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Celestias Ferrum ~Chapter One Released!~

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A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
Gah! Beautiful, I'll grab this when I get back. I can't wait for it, haven't seen that CG at all >__>;;

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
lol, thanks, theres a burst of inspiration, and work is coming along real well.

for now however, I'm going to put the download link in the first post and lock this.

I'm going to make new topics since the entire game is being remade from ground up.

I hope you guys enjoy the preview though XD

oh, and I also spent a bit of time making the location name formats, made my own make shift style :P

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008

First post renewed, expect a new demo in 2 weeks to 2 months.

Rep: +0/-0Level 85
very nice & pro ;8

if you dont mind answering, how do you make the cinematic intro before the title and credits?

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
through eventing, lol

looks somewhat like this

new screen :D

Level 86
Wow this is just amazing I hope u keep up the good work :D

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Very cool, the effort put into this seems to be a cut above most of the other stuff.
The name is quite nice, why'd you pick it exactly?

Also, the eighth screen down...looks a bit pedophilish.

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
you should apprechiat the love between a father and daughter, especially since the father dies! D:

(no spoilers there, it hapens in the first 5 mins of the game, lol)

anyways, the name was picked when I first started imaginging the story, till this day, probably becuase of my lack of imagination, it's stuck with me very solidly.

Celestias Ferrum, literally, even though it's spelled somewhat wrong, it means Heavenly steel, or sword.

It refers to...


nah, lol

well, from the name, it's not hard to go one what it means, but I'd rather not say atm, it would make it sound too cliche, and that'd ruin the image :P

anyways, thanks for the compliment.

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
you should apprechiat the love between a father and daughter, especially since the father dies! D:
WEEEELL, I didn't read the entire first post, but I don't remember anything like that being in it. The artwork is nice, though.

Celestias Ferrum would mean Heavenly Iron, not steel. But personally, I think Iron works better than sword, as it implies the heavy influence of science.

No problem! Keep the good work coming along, I really wish I had the ability to focus and do something like this.

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
thank you both XD

lol, yeah, latin is my worst class.... x.x

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
thank you both XD

lol, yeah, latin is my worst class.... x.x

Yeah, I think out of all the screens, the dragon fountain is my favorite too! Very creative.

Ahh, don't worry! I'm a bit of a science nerd, Iron is Fe on the periodic table, Fe stands for Ferrum. But yea, it's latin. I kidna stink at it too!

When the dawn breaks...
Level 88
...tonight will be just another memory.

I love those dragon fountains :3

Agreed! Well actually, I like all the graphics in that picture lol. This is simply amazing. Keep it up!

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
recently just finished the shopping system for my game, and I'ms till working on it as theres alot of improvements to be done, but you can check it out here, it's for public use as well :)

« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 05:37:31 PM by Code Geass »

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
meet the cast :)

Spoiler for shopping system download:

anyways, this is my shopping system, fully evented to be user friendly too :)

the system uses 22 parallell events, which is rather large, it can be put together better with pages and common events, but putting all the events on the map seperate makes them alot easier to see and organize.

Any single paged event can be put into common events, so feel free to for your own project, however, becuase of the fact no more than 6 of the events will be called on at the same time at once, there would be no lag either way

Now then, the shopping system features something rather unconventional for usual shopping systems.

I'll put together a instruction packet later for the specifics of customizing the system, but I'm not that inspired atm.

It's VERY easy to change the items you your buy or sell menu, for each item it takes 3 changes, what item it is that the variable is checking, how much the item costs for buying or selling, and lastly which item it is your adding or removing from your inventory.

For the buying menu, you can have as many items for sale as you want, simply make the pictures for the menu itself.

You can change the number of items on sale selection by changing the variable of the selection event, since it's 5 right now, it's set on 1<Variable<5

the work part is simply making the menu pictures for the menu, not hard to do in photoshop.

For the sell system, it's the same when changing items for sale as above.

This sytem unlike conventional selling systems, does not check what items are in your inventory and only lists those items.

