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Chronicles of Sin (Work in progress Title)

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Level 86
Ok so after making lots of small projects, I started for a BIG game. And I do mean BIG!
Alrighty, where to start...

So there is one major continent kind of like in FFX and FFX-2 (the only non (S)NES FF games I played), and is ruled by different races.
The lands include but not limit to:

A deserty land:
 Here lie the Humans. Lots of castles found here. The Knights ruled by their King are constantly at war with the more Free-Lancing Barbarians.
As in most of the lands, this will induce an "I'm Lost while I was trying to find the secret ----" experience with its Monster filled open huge desert.

Another land is the Huge Volcano in the middle of "The Land". Here dwell the fierce Vulkans, who are generally humans that moved here long ago and evolved with the help of magic into people who have red skin and are resistant to Fire and some can even swim in lava. Places include the mountaneous sides of the Volcano and also inside the volcano, as of caves and lava tunnels. There will also be a capital city here that is built in the middle of a big lava pit.

There will be a futuristic scenery too, where I can use the Mech characters from the RTP 1.5 addon. This place will have scenes that will remind you of the Jak II game and the streets will serve as Labyrinths. It may sound crazy but I tried to make one and it worked pretty well so for now I leave it at that.

There will also be a world with lots of mountains, cliffs and such. Here would lie the majority of all the Mages except the Dark Mages.
Another land is a dark-ish land mostly inhabited by Demons and Dark Mages. This world will include Grey-ish scenery and Icy ones too.

And last but not least is a Foresty land which is split into 2. One side doesn't have too many of enemies and tends to be "Lighter" while the other side of the big foresty land section is all darkish and is full of demons and other monsters. Because of this, the good people of all the lands have made a huge wall and split the 2 sections apart from eachother, and the only way to go from one side to another is a big city in the center of the wall.

So yeah that's about it for the scenery.

The background story:

MAJOR SPOILERS-but read anyway because I can't make any sense otherwise.

Spoiler for:
The Vulkans are very strong brutish people and are taking over the Lands, sparing no innocent lives. They ally with the Knights on the deserty land and to send a message to the other lands, they fiercely take over the "futuristic" land, which is one of the most guarded ones. The Mages excluding the Dark ones learn this and also the fact that the Vulkans will take the foresty section next for more territory so they all regroup there to fight against the Vulkans.

The Vulkan king reinforces himself in the Southern part of the forest and is being helped by a Mysterious Dark Mage. The Mages armies consisting of several races and the magec themselves quickly make their way closer and closer to the Vulkan king. The Dark Mage tells the king that he needs to create a portal from which the demons of the "Dark" land can come over and help his men against the other enemy.

The Vulkan king, desperately accepts the idea and the Dark Mage starts his long spell to open the portal. Meanwhile, the Vulkans suspect the Knights from the "Deserty" land were the ones to spill the info to the Mages so their remaining fleets rush to attack the Knights' capital. This is where the Story starts out with the player not knowing anything from above but will learn later.

The "Hero"
Name: Sin
Characteristics: Large, Muscular,Bold Vulkanian (the red counterpart of Kratos from GoW in looks)
Age: Unknown, but Late-middle age.
Weapon of choice: Sledgehammer
Backstory: He is a Vulkan soldier, trained to kill. He really is kind of like Kratos from GoW but that is not intended. In fact I played GoW AFTER I tought up Sin's characteristics. He was a promising boy in his youth training camp and as he grew up, he was chosen for a Vulkan soldier. He then continually grew in ranks, and gained respect all over the lands. He was known for his brutality, and his will of killing the most innocent of souls by the command of the King. He then was chosen leader of the Seventh Fatality Group. The Fatality Groups were the most elite fleets of the Vulkans. They were composed of Vulkans similar to Sin. Some called Sin's group the "Signature of The King"
Other: His weapon of choice will forever be the Sledgehammer. His immense strength lets him use the hammer as if it were as light as a feather.
He can use any other weapon. He can also learn Magic, but to a limited level. For instance He can only learn Watega, but to use the Waterga spell, he must ally with a Water Mage.

