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Legend of Harpine: Chapters of Time *Beta Demo v.7*

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Mmmm i fuckin love bears
Level 85
Self Proclaimed 'RMXP Legend'
Legend of Harpine Beta Demo. v7

Z to attack
S to scroll down

This demo only has 40 - 60 minutes of playtime.
(Without optional easter egg hunts, there are storyline developments that you could skip over.. if you're not a story buff. Yet, 30 minutes is still dedicated to the storyline.. give or take walking distances.)

Most of the features are cut out as well (CG cutscenes, Voice actors, Original Music)

Yet, the demo is here.. because I hate delaying things too much. Especially to those who  have been faithfully waiting for me to release this game. This game is one of the few RM rpg's that balances storyline and battle. I guarantee you have never seen RTP molded like this.. well.. often >.>. <3

Without further to do.. wait .. wait..
CREDITS.. eh, its all in the prelude.

OKAY lets go.

In game Screenshots

Looking around


Aluxes and Party


Stuff that you dont have to read.
Special Thanks:
Neoseeker <3 you guys.
Without neoseeker, and those who keep pushing me. I would of just kept looking at my computer blankly. =O

Yes, my rpg is in debt to god

My sister.
Rest in peace, this is for chew Mary.

My grandma
You too grammy! RIP

My uncle.
<3 RIP

.. and.. me =)


Oh GAWD Lest Aime Castle was a monster. 80- 90 maps and I am STILL not done. >.< I'll finish it one day. I promise. What ticks me off is that there are four other major castles in game <.< I DONT WANNA DO THEM.

There are 3 bosses in Poroure's cave. One hidden, one optional, one mandatory. There are 8 hidden items in game.. some hidden in plain sight.. others only discovered when you look around the castle. There are one or two items that you can get after an optional event.

Enemies do drop items (sometimes at a low chance)
Soldiers drop soldier restoratives
The chicken drops restoratives of the health and reviving restoratives.
The wolf drops attack boosters
Mice drop Skill restoratives.

Please tell me if there is any errors in game. I kinda got lazy towards the end.
Also, please provide a screenshot of the error so I can hurry and fix it =X.


Soundtrack: http://www.myspace.com/legendofharpine

                         Legend of Harpine: Chapters of Time

All work Copyright ©2008 by Loveless Entertainment


Assassin Missions
Stealth Missions
Aid other countries in war campaigns
Captivating plot

The Game World


     Poroure': This is the home of the nobles, a monarchy that relies heavily on tradition as opposes to changing even if its for the better. In Harpine, Poroure represents the more elegant sets.

     Ain muc': Home of the magi, though this place seems as a democracy it is run by the magistrate. It relies heavily on making advances, yet the occupants of the country are more content with nature.

     Nivea: Home of the enlightened, though they excel in machines they've a militia unrivaled by the other countries of Harpine.

     Oxa: Home of the dreamers, they're the most ambitious of Harpine. They're set on being the monarchy of not just Oxa, but, Harpine itself.

World Feature #1

   War Campaigns. In the storyline of Nova Hiwind the player is given the option of fighting for a select race to extend the territory of said race. Battles in these campaigns are fought as in a strategy RPG.

World Feature #2

   Missions. In Murial's storyline you are given a chance to extend your talents. Depending on your job you can either; spy on the government of whichever location you are located, assassinate politicians or high ranked (even lower ranked) persons, become a rogue that fights for money, or just remain a thief and pick locks as well as pockets.

The Physical World


       Sophisticated world, the inhabitants are called Neigi. They're hated by the other countries because of their smug arrogance. They look down on cross breeding with any other country.

   Ain muc'
      A more tribal location, the inhabitants are called Forbidden. They are looked down by the other countries because of the darker skin tone. They look down on killing for no reason.

      A rough slum of a location, the inhabitants are named Weish. They seem to want to do anything for power and an upper hand on the other countries. They live for the thrill of fighting.

      An organized yet, medieval location. The inhabitants are named Eishu. They focus on preparing for what may happen and yet advancing for the future.

Key Locations

   Poroure: Lest' Aime (The city of commerce)
   Ain' Muc: Clis (The gathering of brotherhood)
   Oxa: Murdac (Man's land)
   Nivea: Lien (Extension of Neighborly Love)

Game Characters


   Nova Hiwind:
        A noble from an aristocracy, unaware of how to be free feels he is chained by tradition. He wishes to only be aware of how it feels to truly be in love. His father, a once benevolent noble and a quite renown leader is said to have been killed in war.

   Sir Ken:
       Sired as a teenage by Nova's father, Ken has served the nobels of Lest Aime ever since. Seen numerous battles, Sir Ken has aged well into an expert in strategy and warfare. Though he's always drinking he seems more down to earth than the other knights.

   Lady Ky' lire:
       Sired through Nova's father, Ky lire is the only forbidden as well as the only woman in the history of Poroure' to become a Knight recognized by Poroure.

   Charles I:
       Nova's father, not much is known about him as a person. He's renown as a leader with a heart of gold. His last name has been changed with his rule, from Charles Monroe IV to Charles Hiwind I. This was seen as recognition to his contributions to Poroure as well as Harpine.

   Claire Hart:
        Heiress to be wed by Nova Hiwind, her whole life has been dedicated to being refined for marriage into aristocracy. She seems hesistant to marry but upon meeting Nova her thoughts has changed, though not drastically.

   Jean Sinclare:
        A woman who seems to resemble Claire Hart a little to well from the eyes of Nova.

