sig) but the cut scenes will also be driven by artistic stills of the same style. If I'm feeling froggy, there will also be a short, simple animated video or 2 (at least an ending for sure). Graphic wise, I've completed: 3 character battle animations, around a dozen monsters, a face, my system graphics, well... I might as well just attach some stuff.

I also program music and am a prolific metal head. The music will be entirely original MP3's with technical melodic death battle themes. For town/castle themes, I have a couple other musical friends helping me out.  :blizj:

Some features of the game include a jump function, which will later be upgraded to a longer jump to reach previously inaccessible areas of the castle, in typical Castlevania fashion. Also, there will be bombs and possibly the ability to push crate barriers. There will be a werewolf character that can transform during battle as well (if I can ever figure it out. I'll get it).

I've already put probably 30+ hours into just the outline and graphics and haven't even started building the game yet, but I am very enthused. As are the posters at my home forum (which is not a gaming site) in anticipation to see the twisted mindfuxk that is Carpathia.

Thoughts?  ;8