YOU will make specifically for each shop what THEY will buy from you, if you do not put it on the list, you can not sell it to that shop.

this is a bit more realistic, however unconventional.

I'll be working on a evented traditional shopping system, where anything you sell will instantly be resold and dissappear off the face of the eart.

You can put as many items up for sale as you want, as long as you CHANGE THE VARIABLES and MAKE THE IMAGES for the interface of the menu.

The interface is HIGHLY customizable, ALL PICTURES are 640x480, so if youw ant to hange the positioning of the windows, just change the pictures and position it another way, same with all the number displays.

well then, hope you enjoy, I'll add in all comments to the events and then creat a instruction manual once I get working with the interface more and add in the things pointed out by other members.

please try and leave some feedback for improvement, any bugs detected would be a GReat help, thanks ^_^

The map is thanks to Sithlord999 as per usual :)



Up and Down keys to change which item to buy.

Left and Right keys to change amount to buy for buying in bulk.


Arrow Keys to select which item to sell for that shop.

Space and then Left and Right keys to select how many to be sold.


anyways, the story board of CF was finalized quite some time ago, and personally, I LOVE it, and I really think it's amazing XD

it's very short and sweet, the targeted length of the game will be 3 to 4 hours long, using a tactical battle system and a total of 7 battles, 4 selected missions and 3 story driven fights, plus a extra tutorial battle.

the story is very nice, I was able to get some help witht he thinking process with some friends in real life, and it turned out great, I estimate my completion of this game to be somwhere during summer, my main work is getting all the spriting done as well as eventing a mercenary system.

theres only 6 character in the entire game, and then plus some NPCs, I don't expect having to make more than a dozen of so sprites.

Level 85
I am the wood of my broom
2010 Project of the YearProject of the Month winner for January 2010Project of the Month winner for January 2009Project of the Month winner for April 2010
Monkey, I checked out your shopping system and it almost gave me a BSoD, I checked it out and see that you are using 640x480 pictures for everything  >:(

not only does it increase ram usage, it also makes your filesize huge! Learn to use imagepositioner, if you still don't have it go to rm2k3 forums and check my sticky :3
It shows EXACT coordinates for resolution you want, hopefully that would make your games smaller in filesize and more friendly for people like me @_@

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
yeah, Zeriab told me of that already.

It's my fualt, since I started this after I got my new computor, it doesn't lag for me at all, lol

your the first person thats said anything, but yeah, I'll go in and fix it up to save ram ussage, I just usually hate having to bother with the positioning stuff x.x

Level 88
That shopping system does look cool. Also, Nora. :tpg:

Level 85
I am the wood of my broom
2010 Project of the YearProject of the Month winner for January 2010Project of the Month winner for January 2009Project of the Month winner for April 2010
no need to worry about positioning with image positioner :3

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
once you get the hand of positioning it's really not hard to eyball it, 's how I do a lot of my CMS windows and such.

ok, I'm going to say it.
the green girl's sprite.

her mammaries are a lot larger than in her CG.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 87
Code Geass = Best show EVER XD
Project of the Month winner for May 2008
I had to show the difference in their size... XD

Miho>Fukai>Sakuran lol

anyways, yeah, I had to do ALOT, and I mean rediculous amounts of positioning I'm sure that no one could measure up to with the 3 pseudo animated intros I've done. (Mine, Sithlord's, and DAS's)

theres ALOT of image moving in those things, and personally, I'm sooooo sick of it, which is why I didn't want to deal with it when I started this menu.

I have image positioner btw, it's weird to work but I'll go ahead and use it.

thanks Revo, whats nora?

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
I had to show the difference in their size... XD

Miho>Fukai>Sakuran lol

they're still far too big.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Rise From The Ashes!
Level 91
"Time to bring the Law!"
Project of the Month winner for September 2009
Since the game is fours long, how long would you say the battles are in general (10-15 minutes+)?

If the battles are short, what other content fills the other few hours?

I'm just curious.

Level 88
thanks Revo, whats nora?
The CG character you used in the shop system. That character is Nora from Mabinogi.

Spoiler for: