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[RESOLVED] Credits roll?

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Level 87
How can i make credits roll at endgame?

I don't need this right now, so i'm in no rush for an answer but i'd like to start making up my list so i can just add to it as i go along , instead of trying to gather all the names together at the end....
« Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 09:50:39 PM by Zeriab »

Level 87
Well, you could either just make a big picture and use that as your credits roll, or you could just get a credits script... I'm sure they're here somewhere... actually, if you have an AMS, it might have a built-in feature for text scrolling. If not, you can try this. http://www.creationasylum.net/index.php?showtopic=20314

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
As an elaboration on how to make a big picture look at my Picture Scrolling System.

Level 87
How do i keep forgetting to mention i'm workin' rm2k3?

@ Zeriab> I could read over that and try and incorporate it into an event on a 'credits' map with an auto-start switch and teleport the hero there at end-game.

@ Pokemainiac> i know nothing about pictures.  \I've never used them and i didn't get any in the default RTP so i couldn't even try and take a guess (yes, i know what a picture is. but i don't know what it is in the game: as in, whether it's a full-screen covering thing, or lik a panorama or a wee thing that hovers around annoyingly like the Microsoft Word PaperClip with eyese

Level 86
Wow this is pretty much the simplest thing ever.

The topic creator must be new at this.

Level 88
this is a help forum.
good for you if you're good or skilled.
let the begginers learn a bit, no? we're here for them.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Wow this is pretty much the simplest thing ever.

The topic creator must be new at this.

How does that post benefit the poster? It isn't helpful one bit.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 87
Yes, the topic poster is new.  He has only been using rm2k3 for a few weeks and, as anyone who has been reading the help forums might have guessed, he is learning much from the helpful community around here, and asking several questions.  Now, if i may ask, can we return from this widely off-topic flame post and get back to the topic at hand, i.e, the OPs question?

Level 86
Wow this is pretty much the simplest thing ever.

The topic creator must be new at this.

How does that post benefit the poster? It isn't helpful one bit.

Nor is you telling me it isnt helpful.

either way, yeah, topic creator should make a long image and run it vertically at the end of the game

Level 87
Sayin' that was crossin' the line into downright cheeky.  IT wasn't just another member who said that, but a mod......

And as for your suggestion, thank-you.  When i get a better understanding of images i'll try that.

Level 86
Sayin' that was crossin' the line into downright cheeky.  IT wasn't just another member who said that, but a mod......

And as for your suggestion, thank-you.  When i get a better understanding of images i'll try that.
I know it was a moderator, but he shouldnt have said anything, if he had a problem with it, he should have modded me, deleted my post, suspended me or something, and then patted his 30-40 year-old back and said "gud job nouman" and then went upstairs to see if Mom bought sunny d. I mean really.

Now Brady, I've never had to do credits, so off the top of my head, just make the image long and write names of who you want to credit, then ran it vertically on any plain old map, just make the map all default color so the paralax background shows up.

Hope I helped.

Level 87
Sayin' that was crossin' the line into downright cheeky.  IT wasn't just another member who said that, but a mod......

And as for your suggestion, thank-you.  When i get a better understanding of images i'll try that.
I know it was a moderator, but he shouldnt have said anything, if he had a problem with it, he should have modded me, deleted my post, suspended me or something, and then patted his 30-40 year-old back and said "gud job nouman" and then went upstairs to see if Mom bought sunny d. I mean really.

Now Brady, I've never had to do credits, so off the top of my head, just make the image long and write names of who you want to credit, then ran it vertically on any plain old map, just make the map all default color so the paralax background shows up.

Hope I helped.

That's just downright disrespectful.  They don't always need to mod or delete it, sometimes just let you know what you said deserved a commenting in the least.

And yes, you did help, thank-you.

Level 86
Sayin' that was crossin' the line into downright cheeky.  IT wasn't just another member who said that, but a mod......

