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AI Buster: Infection Spreading Volume 1

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Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
While the majority of times I've actually attempted to make games, they've been incredibly poor and failed at the early stages, I'd actually like this to work, after the amount of time I've spent actually planning it and the other members of the AI Buster series.

AI Buster: Infection Spreading Volume 1

About the Game

AI Buster: Infection Spreading Volume 1 is the first (no durh!) of a series of four games. All of these form the one game, so don't expect the story to end with this game, but don't just try jumping into Volume 2, because then you probably won't have the foggest about what is actually going on. I'm hoping that all the games will be completed within a space of a year however, so that it doesn't cause to much trouble in the way of boring fans by making them wait a stack. Well, you might... But I'm sure you'll all be alright. I doubt I'll get a lot of comments regarding the project. But anyway, so this is the first of four parts, a series which is an offline version of an MMORPG, which occurs in the game Complete Chaos. And your playing a character in this MMORPG... If you have any clue on what I'm on about, I congratulate you.

But anyway, each game is given a packaged alongside one chapter of a short series called AI Buster: Limited, which will be written by... an unknown writer... But it may be done by my beta tester (not by me... then I'd be begging you to get the game, not hoping you might want to play it in order to understand the superb story). So, that should be an added bonus to get the game when it's released.

Game Rating


Basic Story

Spoiler for:
Well, Infection Spreading Volume 1 is actually not the first event in the AI Buster series. It's actually set after AI Buster: SIGN, a fan fic which is planned for release at some point in April, but I'll keep you updated on that. But anyway, the story opens with new player Kaito joining Complete Chaos, a game recommended to him by his best friend Yasuhiko, an expert player in the game.

Yasuhiko takes Kaito on a crash course of Complete Chaos, and he discusses the basics to the game in a tutorial. Eventually, the pair meet two strange beings (Aurora from SIGN, alongside Alpha - introduced at the end of SIGN). After a few conversations and a dungeon later, Yasuhiko and Kaito are attacked by Alpha, placing Yasuhiko into a strange coma with no explanation.

Worse then this, Kaito discovers that Yasuhiko is not the only player who is currently in a coma, and many players of the game have actually fallen into this strange state. Gaining strange powers from Aurora, he may be able to help the players through his abilities to remove bugs from the monsters in the game, and an ability to allow him to enter areas which have actually been hidden from players. However, he is opposed by the system adminstraion, due to his new abilities actually being illegal. Other problems come from Barumunku, Yasuhiko's partner, who continues to warn Kaito due to his powers having placed Yasuhiko into a coma (when used by Alpha).

However, Kaito quickly becomes friends with a young girl named Hayami, and the pair soon begin to make friends and go against the system admins in order to find out the truth behind the strange incidents. Can they discover the truth before getting deleted?

About the Good Guys

Spoiler for:
* Kaito
- Gender: Male
- Age: 14
- Class: Thief
Kaito is the main character of AI Buster: Infection Spreading Volume 1, a kind-hearted young player who will help anyone in need.

* Yasuhiko
- Gender: Male
- Age: 14
- Class: Fighter
Yasuhiko is a legendary player in Complete Chaos. He is also kind-hearted, probably only rivalled by Kaito, who is willing to help any new players to the game. He is known as 'Yasuhiko of the Twilight Fire', due to his strength in battle. He is partners with 'Barumunku of the Twilight Breeze'. Yasuhiko is placed into a strange coma at the very beginning of the game, which causes the events of the game to happen.

* Hayami
- Gender: Female
- Age: 16
- Class: Hunter
Hayami is a young girl who quickly joins Kaito's search. She hides that she is also a new player from him in the beginning, but Kaito already assumes this. Despite initially suffering from constantly arguing, the pair eventually become incredibly close, and Hayami becomes the closest of Kaito's party members.

* Mia
- Gender: Female
- Age: Unknown
- Class: Fighter
Mia is a strange player.

* Ichinose
- Gender: Male
- Age: 13
- Class: Mage

* Matsuyama
- Gender: Male
- Age: 32
- Class: Warrior
The comic relief character.

* Kurokawa
- Gender: Female
- Age: Late 20s
- Class: Mage
Kurokawa is the first player to join Kaito and Hayami, but is the unique one in the fact that she has no specific reason for playing Complete Chaos outside of enjoyment. She pretends that her class is a rare class called Treasure Hunter, but this is just her 'roleplaying'.

* ???
- Gender: Male
- Age: Unknown
- Class: Hunter
One of the three optional players in the game, he is a major fan of anything Japanese, despite the fact that he is actually American.

* ???
- Gender: Female
- Age: 18
- Class: Lancer
The second of the three optional players. She is recruited differently from the other two optional players. She is also a legendary player in her own rights, having her own groupies - despite the fact that she actually dislikes them and joins Kaito to escape from them.

* Oguro
- Gender: Female
- Age: 15
- Class: Thief
The final optional character.

About the Bad Guys

Spoiler for:
* The Creator (or CPA)
- Gender: None
- Age: None
- Class: AI
Aurora's mother, she is the reason behind the events in AI Buster: SIGN, which then lead to the events which have happened in AI Buster: Infection Spreading Volume 1.

