Here is the code in my module for all the variables in seperate arrays that I will need:
Public Type CharArray 'Define the contents of the Character array
strname As String 'Character's name
intx As Integer 'current x and y coordinates on map for the character
inty As Integer
intmapnumber As Integer 'current map number character is in
intmaxstrength As Integer 'All the characters maximum and current stat points
intcurrentstrength As Integer
intmaxmana As Integer
intcurrentmana As Integer
intmaxdexterity As Integer
intcurrentdexterity As Integer
intmaxhitpoint As Integer
intcurrenthitpoint As Integer
intweapon As Integer 'what object number the equippable items are
intshield As Integer
intarmor As Integer
intgold As Integer 'how much gold the hero has
intexperience As Integer 'experience needed to level up
intlevel As Integer 'level of your character
strsex As String
End Type
Global Char As CharArray 'create the Character array
Global CharInv(10) As Integer 'define the character inventory array
Public Type ItemArray 'define the contents of the Items array
stritem As String 'item's name
inticon As Integer 'icon number of the item
intx As Integer 'current x and y coordinates on map for the item
inty As Integer
intmapnumber As Integer 'current map number the item is in
placed As Boolean 'yes/no if item has been placed on map yet
inttype As Integer 'what kind of thing is it, 1=sword, 2=shield, etc
intvalue As Integer 'how much is it worth
End Type
Global Item(100) As ItemArray 'create space for 100 items
Public Type EnemyArray 'define the contents of the Enemy Array
strname As String 'Enemy's name
inticon As Integer 'icon number of the enemy
X As Integer 'current x and y coordinates on map
Y As Integer
intmapnumber As Integer 'current map number Monster is in
inttype As Integer 'what kind of Monster is it, 1=skeleton, 2=snake
intmaxstrength As Integer 'All the characters maximum and current stat points
intcurrentstrength As Integer
intmaxmana As Integer
intcurrentmana As Integer
intmaxdexterity As Integer
intcurrentdexterity As Integer
intmaxhitpoint As Integer
intcurrenthitpoint As Integer
End Type
Global Monster(100) As EnemyArray 'create space for 100 monsters
Public Type MapArray 'define the contents of the map array
inticon As Integer 'what icon this square displays
Blocked As Boolean 'is this square blocked (i.e. wall)
Visible As Boolean 'is this square visible
End Type
Global Map(100, 100, 2) As MapArray 'define 2 100x100 maps
Public Type UniverseArray 'define the contents of the Universe array
intmonsters As Integer 'how many monsters are defined
intitems As Integer 'how many objects are defined
intxoffset As Integer 'x direction offset for displaying the map
intyoffset As Integer 'y direction offset for displaying the map
difficulty As Integer 'difficulty 0=easy, 1=medium, 2=hard
End Type
Global Universe As UniverseArray
'non-array global variables needed
Global intcurrentitemnumber As Integer 'currently selected object number
Global intcurrentmonsternumber As Integer 'currently selected Monster number