And as for your suggestion, thank-you.  When i get a better understanding of images i'll try that.
I know it was a moderator, but he shouldnt have said anything, if he had a problem with it, he should have modded me, deleted my post, suspended me or something, and then patted his 30-40 year-old back and said "gud job nouman" and then went upstairs to see if Mom bought sunny d. I mean really.

Now Brady, I've never had to do credits, so off the top of my head, just make the image long and write names of who you want to credit, then ran it vertically on any plain old map, just make the map all default color so the paralax background shows up.

Hope I helped.

That's just downright disrespectful.  They don't always need to mod or delete it, sometimes just let you know what you said deserved a commenting in the least.

And yes, you did help, thank-you.

Well He could've commented using the Private Messaging system, either that or mod'd me.

and I'm glad I helped. :D

Level 102
2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Best Non-RM Creator2013 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)Participant - GIAW 112012 Most Successful Troll2012 Funniest Member2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Best IRC ChatterboxSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Most Successful Troll2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Best IRC Chatterbox

RyuGigas, you're a fucking ass. Keep this up and you're going to be screwed by me.

Level 88
thx Irock
Spoiler for:
+1 rep xD

Level 86

RyuGigas, you're a fucking ass. Keep this up and you're going to be screwed by me.

Meh, alright.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
Sayin' that was crossin' the line into downright cheeky.  IT wasn't just another member who said that, but a mod......

And as for your suggestion, thank-you.  When i get a better understanding of images i'll try that.
I know it was a moderator, but he shouldnt have said anything, if he had a problem with it, he should have modded me, deleted my post, suspended me or something, and then patted his 30-40 year-old back and said "gud job nouman" and then went upstairs to see if Mom bought sunny d. I mean really.

Now Brady, I've never had to do credits, so off the top of my head, just make the image long and write names of who you want to credit, then ran it vertically on any plain old map, just make the map all default color so the paralax background shows up.

Hope I helped.

Nouman is like 18, and he's a great guy. He's helped more people then you've been an asshole to.

Level 86
But he also is a moderator, and while he's very well allowed to comment whenever he wants; he was being hypocritical; in that he commented about how my post wasn't useful, while his wasn't at all useful either...

Now, I recognize my post was insulting and generally uncalled for, him being a moderator indicates that he can take action if it offends him. I apologize to 'Nouman' however, I think I went too far.

Shooting for the "MEMBER MODERATOR OF THE YEAR 2007" Award
Level 89
Hi, there.
What's with you guys and getting off topic?! 

@RyuGigas - you just need to think about what you are going to say before you post it.

@Brady - If you have problems with someone, just send a comment to a Mod or Admin.

@Everyone else - Just don't pay attention to RyuGigas when he goes off on a rant, k.

Back on topic. 

If your problem is solved Brady, please but [Resolved] in the title. If not please update us with what you have done so far.

Thank you  ;8
Sig by MacGravel

Level 87
My bad, completely forgot about that. 
Um...i'll blame the off-topic-ness for makin' me forget  :-[
Anyhoo, thanks for rreminding me, thanks for the help.  I'd say it's sorted.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
The reason I called you out on the spot was because the post was reported by a member.

Also I am 16 years old.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 86
The reason I called you out on the spot was because the post was reported by a member.

Also I am 16 years old.
Yeah dude, I was just sayin'.

But yeah, sorry for being so insulting.

Level 88
The reason I called you out on the spot was because the post was reported by a member.

Also I am 16 years old.
lalalalala ::)

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
The reason I called you out on the spot was because the post was reported by a member.

Also I am 16 years old.
lalalalala ::)

Im as old as Nouman :tpg:

Anyway, things you can do

Make a picture, at endgame, place picture and scroll down with events

Make a panorama, add Credits tileset and have credits as panorama, then make map, teleport character to map, change character graphic, scroll down with events.

Get a script

Level 87
I'm older than Nouman

I'm havin' trouble with the picture one.

I just might try the credit-tileset idea, thanks for that!

I'm usin' rm2k3.  scripts aren't an option for me