Team Working On It

* Myself (working on everything and anything)


This is my LiveJournal. While friends only, it has all the details regarding AI Buster: Infection Spreading Volume 1 inside (as well as information on other parts of the AI Buster series).

Scripts Used

*will be edited*

Thanks to...

...myself - for creating the game!

...geeq-chiq (LJ ID) - for being a beta reader and working on Limited!

...you - for reading this!

...CyberConnect2 - for creating the .hack series this game is based on!


*will be edited*


*will be edited*

Feel free to make any questions etc. in this topic. If you'd like to help me, then just tell me what you'd be willing to do, and I'll consider it. Not that I think anyone will probably be interested.  :(
« Last Edit: February 10, 2008, 12:27:17 PM by jackisthemasterofwater »

Level 86
I get the strong strong stench of the .hack series bustling from this lol.
Monkeys work better than zombies.

Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
I get the strong strong stench of the .hack series bustling from this lol.

Damn... Caught... Anyway, I'll admit - I based this upon .hack, but there was a lot of .hack which I didn't like, so I'm gonna fix all that up and hope that I can at least create something better (no ABS, mail done differently, no keywords).

Level 86
Just be careful this thread and the game could be subject to serious flaming by some certain individuals lol. Try your best to make it slightly more unique. Good luck!
Monkeys work better than zombies.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
"Good." for the initiative to plan the game.
Stay on track and be consistent.

Good luck! ;)
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
I like .hack series.

Sounds like a good one, though the word AI Buster always reminds me of lolicon...

Albireo x Ricorisu anyone?

Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
Just be careful this thread and the game could be subject to serious flaming by some certain individuals lol. Try your best to make it slightly more unique. Good luck!
Oh, don't worry about that. After the amount of flaming I've had in the past, I really couldn't care. If people really hated it that much, I'd just move it around to one of the other three forums I go on. This is just the community I think would give me the best opinions.

"Good." for the initiative to plan the game.
Stay on track and be consistent.

Good luck! ;)
I would like to say 'Of course I'll stay on track', but the chances of me not changing something before I release the game is incredibly high. I'm good at making plans, and crap at actually following them. But, thank you anyway!

I like .hack series.

Sounds like a good one, though the word AI Buster always reminds me of lolicon...

Albireo x Ricorisu anyone?
I have nothing against the .hack series. I just found it incredibly annoying at times (such as the damn camera and not being able to target anything half the time). As for the lolicon comments, I have nothing I want to say. XD Err... It's rated 12+? XD I might get told off if I put in a few... naughty... scenes...

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
I KNOW you have nothing against the .hack series. But if you really base this game on .hack series, you should've added it in the first post. Like what DAS (Caro Lu Rushe) did in his thread--he put lists of the bases he used.

And it shows that you have some real appreciation on the .hack series. =)

Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
I KNOW you have nothing against the .hack series. But if you really base this game on .hack series, you should've added it in the first post. Like what DAS (Caro Lu Rushe) did in his thread--he put lists of the bases he used.

And it shows that you have some real appreciation on the .hack series. =)
I actually thought that I had put them into the first post but it appears that I hadn't... Oops... Went back and edited it in. Thanks for pointing that out by the way... As such, I'm still trying to decide on two names for those two characters which I haven't got names for. If anyone has any suggestions as to names, then I'd be willing to hear them (and you'll of course get credited for the names if they're used).

Level 87
Looks good, I hope we get a screenshot any time soon, I'm getting a feeling it's gonna be godly.  ;8

Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
Looks good, I hope we get a screenshot any time soon, I'm getting a feeling it's gonna be godly.  ;8
O.o Thanks! At the moment, I'm spending slightly more time on SIGN due to it getting released earlier, but I promise to get up some screenshots as soon as possible! ^_^

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Reminds me of my old project Mai/Aerius/ >__>;;;

Good luck on it. =X And I don't have to repeat what everyone else says, for it's pretty obvious.

Level 87
Looks good, I hope we get a screenshot any time soon, I'm getting a feeling it's gonna be godly.  ;8
O.o Thanks! At the moment, I'm spending slightly more time on SIGN due to it getting released earlier, but I promise to get up some screenshots as soon as possible! ^_^

Do you happen to have screenshots from AI Buster: SIGN? Would love to see them too.  :melon:

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Ermm, wouldn't you start with SIGNs first then Infection? >__>;;; if you have the screenshots for SIGNs that is.

Level 88
Busted - Infection...Spreaded...
Reminds me of my old project Mai/Aerius/ >__>;;;

Good luck on it. =X And I don't have to repeat what everyone else says, for it's pretty obvious.
I don't know whether that first comment is a good one or a bad one, but I'll just take it as good and say thanks. You know, the last time I put a project up, a recieved that much abuse, it's quite amusing that I'm actually getting positive comments (either that, or everyone is bitching about me behind my back).

Do you happen to have screenshots from AI Buster: SIGN? Would love to see them too.  :melon:
Well, if you want screenshots of a Word document, then yes. It's not a game. ^_^ It's a fan fiction I'm writing.

Ermm, wouldn't you start with SIGNs first then Infection? >__>;;; if you have the screenshots for SIGNs that is.
As I said above, while SIGN takes place before Infection, it's a fan fiction, which is being released in April, so you'll just have to wait for that (or wait for at least a preview of the series). So, no screenies...