Story of the game:
(If you not wish to know the story, then skip this, but things may seem mighty awkward without knowing the story.)

Spoiler for:
We are Sin, the leader of one of the seven "Fatality Groups" (cool name instead of Elite fleet)
His is the only Fatality Group left behind because the others have been sent into battle against the Mages. His too was just about to start and get there when he got new orders; Attack the Capital of "Deserty land". Leave no survivors.

For a Vulkan warrior, that was all that he needed to take action. Reasoning was punishable. He and several other smaller fleets immediately started towards the capital.
They camped down in front of it for the night, and at sunrise they would attack. At Sunrise is when the game starts and lets the player to arm himself and do a small wandering around in the small encampment.

The Demo/Prologue:

The player will have a chance of 2 ways to attack the city. After making a decision we skip to the middle of the castle's siege (Because that's when our "Hero" manages to arrive there) and we start to make our way into the giant palace from either of the 2 places. One is the back of the castle, and one is in front. The goal is to get into the upmost floor of the castle and slay the king. One of the 2 choseable routes makes you enter the castle at a higher level, essentially making the battles easier. But I wont tell you which because I am planning to make a demo of this part.  ;D
So anyway we get to the king and manage to take about 2/3 of his health down at which point 3 Mages appear (Reinforcements) and the battle continues ending with Sin's failure. The screen then will go blind and we hear people talking about that they will turn Sin into part of a Mountain. Essentially he will be part of a Rock wall and have the fate of Han Solo from Star Wars.

MORE SPOILERS-but since I want you all to know it, I wont bother to make another Spoiler thingy.

The Game In a Nutshell:
Then a moment of silence, rocks breaking and we find ourself waking up in a cave. We see some scattered rock pieces and a damaged wall. This is where Sin was until he broke down from it. Now we will be either thinking that Sin managed to broke out sort of accidentally, or we assume some higher power aided him. We will see later.

So anyway its 50 years later now and Sin had lots and lots of time to be thinking about stuff while he was in his rocky jail. He decides that all the senseless killing he had done will have to be forgiven somehow before he dies. He does that by going out to the goddamn everywhere and helping people out.

Now there is a main quest in the game. Broken into segments of the worlds. The first world is the very same Deserty land where he failed but when he first meets people they don't fear him. He learns that they blame the King and his Dark helper for everything because he was drunk with power and made the other Vulkan's do his bidding with a spell of the Dark mage. Sin knows that this isn't true and assumes that the other Vulkans accepted that reasoning, because if they tell the truth, they would all be executed.
We later also learn that he assumes right (and BTW they don't even know that he is Sin. They assume that he is just some Vulkan).  Later we learn that the Vulkans have fallen in the battle of the "Foresty" land even tho the Dark Mages' spell was successfull. The Mages were quickly wiped out, but not for long. Reinforcements arrived with 3 mysterious Mages of the main elements: Water,Fire and Earth. The powerful trio quickly led their army into vistory, slaying the Vulkan king and engaging on the Dark Mage what turned out to be the greatest Wizard battle of all time. Alas the Dark Mage was overwhelmed by the Trio and vanished. Some say he died, others think he is still watching, ever since, waiting for a chance to strike. One is for sure. Some speculate that if  he would be dead, then the Portal he opened would vanish. But ever since the battle ended, the southern side of the forest is oozing with dark demons. Did so many come out of that portal? Is it still open? That will be one part of Sin's main quest.

 So anyway now we are in this big first world and IMMEDIATELY we will have the chance to wander away in search of one of the many many sidequests, or we could stick to the safer Main Quests where we wont get lost that easy. The only barriers will be between worlds but otherwise the encountered enemies would be the only other barrier.
Each world will have at least 2 bosses. 1 for the main story and at least one available as a Sidequest or as completing a chain of sidequests.
Some new sidequests or previously unavailable sidequests become available after completing others in another land.  Once completing the Main Quest for one land, you gain access to another one. You can always go back to the previous world which is essential for an RPG. And unlike many, this one will reward you for it.

