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Some Game Maker Tutorials

Started by Luna, March 10, 2008, 08:24:38 AM

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I'm not sure if it's okay for me to post in a section that seems inactive, but then before I learned how to use RPG Maker, I used to use Game Maker (But I'm currently learning how to use C++ and C# right now, so I'm dropping Game Maker). I guess I can post tutorials of what I know and have used myself (I kinda made things that I really don't see common, so yeah.) However, these tutorials require GM6.1 registered or higher, sorry, I don't use GM7 Lite yet. I only used GM6.1 so far and I'm fine with what I have.

Tutorial 1: Simple Fading Effect
[spoiler]Are you one of those people who can't make those awesome explosion things that show up when enemies pop into the screen? Do you want them to simply make a smooth appearance? Well continue reading then!

1. In the create event, stick in a variable named "alpha" or something. Also make a variable named event or something. These two should be equal to 0.

alpha=0 //Set the alpha
event=0 //Event of Alpha

Example Shot

2. If you understood that, go into the step event. This code could help you out.

//Smooth Fading Transition
image_alpha=fade //This is the most important part! Don't remove it!
if event=0 {if alpha<1 {alpha+=0.05;} else {event=1}}
if event=1 {if alpha>0 {alpha-=0.05;} else {event=0}}

//Note: At the end of Event=1, you can change the "else {event=0}" to anything you want.
//You'll need to keep else in the code though, or else it messes up.

Example Shot

Yeah, I know it's nothing big, but I think it's better than popping in from nowhere and disappearing right away too. It works nice for some sparks.

Tutorial 2: Drawing a cursor to a mouse
[spoiler]Did you ever want to draw a spinning target to the mouse position? It's pretty much a simple code! However, I have found different methods for this.

Method 1: If you want the mouse x and y to meet at a location first, you can use the draw feature.
//Draw Event


You can do whatever. If you have registered or pro, you can expand that option to this one.
//Draw Event (For Pro or GM6.1 Registered)


Now once you prepare your cursor, you'll need to setup the x and y collisions or something.
//Step Event!

if mouse_x=50 && mouse_y=25 {action=true}

Yeah, you'll have to edit that. Change the number, and the action=true part.

Method 2: I personally find this way to be easier. There's two options for the animated cursor then. One is to KEEP the image plain (for Pro/Registered) or the alternate way is to use Game Maker's sprite rotation feature in the sprite editor.

Alt 1: In the cursor object, setup the sprite. In the step event, add this code.
//Step Event (Pro/Registered Only!)
image_angle+=18 //You can change the number

Once you finish with that, you're set to go. Just make a collision event to indicate whatever.

Alt 2: In the sprite editor, make a copy of the sprite just incase you need the original. In your sprite, make a rotation by going to Animation>Rotation>whichever direction you desire. After that, you can just save that sprite and load it up into your object, no real code needed.[/spoiler]

Umm .. if you use these tutorials, all I could really say is that there is no credit needed really since I figured that it's better for me to share than to keep to myself and so on. I'll be adding more tutorials when I get the chance. Maybe I'd do more complicated things too probably.


Nice. I've worked with Game Maker a bit. Always tended to suck at it. :-\ These are nice though, good job. ;D


I would've posted more tutorials too. Only it's that I don't want to spend so much time. I guess I can probably help out with the game maker section of this area anyways.