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Moving Platform [RESOLVED]

Started by Halestorm5, March 29, 2008, 04:38:14 PM

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In my game I'm hoping to install a little area where the player has to go on a platform to bring them to the other side.
I thought I had it done, but there were 2 problems... :(

The problems are -

1. The player can't go onto it, no matter what...
2. Even when I press CTRL and go onto it, it just moves without moving the player...

I simply need to be able to get the said problems into the solved part... Here are the two pages used:

[spoiler=Page 1][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Page 2][/spoiler]
Actually, when I look at it now... Im not surprised it failed miserably... :(

Also, I'm attempting to not use a script for this. I mostly only want events.


I don't think you can do that without a script, but consider this:

Make the platform a character set, then paste the hero on top of it. Set the hero's graphic to that sprite, and you have a platform with the hero on it ;)


Or just set the player's sprite to fixed, and move the player with the event in separate Move Event commands.


FALCON - A prob with that way, I havent got the heroes graphics yet. If I cant do it without a script, then can you direct me to one?

IROCKMAN1 - It sounds like it would work, but I dunno how to do that  ;9 Got a screeny or somethin like zat?

Knight Rider

oh it's simple look:

Make a new event with the desire graphic, and put first a move player event with Through ON and move right. Put in a Wait 20 frames, and put the moving event for both the event and the hero must have one more than the event.

NOTE: The hero's speed must match the events speed, so if you need to reduce it and put the speed back where it was.

Then put a Wait for Moves Completion and then a Self Switch A ON and do the same but the opposite directions.

Then just put the Self Switch OFF and there you go, a moving platform.

EDIT: If you don't want the hero's graphic to move during that just put a Stop Animation ON  on the move event and on the end of it turn it OFF.

modern algebra

Well, Falcon's way is the most certain - but Irock's way is good too, and AlienSoldier's is also good. Though, I assume you want the platform to always be moving, and so you can't hero Touch it - you might need to check player location instead, like so:

@> Control Variables: [XXX: Player X] = Player's Map X
@> Control Variables: [YYY: Player Y] = Player's Map Y
@> Control Variables: [XYZ: Platform X] = this Event's Map X
@> Control Variables: [ZZZ: Platform Y] = this Event's Map Y
@> Conditional Branch: Variable [XXX: Player X] == Variable [XYZ: Platform X]
  @> Conditional Branch: Variable [YYY: Player Y] == Variable [ZZZ: Platform Y]
    @> Set Move Route: This Event
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
    @> Set Move Route: Player
     :                             : Move Animation Off
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Animation ON
     :                             : Move Down
  @> Else
    @> Set Move Route: This Event
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
     :                             : Move Down
  @> Branch END
@> Branch END

That should do it roughly... It might not be entirely aligned though. I haven't actually done anything with it, that is just my assumption.

Knight Rider

It's easier if you put a Custom Movement on my event. I'll work the same.

modern algebra


Well yes. I resolved this case. Thing is, I didnt use either of your works... I used them both.

To get it working without a single glitch I had no choice but to combine both of your techniques!

Alien - It works, but It only works when then the player is on it.
Modern - It sort of works but Its hard to work with when getting it to go back and forth.

So, in the end I just took the working parts from each, and muddled them up!.. And added and removed a coupla things.

These were my results -

[spoiler=Page 1][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Page 2][/spoiler]

It works perfecto! Thing is, who do I credit? Modern or Alien?.. Or both?

modern algebra

No credit is necessary, at least on my part.


If you have it working correctly, you should consider putting a tutorial, I've seen this question asked many times.