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Definative sexuality.

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel

Question 1. Same sex couples are fine. I think that as long as a person is happy in a healthy relationship, it is not my place to judge their beliefs.

Question 2. Taboos are nothing but actions/lifestyle choices that society has deemed "unusual". There is no such thing as a taboo, for it is merely a figment of collective imagination.

Question 3. Tastes great, less filling. But seriously, I think that a more prudent solution would be adoption.

Question 4. Rape is a product of humanity. Other animals use sex as a means to reproduce. Humans guard it and hold it so high in regard that rape becomes a shameful act. I think that rape is a despicable thing, but in order to keep this debate open, it is important to note that rape is a human device.

Question 5. Sexual pressure is always intense. It all depends on how a person deals with said pressure that matters. We live in a world where children are experimenting with sex before puberty occurs. It is impossible for a 12 year old to think about the effect their choices have on their future. That's just the way it is.

Question 6. Wasn't this question #1? Oh well... Like I said earlier, I have no choice in the matter, so it is pointless to get upset about. People who get irritated about gay couples may as well get irritated at the tide coming in. Its going to happen, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Level 86
Give him one more.
Nice and Insightful, thanks iholk


The last question, is not question one. Just not the best order I guess lol. To late to change it now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 09:31:13 PM by dominicko »
The boys are going out for hookers and ice cream. Is that something you would be interested in?

Level 97
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1. Nothing wrong with it.
2. Taboos are stupid.
3. I think it's the parent's* decision and no one else's.
4. Rape is obviously horrible.
5. No.
6. Nothing wrong with it.

I disagree with your edit. The father doesn't have anything to lose from an abortion; he makes dozens of millions more potential babies every day. The final say should be left to the one carrying the child.

For some reason when I initially posted I had single mothers in mind... in which case, yes it is of course up to just the mother.

If it's a mother and father, well I agree with arlen. Put it this way, if my wife were pregnant and she wanted an abortion, I would be pretty pissed if she went and did it without even talking to me about it.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I'm not saying she doesn't have to tell her husband about it. Hopefully their relationship is strong enough to the point where they can tell each other something like that. What I'm saying is that the father has no right to keep the baby inside her if she doesn't want it there.

Furry Philosopher
Level 94
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I think most of us can agree on that.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
1. A-O-K
2. Some are in place for obvious reasons, but outside that they're ignorant.
3. Why is this an issue? I never understood. If it's not in your stomach, how can you possibly tell someone how to handle it?
4. Rape sucks.
5. It shouldn't. However, there's this concept known as the self-fulfilling prophecy...
6. Whatever floats your boat.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 04:46:45 PM by Edgeworth »

Level 91
Sexual Deviant

Question 1. NO

Question 2. If you mean like two cousins marrying, then keep the taboos

Question 3. Abortion is a sin that covers up another

Question 4. Bad, Men are more agressive

Question 5. Other than press coverage, no

Question 6. Being homosexual is a sin against God, but as long as they make it obvious to the world, it's fine with me

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
Question 1. What are your thoughts on same sex couples?
My opinion is biest(sp?) due to the fact that I grew up in a Christian home. It goes against what the Bible says, therefore, it's wrong.

Question 2. What are your thoughts on cultural Taboos?
If you are around people of a different culture then your own, it would be best to respect their taboos as to not offend them.

Question 3. What are your thoughts on Abortion?
In my mind, abortion should only be aloud in two surcemstances. One, if the mother will die in the process of giving birth, or two, if the child was concieved during an act of rape.

Question 4. What are your thoughts on Rape? (Why are woman the more potential victim?)
Plain and simple, it's wrong. As to the second question, men are more likely to portray their sexual lusts in the open and attempt to satisfy them. Women are a bit more subtle.

Question 5. Do you believe that being of a popular status, may make sexual pressure more intense? (I.E. Jamie Lynn Spears)
(Almost) Everyone experiences some sort of sexual presser at some point in their life. Being "popular" makes it happen sooner/more often as more people are attracted to you.

Question 6. What are your thoughts on a human being of Gay, Bi, or straight orientation?
See question 1.

Furry Philosopher
Level 94
2013 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)Randomizer - GIAW 11Gold - GIAW 11 (Hard)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2012 Best RPG Maker User (Programming)Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantGold - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for September 2008For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2011 Best RPG Maker User (Programming)2011 Best Veteran2011 Kindest Member2010 Best RPG Maker User (Events)2010 Best RPG Maker User (Story)
Looking at it in a philosophical view, homosexuality is not a choice, but rather a part of human nature for certain individuals. Having schooled in Chicago, I know a good number of people who happen to be gay, and aside from their sexual preference they are no different from everyone else.

