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An idea for a strategy / RPG that has building and combat.

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Level 88
My ex girlfriend's brother loved gay werefox porn
This game will have 2 elements. The building strategy and the RPG. It will be based on the demon vs human mythos and I already have an engine for the RPG part of it. This will not be in RPG Maker, it will be an Internet based game.

You first select a territory for your "area:"
 - Earth
 - Hell
 - Moon
 - Mars
 - Phobos
 - Deimos

Each territory has its own pros and cons to sustaining life. You build up your area with farms / hydroponics, mining, logging, liquid collection and power. You also find ways to dispose of the waste created from each of them.

You construct your own complexes, instead of just having a mine, you start with an entrance. Then from the entrance you can build onto it with more rooms, more chambers.

These things each have rooms and chambers, because this is where you put in your creatures to work and defend the place. Each facility can have unlimited rooms. The only limit is the amount of money you wish to spend. Depending on what the facility does, it will need certain types of rooms like mining facilies would need: Caverns, Lodging, Storage, Processing, Adminnistration and Waste Disposal

"Rooms" come in different heights and sizes.
The heights:
 - Crawl (ducts)
 - Flat (single level)
 - Tall (multi level)
 - Open (outdoor places)
The spaces
 - Tiny
 - Small
 - Medium
 - Large
 - Enormous

Each of the spaces can fit only so many objects and so many creatures to work and defend. Then each room has different "paths" that lead from one room to the next. Each path has something different connecting them.
Connections like:
 - Doors
 - Walking (areas you can just enter)
 - Ladders
 - Staircases and Stairwells (stairwells have walls)
 - Lifts and Elevators (elevators have walls)
 - Windows and Balconies (windows need to be broken)
 - Secret Entrances

In order to attract creatures, you can either construct a portal or set up a recruitment center. You can even buy the services of creatures for hire.

Heroes are always raiding dungeons, caves and whatnot. Villains are always pillaging towns, cities and killing people. Everyone has their own "area," they are allowed to send out attackers. I haven't decided yet if it should be entire armies attacking or just one person ala Doom.

Your attacker will be allowed weapons, armor, unique abilities. All to invade someone else's complexes. The creatures / humans that guard the complexes don't get any unique things, because it would be tedios buying things for 100 characters.

Because creatures / rooms cost money only to have them killed / invaded. For each creature killed there is partial reimbersement. The further the attacker gets into your complex, the more you get reimbersed. That way the attacker has fun attacking and you do not get screwed defending.

Another way to make things more fun for the attacker and cheaper for the defender... when you build the rooms, you will get price breaks for putting ammunition and health in them. This way it is not nearly as expensive to build. Plus this way the attacker will stand a chance against a complex with 100 creatures.

It is RPG style combat with guns and abilities. Bullets and fireballs. Guns have cartridges with ammunition, while abilities use mental points or MP.

There are only so many creatures allowed to be in rooms of certain sizes. Lets say 2 per tiny room. 25 per massive room. Even if you are in a massive room, there are ranges of weapons and abilities. So it will never truly be 25 on 1 given the distance of your attackers.

Each player will be put onto a map with each territory. Neighbors can even attatch their complexes together. To get from one territory to the next, the attackers need to either enter a portal or hitch a ride on a jump ship.

So what does everyone think?

I already have an engine that was made some time last year. I will just modify it. There is a RPG style combat system, but it was more of my army vs your army.
I review RPG Maker Games. If you want me to review yours PM me. If you want to read my reviews, check out the review forum.

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
That looks really fun to play  ;). When do you think you'll have a demo?
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Level 97
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It's a good idea, but the building part will require someone who really knows his stuff in whatever program you are using. Good luck with it.

Level 90
The building sounds like shadowgate.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
"Taret Blade" seem to be a good script for these kind of games.
Anyway, good luck!
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 88
My ex girlfriend's brother loved gay werefox porn
I'm working on an alpha for the building.

 - Make a user name / password

 - Earth / Mars / Moon
 - Each territory will have a difficulty. Earth / Hell will be easy. Mars / Moon will be medium. Phobos / Deimos will be tough.

 - You can't pick your area. You just get one.
 - All areas start out the same.

 - You get a certain amount of money
 - The money is based on the territory

 - You get to create your "character"
 - Pick from the list of pre made creatures
 - Or custom make your own
 - Creatures can have heads (1 or more), necks, horns, a mouth, arms (multiple), legs (multiple), wings, cannons (like how Mega Man has a cannon)
 - The better the creature the more money it costs
 - If a player prefers to attack, a lot will go into their character

 - Each player starts with an area hub.
 - You build your facilities onto the hub.

 - There are rooms to select from. Each with a different purpose. Each with a minimum and maximum height and size. Each has a maximum amount of "paths" that they can have. Sort of like a prison cell traditionall has 1 path out of it.
 - When you add a room. You select the type of room.
 - Select if it is indoor or outdoor
 - Then select the size (tiny - enormous)
 - Select the height (crawl - open)
 - All of this costs money, but you get price breaks for placing ammo and health in the room

 - Once you have a room, you connect it to your hub via a "path." Like the bathroom goes to the bedroom. Then you pick a connection. Like if you take a door to get from the bathroom to the bedroom or you take a staircase, or you take a ladder, or you walk without obstruction.
 - Each room can be watered and powered. It's not like Sim City. In this case you just flick a switch to make it powered or watered and pay the money.
 - Connections have different price tags. Like it is cheaper to have a ladder than a staircase.

 - Fill the room with stuff. The objects are either needed things like beds and toilets. The rooms can be filled with decoration to keep your creatures happy.
 - These objects have a purpose in the RPG element. They provide cover and prevent damage.
 - There are continers that can hold objects, like a treasure chest can contain gold. A dresser can contain multiple items.
 - Containers are to hide goods from the attacker while still getting price breaks for rooms.

That is how the building process will go.

I review RPG Maker Games. If you want me to review yours PM me. If you want to read my reviews, check out the review forum.

Level 88
This would be good for M-net play or what ever its called. That way it'd be like Age of Empires or Warcraft mixed in with Dwarf Fortress.