Hello! I'm new to this forum, and I was wondering about something resource related. I'm currently making a game, and I'm working on making the sprites (I'm using Ragnarok Online sprites for the battle/world map screens for RPG Maker 2003). And well I was wondering something, and I know this is a total newbie question, but what is the sprite size for each sprite for the Battle Character Sprites? I need to resize an Assassin Cross so that he doesn't look like crap.
I was asking this because, when putting them into a template, he takes up two squares from his head to his feet, and I want to know the dimensions to resize him with Photoshop, or perhaps there's a better program I should be using? Any help would be great!
Also, I was wondering if I do post a few sprites up here, maybe you guys could give me a few pointers, I'm literally pieceing them together lol. I found a website that had all the sprites and it gives them to you in pieces. So anyways, thanks for the time, hopefully I can find some help. I'm horrible with sprites. I can't even color them ;_;
Also, same question for the on screen characters. Thanks!