Human nature is composed of two parts: nature and nurture (a.k.a. heredity and enviorment). Homosexuality is mainly due to genetic heredity, but partly to environmental factors, and pure chance. A homosexual has not chosen to become homo, he has simply become one because of external factors. It has originated by nature, and variety is natural, so I cannot see any reason why homosexuality should be considered unnatural, despite how people may feel about it.

If homosexuality is natural, then there is no reason why it should be considered "wrong", or why they should be prosecuted for it since they have done nothing wrong. It is simply a part of who they are, and that cannot be changed.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Question 4. Rape is a product of humanity. Other animals use sex as a means to reproduce. Humans guard it and hold it so high in regard that rape becomes a shameful act.
I'm calling you out on this, I'm pretty sure some animals will rape other animals to show them their place in a pack (ie, male wolf rapes male wolf to show he is stronger). 

Level 87
Question 1: Fine. homosexuality occurs all the time in the wild. But a lot of people just like to write it off as dominant behavior or 'practicing for the opposite sex.' Whatever. Even if that were the case, it still happens, people still like it and they still do it.

Question 2: Neutral....don't really care I guess.

Question 3.  I'm against it mainly and I think it should only be used in the dire of circumstances. ((ie: women was raped and even then, isn't adoption better? Jeesh...)) But aborting that fetus because you're not ready to be a parent or you're bored or just lazy or whatever? I'm sorry- but the girl shoulda been more responsible and thought about that when she spread her legs and let something inside her coo cha-cha, as does the man.

Question 4. People say rape is about power but that's kind of BS. It's true, but men ARE naturally hornier than women. Gay or straight...you know, men are sex pigs. WOOF! So that can be channeled in a healthy or unhealthy way like anything else. Girls can rape too, of course- it's never clear cut, but we're hornier, so we'll always be more on the offensive with this issue. Also if men are taught to deny their sexual urges, and wouldn't even THINK about being with a man (even if they might need to, since again men are easy and don't need as much seducing to me usually) they might resort to being a misogynist that's upset with women for putting out. But fellas, just think if YOU didn't have a dick and could be receptive only. ((Empathy 101)) You'd have to be more trusting, wary, and a little shyer about sex too ya know? It's not their fault, just how they were designed. That's why men who like to have control over women and passive gay males are just fucking bullies and should be shot in the head.

Question 5. I think so yeah....to a degree. In my experience you only get laid once you get some self-confidence in yourself, if you don't like yourself why would anybody like you...that sorta thing. And celebs have WAAAY too much of that sometimes, spoiled hollywood brats!

Question 6. They are what they are. The hypothatawhatever in gay men is smaller and responds to the male sweat as a sexual, erotic stimulant. That's why if a gay dude says "you reek bro" he's just covering up his desires to look cool while going to secretly masturbate to ya later. =P

Level 88
This isn't exactly the best debate on sexuality I've ever seen. For one thing, it falls just short of those retarded chain emails and for another the questions suck. Sexuality is a broad subject and both the questions and responses are rather wanting here.

Anyways, as for sexual preferences (hetero, homo, bi, pans, whatever), I believe that's shaped mainly by experience and environment. Kind of a vague statement, and rather concise, but it's all you're getting from me for now.

Also, Adorkable is kind of dumb but she can be forgiven for that because she's female. Rape IS about power- you think guys rape women (or other guys) because they're horny and can't get any? It's the same issue as sexuality- they get violent sexual fantasies and eventually act them out (not that every guy with violent sexual fantasies becomes a rapist, of course). This can be due to a variety of reasons, depending on each person.
And yes, there are examples of rape in the animal kingdom. I believe chimpanzees, or some other primate, use rape as a way of demonstrating superiority, but I'm not entirely sure.

Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 87
Things we fear the most have already happened 2 us
Question 1. What are your thoughts on same sex couples?
Question 2. What are your thoughts on cultural Taboos?
Question 3. What are your thoughts on Abortion?
Question 4. What are your thoughts on Rape? (Why are woman the more potential victim?)
Question 5. Do you believe that being of a popular status, may make sexual pressure more intense? (I.E. Jamie Lynn Spears)
Question 6. What are your thoughts on a human being of Gay, Bi, or straight orientation?


