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Kingdom Chronicles:The Movement

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Level 86
Kingdom Chronicles: The Movement

Well, this is my first Rpg maker project that I will finish, if not I have alternate stories similar to this one that I am going to make, they take place in the same world. And I have been working on this for quite some time rewriting the story at certain parts, adding and taking away characters and such, I have nothing to show for it though because my computer crashed and blah I don't have xp right now, I have been inspired by projects from other sites like, MOTW, Quintissence, Lucid Awakening, and the Black Effect, and large commercial games like FF6-7 and Oblivion.       
Spoiler for:
In a world where six kingdoms ruled five continents peacefully, the thing they most dreaded looms itself over the western continent. The movement of the Engovion empire is revealed with the attack and siege of the city Kizere, it's known that no one got killed during the siege, but that Abalon should be on alert for any more moves against them, it could be a sighn of war. As the empire, Engova slowly changes more and more attacks have been made, with no pattern to be seen, king Roland of Abalon has resorted to sending out his personal scout team, they call themselves the seekers, with them sent to the mountains of Kizere they'll have to find the information behind these attacks.

On the way from the blacksmiths shop, Aiden finds an old man mugged by some thief, being the good guy that Aiden is he helps the old man get his gold back and put the thief in his place, a simple fight even with the little fighting that Aiden knew. The following night Aiden finds himself in some trouble, a by standing guard seen the fight between Aiden and the thief, and wants him to join the Engovian army,
refusing, and with to many guards to fight off he's pulled away from his church home and taken to Kizere's jail stronghold atop the high mountain peak. He escapes soon after with the help from the ninja, Cyrus, with no clue the ninja really is or what's going on they fight their way out of the stronghold, then the adventure begun. Can you unlock the secrets behind the empire?
Spoiler for Major Protagonists:

Age: 24
Class: Players Choice
Aiden's a nice guy, his intuition got him out of many tight situations, he likes to do quests for the towns people for no reason(as do most main characters), he's an apprentice blacksmith for a side job and a hobby it's how he makes money for himself and the church orphanage. He is a bit stubborn and hesitant in some situations.

He isn't the best fighter, but knows how to defend himself, for some reason the guards came for him anyway. He has no idea of where he came from, he just knows he was dropped off at the church when he was three, but he has dreams of a woman and a beautiful garden area. He likes to adventure, when he was a kid he would explore the caves of Kizere. He will protect his newly found friends, and hopefully find his real family.


Age: 25
Class: Ninja
Very energetic and rarely in a bad mood, sly and slippery just who you need for an escape or a break in, but he's also good at fighting. Many are sure it's because of his natural talent that he's still alive. He's really good at dramatic entries.
Cyrus helps Aiden escape at the beginning of the game. Aiden finds him a mystery, he doesn't talk about himself. If there is something on his mind you can tell, he would be the exact opposite of what he usually is, Aiden thinks he does what he does for his own self satisfaction and accomplishment. He is a bit full of himself.


Age: 21
Class: Swordsman
He is quite, but has a good sense of humor. One of the younger of the group. He gets along the best with Cyrus, which is weird because when you know them they aren't much alike. He is intimidating to the random passing stranger, but a very nice guy to his friends.

Seth came from Engovas capital city, but he got kicked out of his own house by his brother, who is a one of the empires generals, when he wouldn't take the offer of being an elite soldier. However his family still lives there, perhaps he could come back some day.


Age: 26
Class: Bow master
She is a girl with an attitude and not afraid of a fight, one minute she's nice the other minute she's yelling at you. She speaks her mind, it's not always what she wants to say, she fears that it might drive her friends away. Many wouldn't believe it, but there is a nice girl in her. She helps plan a lot of the missions and little spy sessions. Quick and vigilant she has an eye like an eagle. She trains Aiden in bow mastery if he chooses.


Age: 43
Class: warrior
Not the guy that acts tough, the guy that is tough. but he is soft hearted, but don't get him mad he might just hurt you. He has no patience for people like the empire. He came from a small poor farming town, and he wishes to bring something back to his family.
Barten is stubborn when he's mad and berserk when he's really mad. He shows Aiden around the resistance base and trains him in numerous fighting classes.


Age: 37
Class: Lancer
The leader of the resistance team, and a strong noble knight of Abalon.
sent by king Roland, he and his team settled in the caverns of Kizere.
He is loyal to his teammates, but he doesn't always think he's right for the title of leader. He is a strategist, but he has a darker side where he can be manipulating and can intimidate his foes.


