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Could you help me with Opening Credits, Sun Beams and Night Time?

Started by magusbrother, April 06, 2008, 02:12:52 PM

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I need help on these three for RPG Maker XP, and I'm not sure if these need scripting. The Opening Credits are scrolling from below the screen to the top and slowly fading in and out. The Sun Beams are for the Map, these beams are the rays of the sun during early morning, and also for indoor windows and for the Night Time, is the color of the map during the night. I hope I'll get help.


I don't enough time sadly to help, but i don't believe this would require scripts as it seems all possible with events.

Also search around for blizzards widescreen graphic, its pretty awesome to use in an opening scene.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Thanks; but the problem is I don't know how. For the Widescreen Graphic, I don't seem to find but I'll still try. Thanks!

Code Geass

lets see... this should've been fairly easy to figure out really...

but for teh opening credits, there are a few good scripts for it, search on, theres a FFVII one or something, that one works pretty well, or Mog's too. If not, you can always use a evented title screen to bypass everything like me, and event your own opening credits, this can't be taught, you'll have to jsut mess around, learn, and get to it through experience :P practice and learn

the sun light, all you have to is display a light picture on the map and set it to add.

heres one off strawberry quarts to get you started:

as for the windows, you'll have to make charactersets and place them as events over the windows, but same thing as the picture, set them too add.

as for the night time, just change the screen color tone, something along the lines of -85, -85, -51, 0 would probably work. This is something you'll have to fool around with and learn your self.

hope that helps