   Murial Night:
        A Forbidden orphan who was abused drastically as a child, her whole life she's been made an object through molestation and verbal abuse from her father. After the murder of her father she ran away eventually becoming an orphan.

   Maurice Lon:
       A Weish orphan he met up with Murial and was thought to be long dead. Maurice was and always will be Murial's only love.

   Arshes Stile:
        A soldier from the Eishu militia. He has been ranked overseer of the Dragon Flank, yet has taken leave to find traces of Aura.

   Basil Pomel:
        A soldier from the Eishu militia. He has ranked under Arshes by choice, though he is normally disgusted by Arshes they've remained on friendly terms.

   Dorothy Saguna:
        An everyday criminal who is in love with Arshes. She was once arrested by Arshes and never asked to be released.


   Nova Hiwind: Dark, Lamenting, Narcissistic

   Murial Night: Cold, yet caring stuck up loner.

   Arshes Stile: Ambitious with iron clad morals.

   Basil Pomel: Down to earth,  bored with everything

   Dorothy Saguna: Bubbly, friendly.

   Claire Hart: Carefree, to herself, motherly

   Jean Sinclare: Loving, concerned with others, yet unattached.

   Sir Ken: Drunken, friendly, wise.

   Lady Ky lire: Wise, sophisticated, loyal.

Enemies and Monsters

   Wolf: Uncharted lands, Ain' Muc
   Tigris Untamed: Oxa
   Soldier: Poroure, Oxa
   Aura: Unknown
   Enlightened Fighters: Unknown
   Chur: Ain' muc
   Levethian: Uncharted Lands
   Snake: Uncharted lands, Oxa, Ain'muc

User Interface



   Rapier, the main weapon of the nobel.
   Avian, main weapon/companion of the orphan
   Sword, the main weapon of the soldier
   Twin daggers, the main weapon of the pickpocket
   Polearm, the main weapon of  the lancer

Weapons Details #1

   The rapier, a weak weapon it lacks attack power but makes up with speed
   Avian, he adds damage to normal combos
   Sword, it lacks speed but makes up with damage.
   Twin daggers, it lacks range but makes up with accuracy
   Polearm, it lacks accuracy and speed but makes up with range.

Musical Scores and Sound Effects


   25+ musical tracks composed by Marius Masalar and MilkMan Dan
          as well as 2 original songs vocals by  Milkman Dan

   The sound is hand orchestrated with programs by my two composers.

Single-Player Game


   It is an rpg with an adult theme.

   It has aspects of a hybrid genre roleplaying game. It dabbles in platformer, shooter, and strategy    genres.


Victory Conditions

   It ends after you complete the story. Players can go to a more extreme way of completion by finishing all of the unlockables, completing all of the missions and finishing finding all of the enlightened fighters.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 07:13:14 PM by Rose Skye »
"RPG Tsukuru... BIII EEXXUU!!!!"

Legend of Harpine
69% Complete

Mmmm i fuckin love bears
Level 85
Self Proclaimed 'RMXP Legend'
Update! Love Theme added to LoH's Myspace.

"RPG Tsukuru... BIII EEXXUU!!!!"

Legend of Harpine
69% Complete

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
That first picture looks pretty good and the music sounds good as well. Good luck with this project.

Level 89
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Story)Project of the Month winner for July 2008Project of the Month winner for May 20072011 Best RPG Maker User (Story)2011 Project of the Year2011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Heheh, good to see this posted here as well. Most have already been said elsewhere, so I'll just wish ya luck.

Mmmm i fuckin love bears
Level 85
Self Proclaimed 'RMXP Legend'
Thanks, but I dont believe in luck when it comes to work.. just hard work and dedication.
"RPG Tsukuru... BIII EEXXUU!!!!"

Legend of Harpine
69% Complete

Mmmm i fuckin love bears
Level 85
Self Proclaimed 'RMXP Legend'
I'm going to need beta testers.. this is a sort of closed beta, so Im actually going to need members that are trustworthy here. Leaking = </3

You guys will have around... 3 weeks to sign up. Sign ups close after 3 weeks.. so chyeah.
"RPG Tsukuru... BIII EEXXUU!!!!"

Legend of Harpine
69% Complete

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Might as well sign up.

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Mmmm i fuckin love bears
Level 85
Self Proclaimed 'RMXP Legend'
Might as well sign up.


Oh? Im not here forcing anyone to play this game, this beta test is just for a select few interested in progress. Seeing as though you're reluctant to sign up I dont want you to go through such a chore. Thats okay, you can wait until public release.
"RPG Tsukuru... BIII EEXXUU!!!!"

Legend of Harpine
69% Complete

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Hmm, I'm not a big fan of the maps, but as you say they are concept maps, so I'll let it go for now.

One more comment. I think your initial post might be a bit long. Seeing a post like that can be kind of daunting and make people not want to read it. If I might suggest a few things: use spoilers, to separate some of the non-essential details, such as the Screenshots and the FAQ thing. I think people will be more inclined to read your if you decrease it's visual size a little bit.

In any case, it looks like you're working hard. Keep it up.

Mmmm i fuckin love bears
Level 85
Self Proclaimed 'RMXP Legend'

Legend of Harpine forum is now up and under construction.


Join <3

P.S. o.o I'm pretty sure you'll like the maps now. The concept stage is -done- at least for the castle.
"RPG Tsukuru... BIII EEXXUU!!!!"

Legend of Harpine
69% Complete

Mmmm i fuckin love bears
Level 85
Self Proclaimed 'RMXP Legend'
"RPG Tsukuru... BIII EEXXUU!!!!"

Legend of Harpine
69% Complete