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Quebec: Our situation.

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Level 88
Oh shit, the minorities are taking over! Before you know, the Christian white man's traditions and values will all be flushed down the toilet and niggers and Muslims will be ruling Quebec.

I must admit I know virtually nothing about the Arabs of Quebec, because seriously, who pays attention to Quebec? But your rhetoric is similar to a lot of the rhetoric in the US as pertaining to Hispanic immigration, and France as pertaining to Arabs and blacks, etc. It's pretty lol if you think about it- "I'm not racist, I just want these people out of my country! They're not white, and they're not Christian!"
Not only that, but you and many others in the aforementioned countries make it out like immigrants come intending to shift the regional culture and make the natives more like them. Which is simply not the case, most come to make money or be with family, or for whatever other reason. Sure, their prescence in large numbers can indeed change quite a bit, but change happens. Cultures don't stay stagnant, and I don't see why that's desireable. Demographic change is bound to happen, but unless I am sorely mistaken I don't see Quebec or any of Canada coming under Sharia law under an Arab majority. But hey, I've been wrong before.

Also, Raski, you're stupid. "I fear one day the arabs will take over the world and all the other people will move into Ghana and so something really silly." I mean good god.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 88
Oh shit, the minorities are taking over! Before you know, the Christian white man's traditions and values will all be flushed down the toilet and niggers and Muslims will be ruling Quebec.

I must admit I know virtually nothing about the Arabs of Quebec, because seriously, who pays attention to Quebec? But your rhetoric is similar to a lot of the rhetoric in the US as pertaining to Hispanic immigration, and France as pertaining to Arabs and blacks, etc. It's pretty lol if you think about it- "I'm not racist, I just want these people out of my country! They're not white, and they're not Christian!"
Not only that, but you and many others in the aforementioned countries make it out like immigrants come intending to shift the regional culture and make the natives more like them. Which is simply not the case, most come to make money or be with family, or for whatever other reason. Sure, their prescence in large numbers can indeed change quite a bit, but change happens. Cultures don't stay stagnant, and I don't see why that's desireable. Demographic change is bound to happen, but unless I am sorely mistaken I don't see Quebec or any of Canada coming under Sharia law under an Arab majority. But hey, I've been wrong before.

Also, Raski, you're stupid. "I fear one day the arabs will take over the world and all the other people will move into Ghana and so something really silly." I mean good god.

Quebec will surely be like that in +50 years. also, the topic is ''What do you think of our situation'', not '' Do you pay attention about Quebec'' but anyway, thanks for the response ;8

Level 88
I'm glad you've only responded to like, one sentence out of the whole post, even though I go on to my own thoughts on the situation anyways. Yeah, real smooth. Typical Canadian.
You also say Quebec's going to a be a typical Arab shithole in 50 or so years, but yet, you provide no real reason other than your own prejudices as to WHY. Can you tell me anything but shitty statistics to tell me how you know that Quebecois will all be speaking Arabic in half a century? Doubt it, but I'd like to see what you have.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Typical Canadian.
And you thought it was funny he was denying being racist.

You also say Quebec's going to a be a typical Arab shithole in 50 or so years, but yet, you provide no real reason other than your own prejudices as to WHY.
The only real reason I could think of why he thinks this, is just the amount of immigration Canada gets from foreign countries.  I think hes wrong, but thats just me.

Can you tell me anything but shitty statistics to tell me how you know that Quebecois will all be speaking Arabic in half a century? Doubt it, but I'd like to see what you have.
Well, he could always just say he thinks this because.  You're ragging on someone for trying to use statistics? For shame.

Level 88
I don't say we're gonna speak it, I just said they'll exceed the amount of white people(said some statistic some posts earlier)

also just look at the very first post. that shows how Quebec is becoming.

I consider myself as a Quebecois, not as a Canadian.

I'm not racist or anything. I don't mind whoever comes here to get a better life. but they have to respect our religion and our culture. they just come in Quebec, fuck up many things.

why I responded only 1 sentence of it?
mostly because of
I must admit I know virtually nothing about the Arabs of Quebec, because seriously, who pays attention to Quebec? But your rhetoric is similar to a lot of the rhetoric in the US as pertaining to Hispanic immigration, and France as pertaining to Arabs and blacks, etc. It's pretty lol if you think about it "I'm not racist, I just want these people out of my country! They're not white, and they're not Christian!"

(and other stuff which your basicly just flamming me/Quebec)

And INDEED, we get LOT of immigration here. and like i said some post earlier, white people has a 1.4 baby/couple
(or familly if you prefer, and don't get me wrong, it's not ''a baby and a half LOL'')
while arabs easily get 3.