  Even tho the Vulkan's land is the second one we visit (and ironically the smallest one) the great capital city (which as I mentioned is located in the middle of a lava pit) is the very last place we can visit and the location of the final boss. But I dont wanna give more spoilers about that because then I really give away the full story of the game.

Going from one world to another can either be done by walking (Longer and harder) or by vehicles ( faster but usually costier). Transportation will include underground minecarts, Planes, trains (last 2 are inventions of the "Futuristic" world), Ships, boats, and Dragons  ;D (Since RTP 1.5 includes a cool dragon available for a transport and it would be a fitting transportation for the Mountaneous world) so yeah whatever I can fit in there. 

'Bout the minecarts: you can just hop in them and ride them to another city. Its the main transportation for the "Deserty" land.

Mini Games:
Slot machines, catch the chicken game, woodcutting and getting paid for it and such. (tested these and they will work)
More to come later.

Every World will include an ally we can meet up with. Usually by completing a smaller Sidequest. Since Sin has the ability
to excel at brute close combat, and the only magic he can use are small ones or come from an item/weapon, mages will be the ones who will ally with Sin.

The process of having an ally wont go as "U got Ultramage Into Ur party" and then you continue on with the one little Hero as "The Whole 4 man Party"
because that will forever seem stupid for me. But neither will it be that the ally will walk behind the Hero because that also tends to look retarded, it isn't Sin's style and is hard to maintain through the series of events the game will boast anyway. Nope. Instead the ally will only join us in our battle if he is in a reasonable, not too far reach of the Hero.

For instance If in a small town, he may be hanging out by the *Idunnowhat* building. If the Hero gets attacked in this small town the ally will be there to fight alongside us. But if we are outside of the Small town then we wont be seeing his help. We will be able to tell him/her to what city or place he should go to and wait for us there.

Yes it sounds whacky, but trust me, I got it all planned out.

Im only at the mapping.
I want to finish that first and then make events and last but not least make the battle system challenging but at the same time not hard enough to make you give up. The latter is gonna be the hardest thing to do but we will see.
All that accompanied by my very own MIDI music amongst others.

All is going great so far and only possible barriers I see in order are:
3.Enemy pictures for RM2K battle sequences.
2.Testing the game for every event I make will be quite hard considering that to turn an event on sometimes requires you to do something else completely elsewhere first.
1.Reaching the possible switch limit.
Now I dunno whats the max switch limit in RM2K but I sure hope I wont reach it, or else THE END.

Demo: Coming soon to a forum near you!

Pictures: Coming sooner than a Demo to a galaxy near you!
I will try to get some screenshots up but since I'm using crappy Vista, I can't use Print Screen key for it so I'm gonna have to go look for a Picture taking program when I have time.

So anyway that's it tell me what U think. Most names for everything are a work in progress except for "Sin".
And if U managed to read the whole thing congrats  ;D
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 08:16:39 AM by TekkenDevil »

Level 97
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Huge post. It seems interesting. You might want to look at the game post info sticky in order to make your post a little more attractive rather than a giant block of text, but the game seems cool. I look forward to seeing more.

Level 86
OK I tried to make it more easy on the eyes (I read the topics in sticky)
I'm sorry but at 3 AM that's the best I could do. If you read it once, read it again since I added lots of new info.
(BTW dont ask me why I edited it at 3 AM... I tend to turn into a night owl when there is no school for a week)

Tell me what ya all think!  :D

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
Max switch limit in rm2k is 5000, so I don't think that will be a problem for you.
The message below is false.
The message above is true.

Level 86
Actually it's just that to get that "He talks once then he doesn't talk anymore or he talks about something else"
Is mostly done by Switches and I am planning to get in tons of characters that have something to tell you.
So yeah that's why I was kinda freaked out about it. But I heard about an addon that removes the switch limit so I dont think it should be a problem.