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Slipknot Message System

Started by Season In The Abyss, December 03, 2005, 06:21:07 PM

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I love your script oh and someones sigy is yuku and shuichi  :D ;8 i love them i have to use this script wonderfully done i must say


Is there a way where the letter J doesnt crash the game when useing this script?


That's mostly because you're using PK (I think).


Nope the US legal version. Only done it when i used the script.


That's weird... It shouldn't happen... It's most definitely not the script, though. That's just weird...


Quote from: pliio8 on February 07, 2007, 02:54:17 AM
Uhh...using the letter "J" crashes the game...

Not the only one


Sorry, I can't help you with that problem ;9 You'd need someone of expertise in that area.


Edit: Nvm still a problem.

modern algebra

Possibly a corrupted dll, but I'm just going to recommend you use the Letter by Letter instead. If I recall correctly. It has all the same options (by the same author), and more and I think it's just a straight upgrade.


Both do the same and only while useing the scripts.

modern algebra

What version of XP are you using? I'd suggest downloading the demo of the Letter-by-letter and copying the script directly out of that, since I just downloaded the demo and placed the letter J in a dialogue box, and it did not crash. If it still doesn't work, I don't know, maybe it's just PK or something?


thats what i did...
No matter how many times i download it, it still does it...

modern algebra

Go into the demo and try placing the letter J in a message box in the demo itself and report back. Also, what version of XP are you using? Blue Icon or Orange Icon in the top left corner?


in letter-by-letter it crashes in the demo as well. On the message box example it has a J in it an crashes. This is even done with out editing anything.

modern algebra

I think you must be using PK. I don't know why, or how it happens, but there is a problem with J in that version for some reason. I would suggest buying the real version, finding DynaEmu (very difficult), or getting a keygen for Enterbrain's. :/. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Maybe Seasons in the Abyss can help you, though I am not sure how often he comes on.

As you can see, J does not crash my version:


please read up before accuseing...

modern algebra

Well, I wasn't *accusing*, per se, but if you're using enterbrain's, I don't know what could be causing the problem. I'd say wait for Seasons in the Abyss to come by. He's probably encountered the problem before on another forum and might know how to fix it. The ony thing I can think of now is maybe you don't have 1.02? We are both using legal, but the letter J does not crash my demo but does crash yours... The only thing I can think of is that that is one of the bugs fixed in the patch... but I could be wrong. Let's wait and see what Seasons in the Abyss has to say (Slipknot is so much easier to write, by the way :P)

Season In The Abyss

This script have been posted in many forums, many user have tested it with different version, and they don't have that error.

Try posting the script in a new project, or use my other one (other script tested by other users).

If you still get the same error, get other version of the program, because the problem is not the script. You can check the code, there is not code like this:  ;D
if user == 'arisen' and text.include('J')

modern algebra


O rly? Thats why another user had the same poblem wich was stated above. I am going to redownload rpg maker and see it still happens. I had no problems with RPG maker before this script and only does it when useing it. And as i aslo stated both scripts do it. THE game doesn't crash when im not useing the script. Im not an idiot and i know there was no intention of crashing the game with the script. I have version 1.2a english version.


How do I get this script to always display messages at the bottom of the screen? They
always appear above your head... That's cool and all but, won't work for my game.

I'd appreciate the info thanks.
I'm only a newb on Tuesdays xD.....

Season In The Abyss

Messages don't appear above you unless you use \p


Canth find the file on Rapidshire, maybe you can upload again?


ok big issue. i can use the script but when i do the face thing. no text pops up.
games currently woriking on.

The way of the warrior demo: Available please pm me for a copy.

The game of love demo: had to be restarted due to aquiering legal version of RPGxp