Of course we won't have to speak Arab. Quebec will probably always be a English/French province. I'm just saying that Quebec is kinda gonna split in half.

Level 88
And you thought it was funny he was denying being racist.
You really don't catch onto sarcasm very well, do you?

Well, he could always just say he thinks this because.  You're ragging on someone for trying to use statistics? For shame.
Note, "shitty" statistics. I've heard statistics that 1 in 4 extramarital sexual relations end up in the transfer of venereal disease, doesn't mean it's true.

I don't say we're gonna speak it, I just said they'll exceed the amount of white people(said some statistic some posts earlier)
Fine, then interpret that as an example of hyperbole (although if the Arabs outnumber you guys, Arabic will be as important as Spanish is in Waco).

also just look at the very first post. that shows how Quebec is becoming.
How many Arabs are living in Quebec exactly, and how many of them are the assholes you portray them to be? How many of them are lower-class, and how many are not? I'm assuming most are lower-class if what you say about higher birth rates is true, but that the average white Quebecois family has only about one child to me is astounding (then again, if I recall correctly there are similar statistics in Europe).

I'm not racist or anything. I don't mind whoever comes here to get a better life. but they have to respect our religion and our culture. they just come in Quebec, fuck up many things.
Allow me to go through what you've already listed.

-CECM(comission d'écoles catholique de montréal) which means Catholic school board of Montréal has changed to CSDM(comission d'écoles de montréal) which means  School board of Montréal. Not a bid deal,it's only a name,right?
Why would you want the school board to be Catholic? Anyways, this was probably going to happen sooner or later due to the vapid godlessness of the secularization movements in the Western world. I'm surprised that such a name lasted as long as it did; and yes, it /is/ just a name. What matters more is what the school board does, and how, etc. But again, even if it was desireable for it to be Catholic, this was probably already highly secularized by 1998 and bound to be mostly secular in a few years.

-We can't wear roseries in school anymore,because it offend them.
That's silly. I will agree that I don't approve of reverse discrimination, but that's just as much (and probably more so) the fault of the White Man than the minority. And, out of curiosity, could you provide more information on this? A news article, perhaps?

-They are now allowed to wear that religious knife in schools(i forgot the name)
They should have just as much a right to this as you to your roseries. Again, I will concede that roseries should be allowed.

-we can't have a X-MAS TREE IN OUR PALACE JUSTICE. Of course,it's too offending of them -.- .
How mundane. But again, just as much the fault of the native Quebecois as anyone, I imagine.

-Dance studios need ''frosted'' windows so people can't see through

-they now have rooms for THEM in OUR schools where they can do their prayers.
Is that really so bad?

-no more catholic programs in schools.
What kind of programs do you mean? Like, extracurricular clubs and the such?

-every schools will now have other religions' classes. NOT OURS,of course.
What, like a World Religions class? That's better than teaching only one religion.

why I responded only 1 sentence of it?
mostly because of
I must admit I know virtually nothing about the Arabs of Quebec, because seriously, who pays attention to Quebec? But your rhetoric is similar to a lot of the rhetoric in the US as pertaining to Hispanic immigration, and France as pertaining to Arabs and blacks, etc. It's pretty lol if you think about it "I'm not racist, I just want these people out of my country! They're not white, and they're not Christian!"

(and other stuff which your basicly just flamming me/Quebec)
Bullshit! I didn't flame you at all. That was a sincere observation. I was merely observing that you were being hypocritical in your post, as is common to many people. It's also my way of saying that you should find another angle- one that doesn't make you look like a hypocritical dipshit.

And INDEED, we get LOT of immigration here. and like i said some post earlier, white people has a 1.4 baby/couple
(or familly if you prefer, and don't get me wrong, it's not ''a baby and a half LOL'')
while arabs easily get 3.
But I thought Catholics didn't believe in birth control!

Of course we won't have to speak Arab. Quebec will probably always be a English/French province. I'm just saying that Quebec is kinda gonna split in half.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 88
There not shitty statistics, and even if they're so, who cares? Anyone knows if there's 1000 arabs or 1001 arabs here? no.

How many arabs? wtf seriously ...
it's around 45% white 15% azn 10% arab 10% black and 20% others
almost the whole 10% are the ones fucking it up.

There was school(without religions) and there was Catholic schools. because of them, there's no more Catholic schools.

I Don't mind posting ''news'' or ''articles'', but the only one I find are in french. and I don't really feel like translating all of them. <.<

About the frosted windows, it's just so the arabs won't see the women through the windows. so they sued studios, they won, and now they have frosted windows.
goddamit just don't fucking look through the window -.-

Is it that bad that they have rooms in OUR schools? yes?.. YES IT IS. it's simply one step closer from becoming THEIR schools.

