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The New World Order... Fact or Fiction ?

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Resource Maker
Level 91
Heads of Large Organizations

All major players in industry, be it banks, movie theaters, software giants or manufactures of goods have links to one and another.

And play a large part in a Union of sorts branded/dubed as The New World Order.

The easiest way to find the Link is to look up all organizations that don't pay Tax... Or click this link:- Orgnaizations
Link of a PDF Made based on the above link:-

The Axiom have found a Video well Worth watching, it's fairly long (5hours) and in two parts:-

The Ring of Power

The Axiom Have a Play-list to share with you:- Structure of Power

What have you guys heard about The New World Order, and do you think they are real ?

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

I am dushbag
Level 86
heh i heard about that stuff its on the american bills hiden when you fold it or something like that i saw it on metacafe yeah arnt they working on a progect called New Atlantic which involves canada i dunno i dot like but i pay my cell bills :D

Level 85
This is MORTRED. the phantom assassin
The term "new world order" has been used to refer to a new period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power. The first usages of the term surrounded Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points and call for a League of Nations following the devastation of World War I

New World Order refers to a conspiracy in which a powerful and secretive group is alleged to be plotting to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles. In this theory, many significant occurrences are said to be caused by a powerful secret group or groups. Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world primarily through a combination of political finance, social engineering, mind control, and fear-based propaganda

They said that The U.S, Canada, Mexico are going to combine on the first phase of the NEW WORLD ORDER until the final phase will be ONE COUNTRY on ONE WORLD with ONE LEADER AND GLOBAL LAW.

It is still a conspiracy with no full evidence if this is real.

Here is the Link of the FAMOUS ZEITGEIST which at the 3rd part (end of the documentary) says that the world bank is part of the propaganda new world order.


Resource Maker
Level 91
The Economy is collapsing to a plan of sorts.

Let me explain…

The main banks that are falling are those that offered the Best Mortgage deals on housing, Northern Rock and Halifax (HBOS).

You see the people that had the Loans purchased houses on an inflated market, house being twice or three times higher than true market value. A house for £32,000 10 years ago now costs over £100,000. So people borrowed on average £200,000 for a home, a home that was really worth say £100,000. The house prices then started to drop, but inflation went up. People couldn’t keep up with the cost of living and repayment on the loan, the house became repossessed in a down turn, at auction the house would perhaps if the bank was lucky pay back just over 50% of the loan. Repossessions are at an all time high, and inflation and interest rates are still VERY high, if the cost of living and fuel continues to rise we will see more falling short and losing their home.

Lloyds TSB just saved HBOS by buying them, yet the Loans and fallout is still climbing within Halifax customers, Lloyds may be able to swallow this climb in repossessions, but it may not. Should they fail or struggle we may see the Government buy out/inject funds into TSB, should this happen all the customers that don’t keep up repayments will owe the Government rather than the Banks.

Should the Economy fall totally the Government would have every right to ask that all Loans are paid in full, should you not be able to do so, like most can’t, then you could lose your home and land. For us the people are should hold no wealth in land or mortar.

Scale of things:-

The first targets of this planned attack have been those with lands and property, like farmers. Mad Cows, Bird Flu and foot and mouth all attacking our industry in such a short space of time, was that coincidence ?

Oil was rumoured and proved to be in short supply, the North sea was running dry, the Government knew this 12 years ago, yet they did nothing… No stock piling units made, no bids secured on barrels for import, no real alternative plans… They want Oil to be at a high price…

The sudden panic in alternatives now and investment in Bio Fuels, causing importing farms to grow fuel giving vegetation rather than life preserving food, caused riots in some countries and pushed the prices of normal farming products up, milk, bread, eggs, wheat, flour and corn… All things we call our essentials.

Global warming, a man made carbon effect on the planet or yet another way of the government adding extra taxes on us, placing us more out of pocket.

The rise in the Market of house prices placed people into a panic buying situation of fear of being out priced and buying to the top of their range of affordability. Fixed rates never last for ever, but people didn’t think inflation or interest rates would be almost double within a 3 year period.

