Yes..I told you that I'd be back with more of these didn't I?
Here is Level 1 of the second wave of the Secret Game Series.
links to the first 3 for those who didn't participate
same rules as last time, PM me with the correct answer (when you get it, you'll know it) and I'll add you to the list of winrars
this time I am going to introduce the concept of 'stages'
i.e. there will be multiple steps to solving each puzzle, though the first stage will always be on the first post of the topic.
to reach the next stage, once you find the clue, you must put it in the hyperlink in the bar at the top of your browser, following this formula[clue].htm
(^ that link isn't part of it, so don't even think it is)
this formula will carry throughout all of Round 2, and is quite essential to finding the final answer of any of the puzzles
Round 2 - Level 1 Winrars
<solution posted, no more Winrars awarded>
Off Site Winrars
1) LordMuse (from an IRC chat I visit regularly)
This time it is DEVILISHLY HARD!
Only TRUE WINRARS will be able to pass Round 2!