The catholic program we have is mostly about the bible and all that stuff, what happened in the past with God, Jesus and blablabla(you know what i mean).
Now we don't have theese anymore, we have to learn arabs' religion which is so fucking lame. We HAVE to, it's like ''as important'' as Math, French, English.

When i say Quebec will mostly split in half, I meant that French/English will be on one side, and arabs on the other.

Sorry if I didn't use quotes or whatever but I don't want this post to take a full page =P

Hope it answered some of your questions/replies.

Spoiler for:
Are you arabic?

Level 88
There not shitty statistics, and even if they're so, who cares? Anyone knows if there's 1000 arabs or 1001 arabs here? no.
I will be content with a general estimate.

How many arabs? wtf seriously ...
Well you ARE arguing that they're taking over Quebec. If there turns out to be half the number of Arabs you make it out to be, it kind of nullifies your arguments.

it's around 45% white 15% azn 10% arab 10% black and 20% others
almost the whole 10% are the ones fucking it up.
See what I mean? You have told me nothing about the Arabs in Quebec other than "they're fucking it up". I'm not sure if you're simply racist or dense or both.

There was school(without religions) and there was Catholic schools. because of them, there's no more Catholic schools.
Why would such private institutions be affected? Or were these subsidized by the government?

I Don't mind posting ''news'' or ''articles'', but the only one I find are in french. and I don't really feel like translating all of them. <.<
I figured you'd at least find something in an English Canadian publication. Oh well.

About the frosted windows, it's just so the arabs won't see the women through the windows. so they sued studios, they won, and now they have frosted windows.
goddamit just don't fucking look through the window -.-
If this is true then I agree that that's retarded. But it's just as much the fault of the courts as the Arabs for being so stupid.

Is it that bad that they have rooms in OUR schools? yes?.. YES IT IS. it's simply one step closer from becoming THEIR schools.
No it isn't. Stop being retarded.

The catholic program we have is mostly about the bible and all that stuff, what happened in the past with God, Jesus and blablabla(you know what i mean).
I know that much. I mean, were they extracurricular or part of the requirements for graduation?

Now we don't have theese anymore, we have to learn arabs' religion which is so fucking lame. We HAVE to, it's like ''as important'' as Math, French, English.
So you have a course solely dedicated to Islam? Explain further.

When i say Quebec will mostly split in half, I meant that French/English will be on one side, and arabs on the other.
I doubt that. It'd be more plausible for that to happen if the Arabs were forming a majority in a particular part of Quebec rather than living in scattered enclaves throughout Anglo-French parts of Canada.

Are you arabic?
Hell no!
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 86
I Do believe that natives of quebec should have more political power than that of immigrants, just because it is there home. I think its ok for immigrants to be there, but it makes me think of it as peaceful invasion, and that immigrants should have to respect the culture and rules of those who lived there before them.
Monkeys work better than zombies.

Level 88
I Do believe that natives of quebec should have more political power than that of immigrants, just because it is there home. I think its ok for immigrants to be there, but it makes me think of it as peaceful invasion, and that immigrants should have to respect the culture and rules of those who lived there before them.

Welcome to this site!
There's people like *wink wink ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ wink wink* that are totally out of their mind but I agree and LIKE replies like the one you did. Thank you. All that guy does is kinda flamming or is against whatever I say. The little lines you said, my friend, has more potential than all he said, at least it covers the topic. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF OUR SITUATION.

Spoiler for:
See what I mean? You have told me nothing about the Arabs in Quebec other than "they're fucking it up". I'm not sure if you're simply racist or dense or both.

Spoiler for:
No it isn't. Stop being retarded.

Spoiler for:
So you have a course solely dedicated to Islam? Explain further.

Spoiler for:
Bullshit! I didn't flame you at all. That was a sincere observation. I was merely observing that you were being hypocritical in your post, as is common to many people. It's also my way of saying that you should find another angle- one that doesn't make you look like a hypocritical dipshit.

LOL. seriously.
That guy wants me to write a fucking book. he's asking me like 20 questions that are kinda off-topic. dude if you want to know more just Google it and have fun. gosh I think i'm gonna lock this topic because of him LOL

This guy has to be either Hater or Nazi.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
Erm actually he is asking relative questions from your posts, apart from holk, he is one of the best debaters, also thats how you debate.

Also welcome back gonorrhea  xD

But i do agree with him, you are giving no real evidence apart from YOUR word, and your acting like it is only the Arabic's, yet you also state that there are other race's there too, but there not messing up?

Alot of the things your stating are not really problematic, i mean really, do you care if the dance studios have frosted windows, do you wanna see outside that bad?
You are being very racist about it, this is THERE beliefs but your acting like they should not practice it.