Could a Government be this Stupid…?
Do they think we are this Stupid… ?

The Government are making blunders and wrong decisions all the time as of late, confidence in them is dropping and the Media love placing it in our faces…

The question is WHY ?

(My Alternative reason)

To make people desperate for change…

The Government is peddling all these problems as GLOBAL ones and a Global fix is needed… So what are they saying ?

They are saying it’s too big a job for them, and they need something bigger… What would that be ?

A Global Solution, a BIG IDEA, a New World Order !!

Things are only going to get worst... until they get what they want.

I feel the EUtruth web site is right, and parliment will be disbanded and control given to the EU. ID cards and a single currentcy will become our way of life.

I mean look at Blair now, he holds a seat high up in the EU, he got that by being a good puppet.

He sold many of our rights to the EU and left the door open to Brown to finish the job... (We didn't even vote Brown in). You then only need to look at the Lisbon Treaty and how underhanded Brown was with it and not giving us the right to vote. They have an Agenda, right now they are sprinting for the finish line and it's more obvious what they are doing.

Another example on the Government getting it wrong:-

The Government stated that having EU workers in England will help our Economy… How exactly did they come to that conclusion ?

Yes they are doing the jobs nobody really wants to do… But !!

They don’t buy houses they rent
They send their money out of the country to their own
They have vouchers towards their food
They bring in their own cars and pay no road tax for the first year and need no MOT
They have eaten Carp, Pike and most other fish from our lakes and ponds
They put a strain on our public services
They have money off vouchers on clothing
They get paid to leave our country
They live in large numbers in a small house without declaring the numbers to the council and get low rent

So they don’t pay back into our system and what they do pay in goes to landlords and living from day to day... So when you say Grab for Greed the Government is exploiting that in us. The media is pushing the get rich idea, and the banks gave credit to the people to live that idea based on Government figures from the FSA.


Why is it that the FSA has not been questioned over the latest down turn and mergers ?

All of this is too perfect to be anything else. But Alternatives are always welcome ones. I would like to think our country isn't run by the Devil  or a bunch of Clown's.

When the government injects money, it's not their money, but tax payers money, but the Government then owns the bank not the people... It's such a messed up system.

Basically the Government will want the money back at some stage, should the banks still go under, the Government will own them and your debt if you have one.

We the people have debts thanks to faluse lending from the Banks
The Faluse lending is based on projections by the Government banches
We pay the Government taxes who in turn fuel the banks
The government then take control of the Banks
We then owe the Government the repayments

The only people that win in this situation are the largest of banks that offer multiple things, IE Car INS, House INS, Pension, Upgrades on Accounts with monthly payments and the alike, becoming money super-markets. The high street banks areb at risk and those that used the housing market as their back bone will fall. And when they do the Government will own them at a snip.

End result predictions/alternatives.

Government will own property and land unsecured by the loans
Government will launch a World Bank
Government will own most money movements/printing and transactions
Government may bring in a one world currentcy
Government may launch ID cards and a Credit basesd system

The New World Order is almost here...
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 01:53:42 AM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Here's a kicker:

The US Federal Reserve is not related to government. It is a privately owned corporation. It creates the money for the US economy, then lends it out to the US government AT INTEREST. So how does the US pay off the interest? By borrowing MORE money AT INTEREST.
Exodus 33:20 "Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live."


Genesis 32:30 "For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Here's a kicker:

The US Federal Reserve is not related to government. It is a privately owned corporation. It creates the money for the US economy, then lends it out to the US government AT INTEREST. So how does the US pay off the interest? By borrowing MORE money AT INTEREST.

I've seen Zeitgeist too. I fucking hate the internet generation.

Level 84
look at me! please... please?
personally the NWO scares the hell outta me I DL'd a movie called wake up call, for those of you who think this is nothing more than paranoia watch wake up call

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Once again, check dates.