One year bump because I love this game. Even though it's a one-year bump, this game's only been out in the US for 4 months or so. Despite that, I've only had this game for a month or so. The worst part of this game is that I want a PS3
Then I could play online with other people. I'm only limited to the few people who have a PSP who live near me.
If you guys completely neglected looking at this game ever since this thread was made, I have opinions about it if you feel like reading:
Spoiler for :
Yeah, this game is a lot like Super Smash to me. It's a lot like SSB in many ways, actually. For one, I've played only two to four of the games the characters are from, yet I enjoy the characters equally. There is a tier-list for this game, but that's obvious because it's a fighter game. However, just like SSB, the tiers are arguable, and they really don't account for much if the player sucks anyways.
Pros and Cons Skills and Attacks - With the exception of Bartz (who's meant to have copies of others' moves), everyone has unique skills (despite being classified as "close," "mid," or "long" range) that are appealing to the eye. Even for Bartz, he doesn't completely rip off moves and instead takes two moves or so and combines them together.Extra Content - Lots of stuff to do. There's the "Duel Colosseum" where you get items for exclusive weapons (which take forever to get ) and for your better equips. The PP shop also has lots of stuff to do. One bad part is that nobody really knows how to get 100% completion in the Destiny Odysseys... lol... It's said that it's actually impossible in a few of them.Exclusive Weapons - Speaking of exclusive weapons in the Extra Content, you're actually able to SELL them. And never get them back again. That means that, unless they were regular weapons to begin with, you have to restart your save file to get them.Damage System - The BRV and HP attack thing makes sense, but it's kinda weird knowing you can basically OHKO anybody with the right strategy (which is how people easily power level to 100, but that's really unimportant because levels aren't too important). However, despite this, even if you get BRV break'd (you hit the enemy to below 0 BRV and you take the stage bravery (hard to explain ;-; )), stage BRV isn't always too much, and it's very possible to win.Combos - You can basically spam a favored combo and easily win. This isn't actually too bad, either, because you'll need to be able to block efficiently and time everything correctly. There's still a bit of skill involved with this.Fighting System - Some people really have a problem with the fact that the characters are flying all over the place. The thing is that this game was apparently based quite a bit on Advent Children (or so I've heard) and even Cloud's alternate look is his AC attire.Character Choice - This isn't a complaint I have, but it's one I've seen quite a bit. Some people complain saying "why that character... why not this one?" For the sake of story (despite the story's near-uselessness described in the next bullet), they chose people who were related to each other. They didn't necessarily have to completely oppose each other (such as Jecht and Tidus). Also, if people put... some some dude from Shinra like Reno or something instead of Sephiroth for FFVII and the fangirls complained, people would just scoff and say, "pfft, Sephiroth fangirls are retarded." That could go for the whole Gilgamesh-ExDeath people.Story - Even I can tell the story's awful. We got some dude named Chaos (from previous FF) and Cosmos who're in an obvious good vs. evil battle. Something happens and I personally didn't care because the story was really fractured. You see the same thing over and over because each Destiny Odyssey (story for good guys) has a few guys walking together. As you can see, most of these are actually cons. However, the cons aren't all too bad (except for the story, but story's been going downhill for the FF series since the beginning from what I've heard). Also, I didn't list the greatest pro of all: The multiplayer. Playing with others is so much fun. Although delay and lag are obvious in the chase parts, it's overall fine if you're playing ad hoc. It just becomes as fun as any other fighter game, and this one's unique. There's a whole bunch more I can say about DFF, but I actually have to sleep so g'night.Also, I found this thread because I was looking for the used-DS site thread.
Also, to be correct, the game's actually "Dissidia: Final Fantasy."