Level 88
Erm actually he is asking relative questions from your posts, apart from holk, he is one of the best debaters, also thats how you debate.

Also welcome back gonorrhea  xD

But i do agree with him, you are giving no real evidence apart from YOUR word, and your acting like it is only the Arabic's, yet you also state that there are other race's there too, but there not messing up?

Alot of the things your stating are not really problematic, i mean really, do you care if the dance studios have frosted windows, do you wanna see outside that bad?
You are being very racist about it, this is THERE beliefs but your acting like they should not practice it.

would you care if you were arabic, i'm white, coming into your fucking country and change pretty much everything and be above your ass?

and about the windows thingy. I Don't Care at all. but I have feeling for the Dance Studios Owners.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
There is a big difference between U.S.A/EU and arabia,  being that we are allot more multicultural then they are, so we try and cater for them.

Level 102
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Erm actually he is asking relative questions from your posts, apart from holk, he is one of the best debaters, also thats how you debate.

Also welcome back gonorrhea  xD

But i do agree with him, you are giving no real evidence apart from YOUR word, and your acting like it is only the Arabic's, yet you also state that there are other race's there too, but there not messing up?

Alot of the things your stating are not really problematic, i mean really, do you care if the dance studios have frosted windows, do you wanna see outside that bad?
You are being very racist about it, this is THERE beliefs but your acting like they should not practice it.

would you care if you were arabic, i'm white, coming into your fucking country and change pretty much everything and be above your ass?

and about the windows thingy. I Don't Care at all. but I have feeling for the Dance Studios Owners.
Why does it matter what race they are?

Level 88
among all races in Quebec, Arabs are the only one that are trying to change pretty much everything. to the point where they ask paid day off for religion purpose, it's abuse.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
among all races in Quebec, Arabs are the only one that are trying to change pretty much everything. to the point where they ask paid day off for religion purpose, it's abuse.

Erm so? We get paid sick days. paid maternity leave, that seems totally fair.

Level 88
among all races in Quebec, Arabs are the only one that are trying to change pretty much everything. to the point where they ask paid day off for religion purpose, it's abuse.

Erm so? We get paid sick days. paid maternity leave, that seems totally fair.


But arabs got the ''religion'' one. While White people aren't allowed Because ( as many pretend ) White people doesn't have a religion.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
God your so narrow minded, answer me one question, how many religions do white people partake in, now how many Arabic's are Christian/pagen/monks etc.

Level 88
i'm not narrow minded like you said. or IF I am, just live in Quebec for couple of years and consider yourself how shitty it is, compared 10 years ago.

the average white guy here is probably like In USA.
Belives in god, but doesn't really go to church or whatever.

Arabics do care about religion. perhaps too much. Their religion of the cause of Quebec getting shitty. Say i'm beeing racist or not, I don't really care. What I care is, The fact that ARABS are putting Quebec in a weird position.

Level 88
I Do believe that natives of quebec should have more political power than that of immigrants, just because it is there home. I think its ok for immigrants to be there, but it makes me think of it as peaceful invasion, and that immigrants should have to respect the culture and rules of those who lived there before them.
I am a firm supporter of the belief that naturalized immigrants should be considered just as much a native as anyone else. I really don't see how it makes it any less of their home if they've lived there for so many years, and are subject to the same laws, taxes, rights, etc. as anyone else (or, in the case of certain governments, should be).
Welcome to this site!
There's people like *wink wink ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ wink wink* that are totally out of their mind but I agree and LIKE replies like the one you did. Thank you. All that guy does is kinda flamming or is against whatever I say. The little lines you said, my friend, has more potential than all he said, at least it covers the topic. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF OUR SITUATION.
Talk about flaming, ge-heez!
"Against whatever I say" is the best part- "Can you believe this guy? He disagrees with me! LOL what an idiot!"

LOL. seriously.
That guy wants me to write a fucking book. he's asking me like 20 questions that are kinda off-topic. dude if you want to know more just Google it and have fun. gosh I think i'm gonna lock this topic because of him LOL
You're the one making claims, it's your burden to present the evidence. And besides, I don't speak French. And it's really silly to lock a debate topic because you're losing. Oh boo-hoo!

This guy has to be either Hater or Nazi.
Your posts scream of "Fucking sand niggers!" At least I'm being facetious with my oh-so-humorous jokes about Canada and Arabs!

among all races in Quebec, Arabs are the only one that are trying to change pretty much everything. to the point where they ask paid day off for religion purpose, it's abuse.
Kind of like how Christians get holiday pay if they work on Christmas?

i'm not narrow minded like you said. or IF I am, just live in Quebec for couple of years and consider yourself how shitty it is, compared 10 years ago.
"Man, this place was sure was great before all the terrorists starting fuck it up."
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.