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very new project (G.O.D)

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Level 87
EDIT-The reason I haven't updated for a while is because I want the game to have consistant art and music, and I finally found an artist who's a friend of mine who I consider amazing! here's a link to some of her stuff: random face-http://kaltesundel.deviantart.com/art/Smile-83796037
                                                                                                          more faces-http://kaltesundel.deviantart.com/art/Kris-83996679

EDIT- Two attached maps.  Can someone please tell me how to put the images in the thread?? (total noob)

Spoiler for:
   When the beings called angels came into being, it was chaos.  Without order or guidence, there was nothing to control them, and nothing to hold them together.  That's when G.O.D was formed.  A brotherhood of the most powerful angels created the Genesis of Diety project, which formed the story of god, the father of all.  This lie sculpted the race of the angels, bringing them together as a now powerful race.
   Three hundred and ninety seven glorious years passed this way, until one angel, the strongest founder of the G.O.D project got other ideas.  Lucifer believed that there no longer needed to be a lie, that they could drop the ruse and disband the group.  The others refused to let this happen.  A great battle followed, resulting in Lucifer being cast into the newly created plane called hell, along with his many followers.  The angels closed the gates of hell, and created earth, the gate between the two planes. 
   Realizing that given the chance Lucifer would try to break the lie, they chose one angel, and made him the key.  He alone would be able to open the pathways between heaven, hell, and earth.  They sent him to mingle with those they called humans, lesser beings sculped from their power, but the gate between hell and earth was not as strong as they believed.  Forcing his way to earth, Lucifer sent one of his followers, a fallen angel, to kill the key and open the path between heaven and hell.  This fallen found the key, and he killed him, but the angels had one last trick in mind...
   When the key was killed, the power was forced into his killer, causing him to become the key.  Losing all his memories, he was lost in earth, with no knowledge of what he was. 

Spoiler for:
Eon-the main Character of G.O.D, not much is known about this strange boy.  He was found on a cliff facing the sea, by Eric and Erica’s father, with no recollection of where he’d come from, or how he got there.  He has been living with Eric and Erica for two years, but lately has been having strange dreams of a barren waste land and the corpses of beautiful angels scattered about him.

Eric(Erica‘s brother)-A strong young Erration Knight, from Palm Bluffs. Brother of Erica, and Eon’s best friend.  Although sometimes he’s jealous of the more talented swordsman, he has a strong since of justice and duty for his young age, and fights beside him regardless of the odds

Moira-A psychotic blade-wielder kicked out of the Erration knights for being cruel and unusual while dispensing justice.  A rumored masochist.

Sarah: A mage from Flares.

Shield Mage:
Norris- A failed Blade-Wielder, after finding out he failed the knights exam, He attempted suicide, but because of unforeseen circumstance found whenever harm tried to come to his body he repelled it. Foppish skinny man, has LOSER stamped on his forehead.

Ember Witch:
Ruby- A fiery witch from Flares with immense fire skill, she can call upon the element to do her bidding at will, and is also in love with anything shiny, I.e. treasure.

Frost Witch:
Sapphire- A cool beauty from the high Northlands, is on a journey to find herself, and winds up on the continent of Errata, and in desperate need of money.

Canis-A wolf-like beast from the Hsram Marsh.  A failed experiment, and released into the wild because of his instability, he wishes to find the people that did this hideous deed and pay them back for it.

Sabrina- She is into anything that isn’t human she falls madly in love with Canis upon sight while beast hunting and has been companioning with him ever since.

Simply called “toy”- A fallen angel possessing a Doll, to escape his confinement in Hell, he was not a part of Lucifer’s plan, was just cast out because he’s so overlooked. Extremely depressed, and moody.

Twister the Twisted- A Psycho, he gives Moira a run for her money, his greatest wish is to be an evil crime-lord, however he can only manage white magic that heals people, he hates himself for this and is almost completely crazy from the confusing experience.

Erica(Eric’s sister)- Eric’s twin sister, and a powerful healer. She has been madly in love with Eon since her father brought him back from the cliffs, it is unknown whether or not Eon returns her feelings

Vlad: Another failed science experiment, he is in closest terms a Vampire.  He requires blood to live, but does not need to drink frequently. He is traveling the world trying to find a cure for his disgusting condition.

Class Descriptions
Spoiler for:
Blade wielder- A swordsmen, strong frontline fighter that uses powerful skills to tear apart their enemies.

Drainer-breaks down enemies stats to make them weaker.

shield mage-casts defensive spells upon comrades to up their strength and defense.

ember witch-casts burning offensive spells.

frost witch-casts freezing offensive spells.

moonwalker-similar to a sword wielder in which they're proficicant at attacking.  wolf like, blue and purple furs.

wilder-supports moonwalkers and other beats with their abilities.

mender-the healer of the group.

caller-a summoner who brings demons into existance.

toy-a random class that has potentiol to do serious damage, or next to nothing.

so that's it basically.  Any critique and help on the plot/story would be appreciated =)
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 05:29:44 AM by imperfectclone19 »

Level 88
Your story seems pretty good.

But... Your main character's name is the same as one of mine! :tpg: Probably coincidence. At least, I hope so...

Anyway, good luck with this!

Level 87
lol that's pretty cool =) truthfully, I didnt come up with any of the names myself, I have to give my friend credit for that.  I guess I could change the name if you want me to..? It's not a big deal to me, and I probobly shouldnt have all the starting characters have names starting with E anyway and thanks for the comments =)

Level 88
Heh, character names end up the same all the time. If you need any help with names, check out seventhsanctum.com ;D

Level 87
Okies, thanks!

Level 87
"Dear diary, jack pot"
I like how this is and the story is good.

Also if you want to put screenshots up first thing you should do is,

get the game up, find a spot where you want a screen shot then press Print Screen/SysRq, its on the very top of the arrow keys. Then go to paint and use the box line thing its over the paint bucket(This is MSPaint). Then right click and go to paste, then save as and use a site like photobucket then import it then go to edit or post reply, then use buttons it's also called "Insert Image" with the special tool bars. Then there you should have your screenshot.

Good Luck with your game too  ;8
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Level 87
Thanks so much, I'll get them up first chance!

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
Hm...good story, pretty solid. Always think about it, and I'm sure this can be succesful. Keep it up, can't wait to see some more info on this

Level 87
Dude!!  What ever happened to this?!
This is one of the best stories i've read, rpgm or otherwise; don't let this die for the love of god (/pun)
If you want or need help for it, i'll gldly input as much as i can to help.  If you need encouragement i can do a variety of things, including flames, threats and occasionally compliments.
Keep this one goin'; the story is nothin' short of excellent in my humble opinion....

Level 87
This isn't dying at all, I just haven't been online lately lol sorry bout that =) And thanks very much for the story compliment!

Level 87
You deserve it for the story; i personally love it.  And i'll forgive you if you've been workin' on it after all...i thought for a while you were goin' to let it die.
Like i said though, if there's any help you need, gimme a shout and i'll try help.  I'd love to be associated with this game  :)