ITT your favorite final boss. Who was the coolest, the hardest, the most awesome?
Obviously I gotta say Sigma here.
As well as, of course, 9 Ball.
But I would also like to submit Gary from Pokemon: Blue Version.
And let's not forget the formidable Controller from Armored Core 3- that thing is a BITCH. It's a moving TOWER, and it's ENORMOUS, and the WHOLE THING IS SHOOTING MISSILES AND LASERS AT YOU, AND YOU HAVE TO CLIMB IT, AND EVEN THE WALLS ARE SHOOTING AT YOU, AND THERE'S HARDLY ANY ROOM TO MANEUVER, AND IT'S LIKE PCHOO PCHOO PCHOO! And then it dies.
Oh, and if you don't have the right core, the two A.I. Cores you have to take on right beforehand can be murder too.
So yeah, you guys, final bosses, go.