I saw the trailer . . . "HOLY NINTENDO!!"
I mean, of course, that it looked amazing. Although, I was extremely disappointed with the character designs. Link looked a tad old for the 17, 18, 19 (I dunno . . . go ask Nintendo) he's supposed to be after the Temple of Time. Zelda reminded me of the white witch from Narnia, and I think she could have been cuter--no offence to the actress . . . well . . . uh . . . I can't really say that without offending her--and younger. Gandondorf looked like some retard's costume at a high school Haloween party like my most recent one.
The good: acting, costumes (except Ganondorf! Sheesh!), MOST CGI, fights, the entire Zelda movie idea
I think that the real movie should be CGI, like someone said before me. Like, I think Advent Children's CGI quality should be used in the movie.
Or, we could go in the anime direction . . . and don't even say that wouldn't be awesome, because it would. An anime Zelda TV series in America (not the lame 80's version) would be the climax of television, and the point where I would actually buy a TV.
Live action might wreck it. Ever see the fake trailer for the Star Fox movie somewhere on YouTube, with humans? STAR FOX IS A FOX!! Link is a video game character who I think would look best if kept in an anime/CGI form.
Anyone else read all the mangas of Zelda? Storywise, that's a good way to go, or maybe straight from the game because I really hate the direction Hollywood movies are going. The preppy teen girl is always SOOO obsessed with something or other, her parents hate it, and she always turns out right and the parents are constantly the antagonists. In OoT, Malon's dad is quite nice to Link . . . and I can't think of other parents in it. Hollywood also commonly sprouts stupid themes or morals. Anime is still full of awesomeness, proof that Japan is ahead of us in movie making. Sorry about ranting on about Hollywood here, but they always take an actor that DOESN'T FIT THE ROLE of the character meaning to be played. They take bad actors, take the best-looking (or sometimes the ugliest) people, screw up their CGI (unlike Japan), always try to fit sex and swearing into the story, especially when it doesn't fit well.
Okay . . . lengthy response, maybe dumb opinions, but I'm not Nintendo. I'm an American teenager who loves RPG games and everything they are. I'm guessing I'm not the only one of that kind--on this site.