Well, knock yourself out.
And if you want to separate it into a separate script file, just cut out this part:
# * Constants
# * Editable Region
QUESTS_LABEL = 'Quests' # What you want Quests to be called (eg. 'Missions')
ACTIVE_QUEST_ICON = 149 # What icon signifies a quest is active
COMPLETE_QUEST_ICON = 150 # What icon signifies a quest is complete
FAILED_QUEST_ICON = 179 # What icon signifies a quest is failed
BULLET_CHARACTER = '?' # The character used for listing objectives
ACTIVE_COLOUR = 0 # The colour of a quest that is active
COMPLETE_COLOUR = 11 # The colour of a quest that is complete
FAILED_COLOUR = 18 # The colour of a quest that is failed
MENU_ACCESS = true # Can the script be accessed through the menu?
MENU_INDEX = 4 # If above is true, where in the command window?
KEY_ACCESS = false # Can the quest log be accessed by a key
MAPKEY_BUTTON = Input::L # If above is true, which button?
# * Quest Data
# Returns skeleton data for the quesr
def self.quest_data (id)
# Set class variables to corresponding arguments
objectives = []
name = '??????'
description = '??????????'
icon_index = 0
case id
# To set up a quest, first identify it with an ID - this can be anything
# as long as it is not the same as another quest, but it is important to
# remember this ID as it is the only way to access your quest.
# In any case, the format for setting up a quest is:
# when <quest_id> # Give the quest an ID number
# name = '<quest_name>'
# description = '<quest_description>'
# objectives[0] = '<first_objective>'
# ...
# objectives[n] = '<nth objective>'
# prime = [<objective_id>, ..., <objective_id>]
# icon_index = <quest_icon_index>
# Each of these values have an importance.
# name is the name of the quest
# description is a small blurb explaining the overall goal of the quest
# objective[0..n] are short-term goals that lead to the overall goal
# primes are which objectives need to be complete before the quest is
# considered to be complete
# icon_index is the icon that represents the quest
# Note that any of the above values can be omitted without throwing an
# error, but for the quest to work properly you should at least set the
# name, description, and objectives. If you do omit these, the default
# values are:
# name = '??????'
# description = '??????????'
# objectives = []
# prime = [all objectives]
# icon_index = 0
# If you do want to require that all objectives must be satisfied before
# the quest is complete, then do not bother defining it. Otherwise, be
# sure to set it.
when 1 # Fetch
name = 'Fetch'
description = 'Martha needs someone to play with her dog'
objectives[0] = 'Find a stick'
objectives[1] = 'Throw the stick to the dog'
objectives[2] = 'Retrieve the stick from the dog'
icon_index = 79
when 4 # Cat Retrieval
name = 'Cat Retrieval'
description = 'Mrs. Bunderby has lost her cat, and she has employed you to find it.'
objectives[0] = 'Find the lost cat'
objectives[1] = 'Climb the tree and retrieve the cat'
objectives[2] = "Return a cat to Mrs. Bunderby"
# Set prime objectives in an array based on index
prime = [0, 2]
icon_index = 137
return name, description, objectives, prime, icon_index
Insert a new script Entry, and put this in:
module ModAlg_QuestData
<paste the part you cut out here>