Class: Mage
There is something peaceful about Celia that makes it nice to be around her, she is a mage and somewhat an alchemist, she is not much of a fighter, but she has a great mind, and can help solve puzzles, she can somehow with her magical abilities sense danger, so heed her warnings. She has great healing abilities, but also great elemental magic, she doesn't believe in killing without reason, she would only hurt something if it was to protect herself or friends. She has particular feelings toward Cyrus. And she trains Aiden in magic if he chooses.


Class: Swordsman
Jareck is somewhat ignorant, and pretty much only talks to everyone else to chip in his two cents, however he is a fine warrior and useful on the battlefield, he doesn't get along well with Felix. Aiden is curios about this man. ...not finished
Spoiler for Antagonists:
I have to work on these fellers, but I know there role in the story already, Arshes and Valdis are almost finished.
King Valdis

Bio: The new king of Engova for 10 years, but he recently started these violent attacks against King Roland. Why? Valdis is an intimidating person, with his piercing figure and two hand broad sword.     

Right hand man

The kings buff right hand man, the commander of his army. You will always see him out on the battle field.

Mysterious Mage
Recently hired by the king, for what reason? Nobody knows. But what's behind that dark hood?


The mighty Arshes, lord of clicheness. You encounter Arshes often on your journey every time he's in a different form. With him always comes some humorous cut scenes. He is the recurring villain and plays a big role in the story. He is a 16 year old swordsman, but he lost all of his natural talent to his old foe, the demon lord, who destroyed his hometown and killed his parents. He wants revenge on the world for what it done to him, bad luck seems to follow him around. 

Spoiler for Other Characters:
King Roland

Age: 47
The king of Abalon, he ordered his elite knights to go to the town of Kizere to see if they could find out what the empire was up to.

Priest Gander
The father-like figure to Aiden, he took care of him ever since he showed up on the doorstep.
He is the insight giver to the townspeople.
Spoiler for Features\Concepts:
Big Features/Systems
-Ryes SVBS with some scripts by paradog.     
-A smithing and equipment making system.
-My unique dungeon system,(see feature concepts for information)
-Playable back stories at the end of the game, if you unlock them
-Mini Games, many have been put into the story already for example, mine cart riding, you have to ride the        mine cart through the mines and down the mountain, you will have to jump, collect stuff, and maby shoot monsters.   

Small Features
-Interactive Objects,(breakable pots, etc). Puzzles, at least one in each dungeon.
-Party changing.
-Semi-linear story, you will face choices that alter the story, or just change the path you take.
-Special way of traveling around the world map,(See concept for more informations).

Monster Counting
Well, there are certain monsters in each dungeon and they carry a stone or relic, once you defeat them you get that stone, then at the end of each dungeon there is a statue that counts them, and for however many you have you get an accessory or skill that will help against the monsters or bosses in the next dungeon or area, the more relics you get from the monsters the stronger the accessory or skill is. That leads to a bit better battles.
They may be in optional dungeons or main dungeons but I don't know.

World Exploring
A sort of different way of traveling around the continents on the over world, normally in my game you would automatically walk in whatever direction you choose on the paths that connect each area and you would maby run into traveling merchants or an odd monster, but you would just walk a few steps and transfer a few before the event, crossroad, or new location, instead of auto walking the whole way. Further on in the game you can buy a horse,(I know a lot like a chocobo), and it enables you to travel off those paths into more secret areas or optional dungeons. 
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 01:47:27 AM by rmxpdude321 »

Level 86
Give him one more.
I Love the amount of thought you are putting into this, but just remember, that if you lay it on the table, you better come through with it! Im supporting you! Go for it! wooooooooo! I cant wait to see more!
The boys are going out for hookers and ice cream. Is that something you would be interested in?

Level 86
Thanks, and yes I'm definitely going to finish this project, everything I say I'm going to do on this thread I am going to do, with the exception of some of the small features that I might not get to do, not the systems though they will be in it for sure.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 04:09:35 PM by rmxpdude321 »

Level 86
ok, I rewritten the story, I got some help with it so it should be a better read and say more of what I want the game to be about. (And this forum doesn't have a very busy project section does it?)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 02:22:51 AM by rmxpdude321 »