I deserve an award. Just joking.
Hey all, I'm Ryosis, an 18 year old high school senior who hails from Florida. I've been using the RPG Maker line since '95, and have recently upgraded from 2003 to XP. (I plan on getting VX once I get the hang of XP.) I hope to eventually make something worthwhile in it, and I'm pretty confident that this is the place to be.
However, RPG Maker XP isn't my only tool of the trade. I've been using Game Maker since version 5.1, and am quite fluent in it. I find it useful for smaller scale games, so you may be seeing something made in GM by me in the future. Maybe. At the same time, I'm an avid Paint.NET user who has been using it since version 1. I would say I'm pretty good in it - if you want to see an example or two of what I've done in it/released for public viewing, check out my
deviantART page, or look at my avatar. I hope to use what I know in PDN to create some worthwhile resources for you guys.
I'm also a web developer who has been dabbling in the field since mid 2003. Although I don't mean to toot my own horn, there really isn't much I can't do when making web pages, at least in terms of design. I've yet to master some of the serverside languages (PHP, ASP, etc.) yet, but I plan on it.
Anyway, I've gone on long enough. Have a nice day.