I know that this is an old post but I still want to reply to this
You can't convert a game to an ISO or a BIN, CUE, or anything else a PS2 or PS1 or Xbox, or GC or Wii or anything else will read.
actually you can ISO is like a rar file or zip file that compresses all the file to a single file
and when you opened it you can find all the files that makes the game work
I am also considering making a game for ps2 and I'd really like someone to make a script for this
I don't know anything about scripting but common sense is telling me this won't work. Besides, you'd have to be a really good scripter to even want to pull this off, mir? I don't think anyone will do this.
yes, he's right you'd have to be a good scripter cause you have to know which script works on ps2 like
what code is equal to x button like on ipod touch