Heya, I'm new and proud of it.
So forgive my lack of knowlege in placement, and scripts and...other things.
But thats beside the point. I've serched high and low for a rolling HP script,
or something like it.
Played a game called EarthBound for the snes? Its got what I am thinking of.
You get hit by an enemy and it is fatel damage, and of course you die. Buuuut the idea
of the rolling hp is that you still have a short amount of time to act before you die, and ya could
heal yourself or something, before you hp reaches 0. Thus saving yourself
So is there something like it out there? Cause I just really like something that could give the user
more time to react. cause it's like, whoops i'm dead, whoops i'm dead, whooops i'm dead.
Anyway thank if you can help out at all. I am still learning how to even USE Scripts but I do wish to
create it if it's non existant,
Thank again
ps sorry for my lack of knowlege/noobness, just in case.