Answer 1: I prefer straight couples,,but there is nothing wrong with same sex couples.  And of course,,lesbian couples just turn everybody on.
Answer 2: Neutral,,don't care about it.
Answer 3: Support it,,however,,I think that the COUPLE (not just the pregnant woman alone) should decide whether to get an abortion or not.
Answer 4: Rape is a crime, women are generally percieved as the weaker sex,,so they get attacked more often.
Answer 5: No,,being popular (Hollywood wise) usually means that your children are spoiled and dumb,,and more likely than not,,will end up as parents by the age of 16.
Answer 6: Nothing wrong with it,,people of the ancient world did not care about sexual orientation,,neither should we.
"If u'r about to die,,then think of how good ur life has treated u up to this point.  On the
other hand,,if life hasn't treated u good up to this point,,then take joy in the fact that
it's not going to bother u for much longer."

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Adorkable is kind of dumb but she can be forgiven for that because she's female.
I don't know, I'm not arguing that she is dumb, but we do have smart females on the boards.

Level 97
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# 1 & 6: Don't care. In fact, I often participate in Heterosexual Shame parades  :police:

# 5: No, though I suppose there would be more people who want to have sex with you if you were famous.

# 2: err, depends on the taboo. There are a few, like necrophilia, bestiality, incest, etc... that I find repulsive.

# 4: I'm a big fan of rape. At least once or twice a week for me. It really ought to be legal. Seriously, what kind of ridiculous question is this?

# 3: This is the only question I really care about. I am strongly opposed to abortion because I do believe that you are human from conception and deserve human rights. My justification for this is in one of the old abortion topics which I cannot find, but the short version is that I am unable to assign humanity upon birth, when biologically the child is the same 10 minutes before labour as it is 10 minutes after. Time of birth is way too arbitrary in my opinion. Similarly, by induction, anytime that it is a living, growing organism would also be an arbitrary assignment of humanity. The fetus is merely a stage of development. A fetus may not be an infant, but an infant is not a toddler and a child is not an adult, but all are human. If human life means anything at all (of that I'm unsure), I think that it would have to start at conception, rather than birth.


Why is this an issue? I never understood. If it's not in your stomach, how can you possibly tell someone how to handle it?

That's one way to dodge an issue. Though that logic would almost certainly nullify any conception of morality or ethics. You don't have to be in a situation to provide a commentary on it.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
True, but it also makes your opinion less worthy than that of someone who would have to endure child birth.

Level 88
Not necessarily- it gives you a different perspective, which is at least supposed to be a good thing.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
A different perspective isn't a particularly valuable one, though. If you wanted to make dinner, would you rather listen to a chef or a construction worker?

Level 97
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I'm a bit late I know, but I don't think that is a particularly good analogy. There's a difference from getting a professional opinion on something factual and concrete and getting an opinion on an ethical issue

Take, perhaps, someone being blackmailed. He has a few options: pay, ignore, call the cops, kill the blackmailer, etc...
Though I have never been blackmailed, I would say that whatever the right option is, killing the blackmailer would be a bad thing to do. I do not think that if a blackmailed person is to tell me that that is the best option, I would concede simply because I have never been in that situation. If anything is wrong, killing is, and I think I can state that fairly confidently even though I am not in a situation where I am tempted to kill someone.

My point is: not only does not being in a situation make your opinion on that situation less valid, being in a situation does not make your opinion on the issue more valid either. The person in the situation has something at stake, but that is no guarantee that they think about it from an ethical perspective. It is easily conceivable that they will do what they perceive as best for them,  and so no, I don't think that opinion has priority over mine. In almost any case I can imagine, an objective opinion is more likely to be correct than a subjective one.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
I'm not saying she doesn't have to tell her husband about it. Hopefully their relationship is strong enough to the point where they can tell each other something like that. What I'm saying is that the father has no right to keep the baby inside her if she doesn't want it there.
Which is why I said it was the *parent's decision, and not the *father's decision.


Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I was saying that to Halo, not you =x

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
1. Nothing wrong with it.
2. Taboos are stupid.
3. I think it's the parent's* decision and no one else's.
4. Rape is obviously horrible.
5. No.
6. Nothing wrong with it.

I disagree with your edit. The father doesn't have anything to lose from an abortion; he makes dozens of millions more potential babies every day. The final say should be left to the one carrying the child.


Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
That part was directed at you. But the post up there was responding to Halo.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Yeah, and I was responding to the part directed at me.  ???


Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero


Why is this an issue? I never understood. If it's not in your stomach, how can you possibly tell someone how to handle it?

That's one way to dodge an issue. Though that logic would almost certainly nullify any conception of morality or ethics. You don't have to be in a situation to provide a commentary on it.

Dodge? What? It's their personal ordeal, who are we to mandate what they can and cannot do? I personally think its better for the baby to be eliminated quickly than left in a trash can, or worse.