not really for rmrk. it's just a link so i can post it in kaillera's about cocky players.
in theese pictures i played as: pika for almost all.
-Also Played Irock
-i played a polygon to mock someone that says he's the best MasterHand user.
-MATTS(kirby user. kirby is known for noob users) said he's the BEST of the BEST. here's the results.
-Xelpheropolis says: he's the king no one pwns him. he is known for his fake ds when he's loosing(faking a desynchronisation)
-Bleachman is a very nice guy. it's mostly against his crew that i uploaded this picture. S-G is suposetly the best clan on kaillera. Bleachman is their leader. 5 stocked GG
updated more pictures from cocky people I VSed!!